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Title:Analiza sistema vodenja projektov v podjetju Gostol-Gopan d.o.o.
Authors:ID Mrak, Tomaž (Author)
ID Rejec, Valter (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
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MD5: 9F1CEC5EF7503A53172CACA3E0A04382
Work type:Undergraduate thesis
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:PTF - Faculty of Engineering and Management
Abstract:V današnjem poslovnem svetu si težko predstavljamo podjetje brez ustreznega informacijskega sistema. Vedno več je informacij, ki jih beležimo, in vedno več je analiz, ki jih zahtevamo. Za kvalitativno in količinsko dosego tega cilja je potrebno imeti dovolj dober sistem, ki bo to omogočal. Projektni način poslovanja, ki je vedno bolj prisoten v današnjem gospodarstvu je tisti segment, iz katerega črpamo potrebne informacije. Pri načrtovanju in izvajanju projektov želimo spremljati stroške, porabljen čas in druge uporabljene vire. V ta namen je bilo razvitih veliko programskih orodij, ki omogočajo različne načine načrtovanja, vodenja in nadziranja projektov. Podjetje se mora odločiti za najustreznejšo rešitev, in sicer na podlagi specifičnosti poslovanja. Pomembno je tudi, da podjetje definira ustrezno organizacijsko obliko, s katero opredeli notranjo strukturo poslovanja. Zato je namen diplomske naloge analizirati obstoječe stanje v podjetju Gostol-Gopand.o.o. in predlagati možnosti za posodobitev načina upravljanja projektov. Analiza vsebuje pregled in preučitev dokumentacije ISO 9000/2000 in delovanja informacijskega sistema ter predstavitev potrebnih informacij za uspešnejše delo na tem področju. Ustrezno oblikovana organizacija, poznavanje teoretičnih zahtev in pravilno programsko orodje se kaže v sinergiji kvalitetno izpeljanih projektov. V podjetju Gostol-Gopan d.o.o. se bo s tem zagotovilo boljše in natančnejše predvidevanje proizvodnega procesa, katerega rezultat bodo pravočasno zaključeni projekti. V zaključku so podane možne rešitve za posodobitev sistema vodenja projektov, ki zajema dograditev obstoječega informacijskega sistem in morebiten nakup manjkajočih komponent.
Keywords:diplomske naloge, management, informacijski sistemi, programska oprema
Place of publishing:Nova Gorica
Publisher:T. Mrak
Year of publishing:2006
Number of pages:XI, 73, iii str.
PID:20.500.12556/RUNG-715 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:538619 New window
Publication date in RUNG:15.10.2013
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Abstract:It is difficult to imagine a company in today's business world without an appropriate information system. The amount of information that has to be recorded is constantly increasing and with it the amount of analysis that is needed. In order to attain the quantitative and qualitative objectives a good information system is required. Management by projects, which is more and more present in today's economy, is that segment from which we draw the necessary information. When planning and implementing projects we want to monitor costs, expenditure of time and other resources. A lot of software tools which enable different methods of planning, managing and controlling projects were developed for this purpose. The company has to choose the most suitable solution based on the specific nature of its business. It is also important that the company defines an appropriate organizational form with which the internal structure of management is determined. The purpose of this diploma thesis is to analyze the current situation at Gostol-Gopan d.o.o. and to provide suggestions for the modernization of the methods of managing projects. The analysis contains an overview and examination of the ISO 9000/2000 documentation and of the application of the information system, as well as the presentation of the information necessary for more successful workin this area. A properly structured organization, familiarity with theoretical demands and the correct software tools result in the synergy of quality executed projects. We at Gostol-Gopan d.o.o. expect this will lead to better and more precise foreseeing of the manufacturing process which will result in projects closed on time. The conclusion enumerates possible solutions for modernization of the system for management tasks which includes upgrading the existing information system and a possible purchase of the missing components.
