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Title:Is SARS CoV-2 a multifractal? : unveiling the fractality and fractal structure
Authors:ID Swapna, Mohanachandran Nair Sindhu (Author)
ID Sreejyothi, S. (Author)
ID Raj, Vimal (Author)
ID Iyer Sankararaman, Sankaranarayana (Author)
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Work type:Unknown
Typology:1.01 - Original Scientific Article
Organization:UNG - University of Nova Gorica
Abstract:A first report of unveiling the fractality and fractal nature of severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus (SARS CoV-2) responsible for the pandemic disease widely known as coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID 19) is presented. The fractal analysis of the electron microscopic and atomic force microscopic images of 40 coronaviruses (CoV), by the normal and differential box-counting method, reveals its fractal structure. The generalised dimension indicates the multifractal nature of the CoV. The higher value of fractal dimension and lower value of Hurst exponent (H) suggest higher complexity and greater roughness. The statistical analysis of generalised dimension and H is understood through the notched box plot. The study on CoV clusters also confirms its fractal nature. The scale-invariant value of the box-counting fractal dimension of CoV yields a value of 1.820. The study opens the possibility of exploring the potential of fractal analysis in the medical diagnosis of SARS CoV-2.
Keywords:Fractality, SARS CoV, Coronavirus, Fractal dimension, Multifractal
Year of publishing:2021
Number of pages:str. 731–737
Numbering:Vol. 51, iss. 3
PID:20.500.12556/RUNG-7406 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:113338115 New window
ISSN on article:0103-9733
DOI:10.1007/s13538-020-00844-w New window
Publication date in RUNG:30.06.2022
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Title:Brazilian journal of physics
Shortened title:Braz. j. phys.
Publisher:Sociedade Brasileira de Física
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Secondary language

Title:Is SARS CoV-2 a multifractal?—Unveiling the fractality and fractal structure
Keywords:fractality, SARS CoV, coronavirus, fractal dimension, multifractal
