Repozitorij Univerze v Novi Gorici

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Naslov:Vpliv vpeljave električne mobilnosti kot primarne oblike transporta
Avtorji:ID Papler, Drago (Mentor) Več o mentorju... Novo okno
ID Pavletič, Jani (Avtor)
Datoteke:.pdf Jani_Pavletic.pdf (2,11 MB)
MD5: 32C15FC8D817F48A931A62D3A86AD586
Jezik:Slovenski jezik
Vrsta gradiva:Magistrsko delo/naloga
Tipologija:2.09 - Magistrsko delo
Organizacija:PTF - Poslovno-tehniška fakulteta
Opis:V magistrski nalogi smo raziskovali vpliv morebitne vpeljave e-mobilnosti oziroma e-avtomobilov na družbo kot primarno obliko transporta. Namen raziskave je bil predstaviti trenutno stanje infrastrukture v Sloveniji iz področja električnih polnilnic, zmogljivosti oziroma obremenjenosti električnega omrežja v primeru zamenjave vseh lahkih vozil z motorjem z notranjim izgorevanjem za vozila z električnim pogonom, proizvodnje električne energije glede na primarni energent ter porabe fosilnih goriv za pogon avtomobilov. Prav tako smo za Slovenijo pregledali dostopnost električnih polnilnic, trend električnih polnilnic ter trend električnih vozil. Poleg vpliva na okolje smo raziskovali tudi vpliv vpeljave električnih avtomobilov na družbo. Naredili smo analizo porabe električne energije v gospodinjstvih ter primerjali povprečne dohodke na gospodinjstvo s stroški letne porabe električne energije. Opravljena je bila tudi anketna raziskava, v kateri smo ugotavljali, kakšen odnos imajo ljudje do električnih vozil, ali se jim električna vozila zdijo okolju prijazna, katere lastnosti električnih avtomobilov se jim v nakupnem procesu zdijo najpomembnejše ter njihov vpliv na okolje. Nazadnje smo naredili še DEXi analizo štirih izbranih električnih avtomobilov ter ugotavljali njihovo primernost glede na ceno, doseg, moč baterije ter težo. Na ta način smo predstavili trenutno stanje e-mobilnosti v Sloveniji ter ugotovili potencial uvedbe e-avtomobilov kot primarne oblike transporta. Prav tako je bil podan predlog za izboljšave ter rešitve glede procesa vpeljave električnih avtomobilov kot primarne oblike transporta glede na trenutno stanje infrastrukture v Sloveniji ter glede na mnenja anketirancev.
Ključne besede:E-mobilnost, električna vozila, električne polnilnice, proizvodnja električne energije, emisije CO2, DEXi
Kraj izida:Nova Gorica
Leto izida:2022
PID:20.500.12556/RUNG-7723 Novo okno
COBISS.SI-ID:135234307 Novo okno
Datum objave v RUNG:23.12.2022
Število ogledov:2454
Število prenosov:70
Metapodatki:XML DC-XML DC-RDF
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Skupna ocena:(0 glasov)
Vaša ocena:Ocenjevanje je dovoljeno samo prijavljenim uporabnikom.
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Sekundarni jezik

Jezik:Angleški jezik
Naslov:The impact of introducing electric mobility as the primary form of transportation
Opis:In the master's thesis, we investigated the impact of the possible introduction of e-mobility or e-cars on society as a primary form of transport. The purpose of the research was to present the current state of the infrastructure in Slovenia in the segment of electric charging stations, the capacity or the load on the electric grid in the event of the replacement of all light vehicles with an internal combustion engine for vehicles with an electric drive, the production of electricity in relation to the primary energy source and the consumption of fossil fuels for cars with ICE engine. In addition to the energy picture, we also examined the availability of electric charging stations, the trend of electric charging stations and the trend of electric vehicles for Slovenia. In addition to the impact on the environment, we also researched the impact of the introduction of electric cars on society. We made an analysis of electricity consumption in households and compared the average income per household with the cost of annual electricity consumption. A survey was also carried out, in which we were trying to find out what kind of attitude people have towards electric vehicles, whether they think electric vehicles are environmentally friendly, which features of electric cars they think are the most important in the purchasing process, and their impact on the environment. Finally, we did a DEXi analysis of four selected electric cars and determined their suitability in terms of price, range, battery power and weight. The purpose of the master's thesis is to present the current state of e-mobility in Slovenia and to determine the potential of introducing e-cars as the primary form of transport. The aim of the research is to provide proposals for improvements and solutions regarding the process of introducing electric cars as the primary form of transport, based on the current state of the infrastructure in Slovenia and based on the opinions of the respondents.
Ključne besede:E-mobility, electric vehicles, electric charging stations, electricity generation, CO2 emissions, DEXi
