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Authors:ID Podgornik, Bojan (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
ID Metljak, Vid (Author)
Files:.pdf Vid_Metljak.pdf (2,17 MB)
MD5: 193EC08A905ABD5291F519AA38B438C6
Work type:Master's thesis
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:PTF - Faculty of Engineering and Management
Abstract:Kljub vse pogostejšemu elektronskemu poslovanju je uporaba in proizvodnja papirja še vedno del našega vsakdana. Pri tem igrajo optimizacija regulacije in delovanja papirnih linij zelo pomembno vlogo, še posebej pri procesu sušenja papirja, ki predstavlja energijsko najzahtevnejši del procesa. Problematika energijskih zahtev in višanja stroškov energije se rešuje z neprestanim nadgrajevanjem in izpopolnjevanjem procesa proizvodnje papirja ter vpeljavo novih sistemov in rešitev. Ena od pomembnih nadgradenj v procesu sušenja papirja so stabilizatorji, ki opravljajo funkcijo stabiliziranja papirja med proizvodnjo, hkrati pa zagotavljajo enakomerno porazdelitev zraka in vlage v sušilnem območju papirnega stroja. Tema magistrskega dela je vezana na opis postopka proizvodnje papirja, s poudarkom na sušilni skupini papirnega stroja in stabilizatorjih. Za ustrezno nadgradnjo stabilizatorjev in odpravo morebitnih napak je potrebno natančno poznavanje njihovega delovanja, kjer ključno vlogo igra regulacija stabilizatorjev. S korekcijo oz. optimizacijo regulacije in delovanja stabilizatorjev je mogoče doseči boljšo kakovost papirja ter višjo produktivnost papirnih linij, kar posledično vpliva na uspešnost papirnice. Cilj magistrskega dela je na podlagi meritev tlaka predstaviti problematiko delovanja stabilizatorjev v eni izmed papirnic v Italiji, predstaviti izvedeno optimizacijo in primerjati rezultate meritev tlaka na stabilizatorjih pred in po optimizaciji. Problematika nihanja podtlaka, predstavljena v magistrskem delu, je bila zaznana in nato analizirana na podlagi dejanskih meritev, opravljenih v papirnici med delovanjem papirne linije. Ključnega pomena je bila ustrezna analiza stanja, izbira potencialnih rešitev in vpeljava dejanskih optimizacij v prakso. Uspešnost vpeljanih nadgradenj in optimizacije regulacije ter delovanja stabilizatorja sušilne skupine papirnega stroja je bila potrjena na podlagi podrobne zaključne analize.
Keywords:Papirni stroji, sušilna skupina, stabilizator, regulacija, optimizacija
Place of publishing:Nova Gorica
Year of publishing:2023
PID:20.500.12556/RUNG-7517 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:162507523 New window
Publication date in RUNG:29.08.2023
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Secondary language

Title:The regulation and operation optimization of the stabilizer in the drying paper machine group
Abstract:Despite the increasingly frequent use of electronic devices, the use and production of paper is still part of our everyday life and necessity. In this respect optimizing the regulation and operation of paper lines plays a very important role, especially in the paper drying process, which represents the most energy-demanding part of the process. The problem of energy requirements and rising energy costs is solved by continuously upgrading and improving the paper production process and introducing new systems and solutions. One of the important upgrades in the paper drying process are the stabilizers, which perform the function of stabilizing the paper during production, at the same time promoting even distribution of air and moisture in the drying area of the paper machine. The topic of this master thesis is related to the description of the paper production process, with an emphasis on the drying group of the paper machine and stabilizers. In order to properly upgrade the stabilizers and eliminate any errors, a precise knowledge of their operation is required, with the regulation playing a key role. With the correction or by optimizing the regulation and operation of stabilizers, it is possible to achieve better paper quality and higher productivity of paper lines, which in turn affects the performance of the paper mill. The aim of the master's thesis is to present the problems of the stabilizer operation in one of the paper mills in Italy based on pressure measurements present the performed optimization and compare the results of measurements before and after optimization. The problem of vacuum fluctuations presented in the master thesis was detected and then analyzed based on actual measurements made in the paper mill during the operation of the paper line. A proper analysis of the situation, the selection of potential solutions and the implementation of actual optimizations into practice were of key importance. The success of the introduced upgrades and the optimization of the regulation and operation of the stabilizer within the drying group of the paper machine was confirmed on the basis of a detailed final analysis.
Keywords:Paper machine, drying group, stabilizer, regulation, optimization
