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Title:Izboljšave metod za raziskave vpliva zaposlenih na njihovo življenjsko okolje : MAGISTRSKO DELO
Authors:ID Ferfoglia, Peter (Author)
ID Markič, Mirko (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
Files:.pdf Magistrska_Peter_Ferfoglia-koncna2.pdf (1,78 MB)
MD5: 61F4C6952E185C279C688F497FCF5FDA
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:PTF - Faculty of Engineering and Management
Abstract:Z dobro organizacijsko klimo se povečujeta učinkovitost zaposlenih in uspešnost organizacije. Namen magistrske naloge je bil preveriti zadovoljstvo zaposlenih v izbranem podjetju, z uporabo novo zasnovanega kratkega anketiranja za pogosto preverjanje s hitrim odzivanjem pri težavah, s pomočjo metod Design Thinking in Life Design. V empiričnem delu raziskave smo uporabili kvantitativno znanstvenoraziskovalno metodo. Podatke smo pridobivali s pomočjo dvakratnega anketiranja 32 zaposlenih v srednje velikem izbranem podjetju. Ugotovili smo, da se je vpliv na zasebno življenje in delo-podjetje v preteklih treh mesecih nenehno izboljševal od 30,43 % do 3,13 %. Iz prostodostopnih podatkov smo s podatkovnim rudarjenjem ugotovili tudi stanje v življenjskem okolju, to pa primerjali s stanjem v podjetju ter razbrali matematične soodvisnosti. Zasnovali smo predloge za izboljšanje stanja na področju delovnega in posledično življenjskega okolja ter podali možnosti za nadaljnje raziskovanje. Ugotovitve naše raziskave bodo koristne za menedžerje in strokovne sodelavce, ki se ukvarjajo s proučevanjem organizacijske klime in njenim vitkim razvojem človeških zmožnosti v podjetjih in drugih ustanovah. Uporabljeni pripomoček 'kompas' s hitrim preverjanjem in odzivanjem je koristen za vitki management človeških virov in je prilagodljiv za vsako podjetje. S tem se neposredno spremlja medsebojni vpliv delovnega in življenjskega okolja in omogoča hiter odziv v primeru negativnih kazalnikov. Namenjanje potrebne pozornosti zaposlenim in njihovim najbližjim pa bo izboljšalo uspešnost posameznikov in organizacij.
Keywords:Človeški viri, kakovost dela in življenja, Life Design, menedžment, organizacijska klima
Year of publishing:2020
PID:20.500.12556/RUNG-5857 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:40521475 New window
Publication date in RUNG:02.12.2020
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Secondary language

Title:Improving the methods for researching the impact of employees on their living environment : master's thesis
Abstract:A good organizational climate increases the efficiency of employees and the success of the organization. The purpose of the master's thesis was to check the satisfaction of employees in a selected company using a newly designed short survey for frequent checking with quick action on problems using the methods of Design Thinking and Life Design. In the empirical part of research, we used a quantitative scientific research method. Data were obtained through a two-time survey of 32 employees in a medium-sized selected company. We found that the trend of private life and work-business has been steadily improving over the past three months from 30.43% to 3.13%. From freely available data, we also used data mining to determine the situation in the living environment, comparing this with the situation in the company and understanding mathematical interdependencies. We designed proposals for improving the situation in the field of work and consequently the living environment, and provided opportunities for further research. The results of our research will be usefull for all managers and professionals involved in the study of organizational climate and its sustainable lean development of human capabilities in companies and other institutions. The ‘compass’ tool used with quick checking and response is useful for Lean Human Resource Management and flexible for any business. This allows the company to be directly compared to the environment and to the satisfaction of the living environment, and to act quickly. Paying the necessary attention to employees and those closest to them will improve the performance of individuals and organizations.
Keywords:Human resources, Life Design, management, organizational climate, quality of work and work
