Naslov: | Literary foremothers : women writers in dialogue with tradition of their own |
Avtorji: | ID Mihurko, Katja (Avtor) ID Flis, Leonora (Prevajalec) |
Datoteke: |
Jezik: | Angleški jezik |
Vrsta gradiva: | Učbenik za višje in visoke šole |
Tipologija: | 2.03 - Univerzitetni, visokošolski ali višješolski učbenik z recenzijo |
Organizacija: | UNG - Univerza v Novi Gorici
Opis: | The textbook introduces works by Sappho, Christine de Pizan, Aphra Behn, Maria Edgeworth, Jane Austen, Charlotte Brontë, George Eliot, George Sand, Caroline Norton, Elizabeth Barrett Browning, Emily Dickinson, Laura Marholm, Amalie Skram, Virginia Woolf and Amy Lowell. Some of these authors are presented as the role-models, the others as writers looking for their own female tradition and finding it in the writings of their literary foremothers. These responses - in form of poems, extracts from essays and novels - are included in the textbook and enriched with comments, interpretations and tasks for students. In the introduction, the question of female literary tradition is discussed by presenting various theoretical answers from distinguished feminist scholars. |
Kraj izida: | Nova Gorica |
Kraj izvedbe: | Nova Gorica |
Založnik: | University of Nova Gorica Press |
Leto izida: | 2021 |
Leto izvedbe: | 2021 |
Št. strani: | 1 spletni vir (1 datoteka PDF (XXII, 208 str.)) |
PID: | 20.500.12556/RUNG-7210  |
COBISS.SI-ID: | 64423683  |
UDK: | 821.09:305-055.2(075.8)(0.034.2) |
ISBN: | 978-961-7025-19-4 |
Datum objave v RUNG: | 01.03.2022 |
Število ogledov: | 4016 |
Število prenosov: | 115 |
Metapodatki: |  |
Kopiraj citat |
| | | Skupna ocena: | (0 glasov) |
Vaša ocena: | Ocenjevanje je dovoljeno samo prijavljenim uporabnikom. |
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