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Title:Marketinški načrt za vinoteko (vinotoč in kafe bar) : diplomsko delo
Authors:ID Jogan, Domen (Author)
ID Sila, Iztok (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
Files:.pdf RAZ_Jogan_Domen_i2022.pdf (839,58 KB)
MD5: E3F1872B6E682FF069756DA85CF57BAF
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:FVV - School for Viticulture and Enology
Abstract:V diplomskem delu je oblikovan marketinški načrt za Vinoteko Jogan. Pri marketinškem načrtovanju smo izhajali iz osnovnih vrednot izbranosti in kakovosti, ki predstavljata osnovo za vse marketinške vsebine in osnovno konkurenčno prednost, s katero se gostinski lokal pozicionira na trgu ter ustvarja svoj želeni tržni delež. Iz vrednot izbranosti in kakovosti sta izpeljana vizija in poslanstvo podjetja ter oblikovani strateški in taktično-operativni cilji za dva segmenta porabnikov, in sicer za stalne domače obiskovalce in naključne turistične obiskovalce. Med domačimi porabniki računamo na porabnike, ki cenijo kakovostno gostinsko storitev in izbranost proizvoda, v segmentu turističnih porabnikov pa predvsem na tiste, ki so za obisk motivirani zaradi posebnosti okoliščin, da so na potovanju. Izbranost in kakovost proizvoda sta eksplicirana v tržnem komuniciranju, ki zajema promocijske procese v obliki oglaševanja in procesa ter okoliščine porabe proizvoda. Bistvenega pomena v marketinškem spletu so zlasti fizični dokazi, ki morajo podpirati osnovno konkurenčno prednost s posredovanjem ustreznih impulzov porabniku na ravni vseh njegovih čutov.
Keywords:diplomske naloge, gostinstvo, vinoteka, vinotoč, bari, marketinški načrt
Place of publishing:Nova Gorica
Place of performance:Nova Gorica
Publisher:D. Jogan
Year of publishing:2022
Year of performance:2022
Number of pages:VIII, 30 str., [36] str. pril.
PID:20.500.12556/RUNG-6712 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:111559171 New window
Publication date in RUNG:14.06.2022
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Title:Marketing plan for wine shop (Wine shop and coffee bar)
Abstract:In this thesis we design a marketing plan for our wine bar. In the planning process we start from the basic value of selecting and quality, which present the basis for all marketing content and a core competitive advantage, which positions the bar in the market and creates its desired market share. From the values of selecting and quality we realize the vision and the mission of the company and develop strategic and tactical-operational objectives for the two segments of consumers, namely permanent local visitors and randomly tourist visitors. Among domestic consumers we assume consumers who appreciate quality culinary services and selected products and among tourist consumers we assume customers who are motivated to visit the bar because of the particularities of the fact that they are traveling. We explicit the selection and quality of the product in our marketing communications, which includes promotional processes in the form of advertising, and the process and circumstances of the product usage. Essential in our marketing mix is that particular physical evidence supports the basic competitive advantage by providing the appropriate impulses to the consumer at the level of all his senses.
Keywords:marketing, marketing plan, hospitality, bar
