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Title:Use of color in animation : diploma thesis
Authors:ID Grčki, Maja (Author)
ID Leder, Timon (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
ID Fabjančič, Milanka (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
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Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:AU - School of Arts
Abstract:Color is a powerful tool that helps us set the mood, however, its importance is often left unnoticed while watching any form of media (movies, photography, commercials, books, etc.). Both art theory and human psychology show evidence that color and lighting have a large impact on the perception of the viewer which is why this thesis will focus on exploring what impact color and correct lighting of a scene have on people's minds and how it can be used in animation to convey the correct emotions and enhance the viewer’s experience. Throughout this thesis we will cover topics related to color theory, light and how animation studios work on their films in terms of color and lighting. Each chapter will help understand and learn about different uses of color, such as color psychology and symbolism of colors, color scripts, and lighting, and in the end, a case study to conclude everything mentioned before. To do so, this thesis will take a look at Pixar and Disney and their movies such as Coco (Pixar, 2017), Tangled (Walt Disney, 2010) and Finding Nemo (Pixar, 2003) as well as different color theory studies. We will also use the example of the practical part of the diploma work, animated music video Crystal Clear, to see how the colors were used and what the thought process behind it was.
Keywords:Color, Animation, Mood, Psychology, Light, Pixar, Disney, ColorScript
Place of publishing:Nova Gorica
Place of performance:Nova Gorica
Publisher:M. Grčki
Year of publishing:2022
Year of performance:2022
Number of pages:75 str.
PID:20.500.12556/RUNG-7201 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:98479363 New window
Publication date in RUNG:22.02.2022
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Secondary language

Title:Uporaba barve v animaciji : diplomsko delo
Abstract:Barva je močno orodje, ki nam pomaga ustvariti razpoloženje, vendar njen pomen pogosto ostane neopažen med gledanjem katere koli oblike medijev (filmi, fotografije, reklame, knjige in tako naprej). Tako teorija umetnosti kot človeška psihologija dokazujeta, da imata barva in svetloba velik vpliv na dojemanje gledalca, zato se bo ta diplomska naloga osredotočila na raziskovanje, kakšen vpliv imata barva in pravilno uporabljena svetloba v prizoru na človeka in kako je to mogoče uporabiti v animaciji za prenos željenih čustev in izboljšanje gledalčeve izkušnje. Skozi to diplomsko delo bomo obravnavali teme, ki so povezane z barvno teorijo in svetlobo ter vprašanjem, kako animacijski studii uporabljajo barvo in svetlobo v svojih filmih. Vsako poglavje bo pomagalo razumeti in spoznati različne uporabe barv, kot so barvna psihologija in simbolika barv, color scripts (barvni scenarij) in osvetlitev, in na koncu študija primera, ki bo zaokrožila vse našteto. V ta namen bodo v tem diplomskem delu obravnavani Pixar in Disney ter njuni filmi kot so Coco (Pixar, 2017), Tangled (Walt Disney, 2010) in Finding Nemo (Pixar, 2003), pa tudi študije različnih teorij barv. Uporabljen bo tudi primer praktičnega dela diplome, animirani glasbeni video Crystal Clear, kjer bo vidno kako so uporabljene barve in kakšen je bil miselni proces za tem.
Keywords:barve, animacija, razpoloženje, psihologija, svetloba, Pixar, Disney, barvni scenarij, diplomske naloge
