Repozitorij Univerze v Novi Gorici

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Naslov:Toplotna obdelava in konstrukcija rezilnih elementov orodja za štancanje hibridnih komponent
Avtorji:ID Podgornik, Bojan (Mentor) Več o mentorju... Novo okno
ID Didič, Tilen (Avtor)
Datoteke:.pdf Tilen_Didic.pdf (2,13 MB)
MD5: AA12A2D0F7EBD3AB058783A2359974A6
Jezik:Slovenski jezik
Vrsta gradiva:Diplomsko delo
Tipologija:2.11 - Diplomsko delo
Organizacija:PTF - Poslovno-tehniška fakulteta
Opis:Nizka obrabna obstojnost zarezilnih nožkov zahteva njihovo pogosto menjavo v orodju zaradi krušenja rezilnega robu in adhezijske obrabe preoblikovalne površine. Zaradi loma nožka prihaja do nepravilne izdelave bakrenih surovcev pri delnem rezanju komutatorskih peres, adhezija bakrenih delčkov pa povzroča nepravilno preoblikovanje predhodno odrezanih površin. Namen diplomskega dela je predstaviti vrste in lastnosti orodnih jekel ter njihove toplotne obdelave, na podlagi tega pa izvesti optimizacijo toplotne obdelave in spremembo konstrukcije rezilnih elementov z namenom povečanja obrabne obstojnosti štancnega orodja pri štancanju hibridnih komponent. Raziskava je bila opravljena na štirih komercialnih orodnih jeklih za delo v hladnem, kjer je bil cilj doseči čim višjo žilavost ob zadostni trdoti jekla. Jekli K390 in CPM 10V sta se izkazali kot najustreznejši, saj sta obe dosegli občutno izboljšanje obrabne obstojnosti in dobe trajanja, tudi do 14-krat. Na drugi strani sta jekli K360 in K110 dosegli le minimalno izboljšanje v primerjavi z jekli, ki se trenutno uporabljajo v podjetju. Sprememba konstrukcijske zasnove rezalne konice nožka in vpeljava strojne obdelave posnetja rezalne konice je še dodatno doprinesla k izboljšanju vzdržljivosti rezilnih elementov orodja.
Ključne besede:Toplotna obdelava, štancanje, žilavost, trdota, krušenje, adhezija, obrabna obstojnost, orodno jeklo
Kraj izida:Nova Gorica
Leto izida:2020
PID:20.500.12556/RUNG-5593-c6d36df4-2c6e-b347-8a44-a1ef1b243c7d Novo okno
COBISS.SI-ID:20726019 Novo okno
Datum objave v RUNG:24.06.2020
Število ogledov:5717
Število prenosov:122
Metapodatki:XML DC-XML DC-RDF
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Skupna ocena:(0 glasov)
Vaša ocena:Ocenjevanje je dovoljeno samo prijavljenim uporabnikom.
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Sekundarni jezik

Jezik:Angleški jezik
Naslov:Heat treatment and design of cutting elements for stamping of hybrid components
Opis:The low wear resistance of the notch-cutting punches demands their frequent replacement in the tool, due to the chipping of the cutting edges and the adhesion wear of the forming surfaces. The fractures on the notch-cutting punch result in the improper formatting of the coppery raw materials, with only partial cuts formed by the commutator pens. And the adhesion of the coppery fragments causes improper forming of the previously cut surfaces. The purpose of this thesis study is to introduce all types and characteristics of tool steels and their heat treatment specifics. Then, based on this, optimization of heat treatment and change in the construction of cutting elements was carried out to improve wear resistance of stamping tools for stamping of hybrid components. The research was conducted on four commercial tool steels for cold-working conditions. The goal was to achieve maximum toughness while still maintaining sufficient hardness of the steel. Steels K390 and CPM 10V proved as most appropriate, because the wear resistance and lifespan of both tool steels significantly improved, even up to 14-times. On the other hand, the steels K360 and K110 showed only minimal improvement in comparison to the steels that are currently used by the company. The change in construction design of the cutting edge of the notch-cutting punch and the introduction of mechanical treatment with chamfering operation on the cutting edge have additionally contributed to improvement in the wear resistance of the tool’s cutting elements.
Ključne besede:Heat treatment, stamping, toughness, hardness, chipping, adhesion, wear resistance, tool steel
