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Title:Analiza učinkovitosti procesa ultrazvočnega varjenja
Authors:ID Podgornik, Bojan (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
ID Brnetič, Damjan (Author)
Files:.pdf Damjan_Brnetic.pdf (1,70 MB)
MD5: 3680FD46C5D0BB47C9602869B32A7464
Work type:Master's thesis
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:PTF - Faculty of Engineering and Management
Abstract:Vodna črpalka v motorjih z notranjim izgorevanjem skrbi za kroženje hladilne tekočine preko radiatorja in hladilnega sistema motorja, s tem pa za ohranjanje ustrezne temperature in za pravilno delovanje motorja. Napaka ali odpoved črpalke lahko privedeta do pregrevanja in odpovedi motorja. Klasične izvedbe vodnih črpalk so gnane preko jermena, vedno več proizvajalcev avtomobilov pa prehaja na električne vodne črpalke, sestavljene iz rotorja, statorja in ohišja. Rotor predstavlja najbolj kompleksen del črpalke, katerega proizvodnja zajema več procesov, in sicer lepljenje magnetov, ultrazvočno varjenje komponent, preverjanje tesnosti in končno kontrolo rotorja. Prav ultrazvočno varjenje pa je lahko izvor nastanka nečistoč, ki jih je potrebno pred sestavo črpalke odstraniti in s tem zagotoviti tehnično čistost izdelka. Magistrsko delo obravnava ključne elemente in proces izdelave električnih vodnih črpalk, osredotoča pase na analizo učinkovitosti procesa ultrazvočnega varjenja komponent rotorja in na možnosti zmanjšanja nečistoč. V nalogi so predstavljene tri možne rešitve problematike nastajanja nečistoč in doseganja boljših rezultatov, ki zajemajo optimizacijo parametrov ultrazvočnega varjenja, spremembo konstrukcije pokrovčka in dodatno čiščenje notranjega robu. Optimizacija parametrov ultrazvočnega varjenja izboljša kvaliteto zvara, sprememba konstrukcije pokrovčka izboljša tehnično čistost a negativno vpliva na kvaliteto zvara, medtem ko dodatno čiščenje s suhim ledom občutno izboljša tehnično čistost a zahteva dodatno investicijo. Optimalno rešitev bi predstavljala kombinacija vseh treh pristopov, ki pa zahteva dodatne raziskave in prilagoditve.
Keywords:Vodna črpalka, rotor, ultrazvočno varjenje, tehnična čistost, optimizacija parametrov
Place of publishing:Nova Gorica
Year of publishing:2021
PID:20.500.12556/RUNG-6734 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:83068931 New window
Publication date in RUNG:13.12.2021
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Secondary language

Title:An efficiency analysis of ultrasonic welding process
Abstract:In internal combustion engines, the water pump ensures that the coolant circulates through the radiator and the engine cooling system, thus maintaining the appropriate temperature and the correct operation of the engine. Failure of the pump, on the other hand, can lead to overheating and engine failure. Classic versions of water pumps are belt driven, while more and more car manufacturers are switching to electric water pumps consisting of a rotor, stator and housing. The rotor is the most complex part of the pump, the production of which covers a range of processes, from gluing of magnets to ultrasonic welding of components, checking tightness and final control of the rotor. Ultrasonic welding can be the source of impurities that need to be removed before assembling the pump and ensure the technical purity of the product. The topic of the master thesis is related to the description of the elements and the process of manufacturing electric water pumps. It focuses on the analysis of the efficiency of the ultrasonic welding process of rotor components and the possibilities of reducing the impurities. Possible solutions to the mentioned problem of impurity formation and achieving better results are optimization of ultrasonic welding parameters, change of the construction of the plastic cup and additional cleaning of the inner edge. Optimization of ultrasonic welding parameters improves quality of the weld, plastic cup construction change reduces impurities but has negative effect on weld quality while additional cleaning with dry ice greatly improves technical cleanliness at an extra costs. Combination of all three methods would give the optimal solution.
Keywords:Water pump, rotor, ultrasonic welding, technical cleanliness, parameter optimization
