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Authors:ID Papler, Drago (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
ID Subotić, Irena (Author)
Files:.pdf Irena_Subotic.pdf (2,14 MB)
MD5: 74E6CA1D531CE3065F9C25B61FC35229
Work type:Master's thesis
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:PTF - Faculty of Engineering and Management
Abstract:The need for a Circular Economy became more than obvious, and in line with that, technologies for utilization of renewables and waste-to-energy transformation have become of utmost importance in climate change mitigation. This master thesis deals with treating the waste after olive oil extraction and using anaerobic digestion to turn the waste into a biogas that later can be used for electricity and heat production. Since there are two options for location, it was necessary to use decision support models to remove subjectivity and bias from the decision-making process. After the decision was made, there was an economic analysis of a biogas plant project that later can be used for establishing a new company in Italy. According to the economic indicators, with a profit of 5.243.000 EUR after ten years and an investment return of less than five years, a biogas plant in Italy is a profitable investment. From the aspect of Circular Economy, the biogas plant successfully fits the concept. It has added value to the local community by turning one process by-product into primary material for another process, creating jobs and generating revenue for the municipal budget while preserving natural resources.
Keywords:circular economy, decision support models, biogas, strategic management
Place of publishing:Nova Gorica
Year of publishing:2022
PID:20.500.12556/RUNG-7378 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:114887171 New window
Publication date in RUNG:11.07.2022
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Secondary language

Title:Trajnostna presoja energetskega izkoriščanja organskih odpadkov s poudarkom na odpadkih iz proizvodnje oljčnega olja
Abstract:Potreba po krožnem gospodarstvu je postala več kot očitna, v skladu s tem pa so tehnologije za izkoriščanje obnovljivih virov energije in pretvorbo odpadkov v energijo postale izjemnega pomena pri blažitvi podnebnih sprememb. Magistrsko delo obravnava obdelavo odpadkov po ekstrakciji oljčnega olja in uporabo anaerobne digestije za pretvorbo odpadkov v bioplin, ki se kasneje lahko uporabi za proizvodnjo električne in toplotne energije. Ker obstajata dve možnosti za lokacijo, je bilo treba uporabiti modele za podporo odločanju, da bi odstranili subjektivnost in pristranskost iz procesa odločanja. Po sprejeti odločitvi je sledila ekonomska analiza projekta bioplinarne, ki se kasneje lahko uporabi za ustanovitev novega podjetja v Italiji. Bioplinarna v Italiji je po ekonomskih kazalcih, dobiček v višini 5.243.000 EUR po desetih letih in donosnost naložbe manj kot pet let, donosna naložba. Z vidika krožnega gospodarstva se bioplinarna uspešno ujema s konceptom. Lokalni skupnosti ima dodano vrednost, saj je en stranski proizvod procesa spremenil v primarni material za drug proces, ustvarja delovna mesta in ustvarja prihodke za občinski proračun, hkrati pa ohranja naravne vire.
Keywords:krožno gospodarstvo, modeli podpore odločanju, bioplin, strateško upravljanje
