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Title:Uporaba laserske svetlobe kot predpriprava tekstilne odpadne vode za biološko čiščenje
Authors:ID Dornik, Črt (Author)
ID Franko, Mladen (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
ID Roš, Milenko (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
Files:.pdf 3Dornik.pdf (1,08 MB)
MD5: A25C19C913BF6CCB5D03BB9A30531DF8
Work type:Undergraduate thesis
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:FZO - Faculty of Environmental Sciences
Abstract:Tekstilne odpadne vode so zelo kompleksne mešanice in so zelo težko biološko razgradljive. Poleg tega je zančilnost tekstilnih odpadnih vod še močna obarvanost in visoka kemijska potreba po kisiku. Navadne čistilne naprave so neuspešne pri razbarvanju in čiščenju tovrstnih odpadnih vod. V našem poskusu smo obdelovali močno obarvano tekstilno odpadno vodo iz Tekstine - Tekstilna Ajdovščina d.d. Za ta namen smo uporabljali dva laserja, ekscimerni XeCl (308 nm) in kontinuirni Ar - ionski laser (244 nm). Po obdelavi smo uspešnost metode določali s primerjavo absorcijskih spektrov, kemične potrebe po kisiku in biološke razgradljivosti obdelanih in neobdelanih vzorcev. Izkazalo se je, da je bila naša metoda neuspešna, saj so bile spremembe obdelanih in neobdelanih vzorcev zanemarljive. Spremembe v kemijski potrebi po kisiku in biološki razgradljivosti lahko pripišemo napakam meritev.
Keywords:diplomske naloge, tekstilna odpadna voda, barva, kemijska potreba po kisiku, biorazgradljivost
Place of publishing:Nova Gorica
Publisher:Č. Dornik
Year of publishing:2005
Number of pages:IV, 48 str.
PID:20.500.12556/RUNG-732 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:452859 New window
Publication date in RUNG:15.10.2013
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Abstract:Textile waste waters are very complex mixtures and poorly biodegradable. Beside this, textile waste waters are highly coloured and have a high chemichal oxigen demand. Conventional waste water treatment plants are inefficient for removal of the colour and cleaning of these waste waters. In our experiment, we treated highly coloured waste water from Tekstina - Tekstilna Ajdovščina d.d (Texstile Industry in the town of Ajdovščina). For this purpose, two lasers were used, an excimer XeCl (308 nm) and a continious Ar - ion laser (244 nm). After the treatment, we determined the method successby confronting absorption spectra, chemichal oxigen demand and biodegradation of the treated and untreated samples. The results revealed that our experiment was not successful, because the changes between the treated and untreated samples were negligible. It can be presumed that the changes in chemichal oxigen demand and biodegradation were affected by the mistakes made through measurements.
