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Title:Analiza nabavnih virov v podjetju Ebm-papst in nadgradnja procesa odločanja z uporabo večkriterijskega odločitvenega modela : magistrsko delo
Authors:ID Peric, Marko (Author)
ID Markič, Mirko (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
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MD5: 21232A38B0A6E2F521322DE57BA7BC1E
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:PTF - Faculty of Engineering and Management
Abstract:V magistrskem delu obravnavamo analizo nabavnih virov in nadgrajujemo proces odločanja z uporabo večkriterijskega odločitvenega modela. V izbranem podjetju Ebm-papst so se zaradi vedno večje konkurenčnosti in v želji kreiranja nabavnih prihrankov lotili iskanja novih nabavnih virov na področju jugovzhodne Evrope za blagovno skupino aluminijastih odlitkov. Z analizo smo ugotovili, da imajo v podjetju definiran zgolj proces ocenjevanja obstoječih dobaviteljev, zato smo se lotili nadgradnje procesa izbora novega dobavitelja. V prvem koraku smo na podlagi pregleda strokovne literature empirično proučili ter izpostavili najpomembnejše kriterije pri izboru novega dobavitelja. Ti so bili izbrani na podlagi matrike SPM in PPM. Za pridobivanje podatkov smo uporabili kvantitativno in kvalitativno znanstvenoraziskovalno metodo. Analizo smo opravili na podlagi izpolnjenih vprašalnikov ter ocenjevanj, opravljenih med obiskom pri dobaviteljih. Opravljen pa je bil tudi nestrukturiran globinski intervju s petimi strokovnjaki, nabavniki aluminijastih odlitkov. Zaradi kompleksnosti smo problem odločanja razdelili na dve stopnji. V prvi stopnji smo definirali izločitvene kriterije in s t testom preverili hipotezi. Pripravili smo odločitveni model z uporabo metode DEX ter definirali štiri strategije pristopa do novih dobaviteljev pri vključevanju teh v panel dobaviteljev, kar bo imelo praktične implikacije za izbrano podjetje in širše. Opravili smo vrednotenje dvanajstih dobaviteljev ter na podlagi praktičnih testov ocenili razviti model ter predlagali tudi izboljšave, vezane na model. V zaključku smo podali predloge izboljšav za celoten proces izbora novih dobaviteljev v izbranem podjetju.
Keywords:metoda DEX, dobavitelji, management, nabava, trženje, večkriterijsko odločanje, magistrske naloge
Place of publishing:Nova Gorica
Place of performance:Nova Gorica
Publisher:[M. Peric]
Year of publishing:2021
Year of performance:2021
Number of pages:XIV, 81 str.
PID:20.500.12556/RUNG-6258 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:56563459 New window
Publication date in RUNG:22.03.2021
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Secondary language

Title:An analysis of purchase resources and an upgrade of decision making process using a multi-criteria decision model in Ebm-papst company.
Abstract:In the master's thesis, we discuss the analysis of procurement sources and we upgrade the decision-making process using a multi-criteria decision model. Due to increasing competitiveness and the desire to make purchasing savings, the selected company Ebm-papst started searching for new purchasing sources in the area of Southeast Europe for the aluminum castings product group. With the analysis, we found that the company has only defined the process of evaluating existing suppliers, so we proceeded to upgrade the selection process of a new supplier. In the first step, based on a review of the professional literature, we empirically examine and highlight the most important criteria in selecting a new supplier. These were selected based on the SPM and PPM matrix. For obtaining data, quantitative and qualitative research methods were used. The analysis was performed on the basis of completed questionnaires and assessments performed during a visit to suppliers. An unstructured in-depth interview was also conducted with five experts, purchasers of aluminum castings. Due to the complexity, we divided the decision-making problem into two stages. In the first stage, we defined the exclusion criteria and tested the hypotheses with a t-test. We prepared a decision model using the DEX method and defined four strategies of approach to new suppliers in the inclusion of the latter in the panel of the suppliers, which will have practical implications for the selected company and more. We evaluated twelve suppliers and, based on practical tests, we evaluated the developed model and we also proposed model-related improvements. In conclusion, we made suggestions for improvements for the entire process of selecting new suppliers in the selected company.
Keywords:Aluminum die-casting, procurement, new suppliers selection, multi-attribute decision-making model, method DEX
