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Authors:ID Simčič, Tomi (Author)
ID Cestnik, Bojan (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
Files:.pdf Tomi_Simcic.pdf (1,38 MB)
MD5: 827B53A50E3D2F6B98BF57EA88ACCA28
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:PTF - Faculty of Engineering and Management
Abstract:Tehnologije, ki delujejo po principih umetne inteligence, so že globoko zakoreninjene v naš globalni sistem. Njihova uporaba je bolj izrazita v razvitejših državah, po večini pa je prisotna po celotnem svetu. Najbolj prepoznavna je uporaba algoritmov v programih na internetu, ki omogočajo stvari, ki so bile morda še do nedavnega nepredstavljive. Prav tako je umetna inteligenca vse bolj prisotna v industriji, kjer se neprestano iščejo načini in metode, kako optimizirati procese za doseganje boljše kakovosti izdelkov in s tem konkurenčnosti na zahtevnem tržišču. Ker je tehnologija digitalnih dvojčkov še precej nepoznana širši množici in morda za nekoga celo velika neznanka, smo v magistrskem delu želeli z uporabo izbrane literature na splošno predstaviti digitalni dvojček ter ugotoviti, kako deluje in kje vse se lahko ta tehnologija uporablja. Na podlagi zbranih podatkov in ugotovitev smo pripravili idejno zasnovo za uvedbo digitalnega dvojčka v serijski proizvodnji za namene nadzora kakovosti izdelkov. Podrobneje smo se posvetili proizvodni liniji aktuatorjev v proizvodnem podjetju, kjer smo predstavili trenutno stanje proizvodne linije in idejno zasnovo za uvedbo digitalnega dvojčka ali bolje rečeno korake za prehod v pametno tovarno. Idejna zasnova je splošna in lahko služi kot osnova za katero koli proizvodno linijo ali proizvodno podjetje samo ter daje vpogled in osnovne podatke o tehnologiji, ki nudi širok spekter uporabe in vztrajno prodira v industrijo ter druga področja našega življenja.
Keywords:Tehnologija, umetna inteligenca, digitalni dvojček, kakovost, izdelek, proces
Place of publishing:Nova Gorica
Year of publishing:2023
PID:20.500.12556/RUNG-7809 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:158020355 New window
Publication date in RUNG:06.07.2023
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License:CC BY-NC-ND 4.0, Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International
Description:The most restrictive Creative Commons license. This only allows people to download and share the work for no commercial gain and for no other purposes.
Licensing start date:01.07.2023

Secondary language

Title:Digital twin technology overview and conceptual plan for introducing digital twin for product quality control in mass production
Abstract:Technologies that operate on the principles of artificial intelligence have already become part of our lives. Their use is more pronounced in more developed countries, but they have largely spread throughout the world. This is most evident in the use of the Internet and programs that are part of various algorithms that allow us to do things that were unimaginable until recently. Artificial intelligence is also becoming more and more important, as people are constantly looking for ways and methods to optimize processes and achieve better product quality and thus competitiveness in the demanding industrial market. Since the technology of the digital twin is still quite unknown to the general public and may even be a big unknown for some people, we wanted to use selected literature in our master thesis to introduce the digital twin in general and find out how it works and where this technology can be used. Based on the data and insights we collected, we created a conceptual design for introducing a digital twin into volume production to achieve better product quality. We took a closer look at the actuator production line at manufacturing company, presented the current status of the production line and presented a conceptual design for the introduction of a digital twin, or the steps to transition to a smart factory. Conceptual design is general enough to serve as a basis for any production line or manufacturing company itself. It gives an insight into the basic data of the technology, which offers a wide range of applications and continues to penetrate industry and other areas of our lives.
Keywords:Technology, artificial intelligence, digital twin, quality, product, process
