Repozitorij Univerze v Novi Gorici

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Naslov:Temporal and spatial patterns of zinc and iron accumulation during barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) grain development. Journal of agricultural and food chemistry.
Avtorji:ID Detterbeck, Amelie (Avtor)
ID Pongrac, Paula, UNI-LJ (Avtor)
ID Persson, Daniel (Avtor)
ID Vogel-Mikuš, Katarina, UNI-LJ (Avtor)
ID Kelemen, Mitja, UNI-LJ (Avtor)
ID Vaupetič, Primož, IJS (Avtor)
ID Pelicon, Primož, IJS (Avtor)
ID Arčon, Iztok, UNG (Avtor)
ID Husted, Søren (Avtor)
ID Shjoerring, Jan Kofod (Avtor)
ID Clemens, Stephan (Avtor)
Datoteke: Gradivo nima datotek, ki so prostodostopne za javnost. Gradivo je morda fizično dosegljivo v knjižnici fakultete, zalogo lahko preverite v COBISS-u. Povezava se odpre v novem oknu
Jezik:Angleški jezik
Vrsta gradiva:Delo ni kategorizirano
Tipologija:1.01 - Izvirni znanstveni članek
Organizacija:UNG - Univerza v Novi Gorici
Opis:Breeding and engineering of biofortified crops will benefit from a better understanding of bottlenecks controlling micronutrient loading within the seeds. However, few studies have addressed the changes in micronutrient concentrations, localization, and speciation occurring over time. Therefore, we studied spatial patterns of zinc and iron accumulation during grain development in two barley lines with contrasting grain zinc concentrations. Microparticle-induced-X-ray emission and laser ablationinductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry were used to determine tissue-specific accumulation of zinc, iron, phosphorus, and sulfur. Differences in zinc accumulation between the lines were most evident in the endosperm and aleurone. A gradual decrease in zinc concentrations from the aleurone to the underlying endosperm was observed, while iron and phosphorus concentrations decreased sharply. Iron co-localized with phosphorus in the aleurone, whereas zinc co-localized with sulfur in the sub-aleurone. We hypothesize that differences in grain zinc are largely explained by the endosperm storage capacity. Engineering attempts should be targeted accordingly.
Ključne besede:barley (Hordeum vulgare L.), biofortification, grain development, grain loading, LA-ICP-MS, μ-PIXE
Verzija publikacije:Objavljena publikacija
Leto izida:2020
Št. strani:12
PID:20.500.12556/RUNG-5898 Novo okno
COBISS.SI-ID:33245443 Novo okno
DOI:10.1021/acs.jafc.0c04833 Novo okno
Datum objave v RUNG:20.10.2020
Število ogledov:4058
Število prenosov:0
Metapodatki:XML DC-XML DC-RDF
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Skupna ocena:(0 glasov)
Vaša ocena:Ocenjevanje je dovoljeno samo prijavljenim uporabnikom.
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Gradivo je del revije

Naslov:Journal of agricultural and food chemistry
Skrajšan naslov:JAFC
Leto izida:2020
