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Title:Ocena učinkovitosti izvedbe projekta avtomatskega vodenja hladilnice
Authors:ID Špacapan, Franko (Author)
ID Bizjak, Franc (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
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MD5: 7FE757DE6F74B7E59E5B0D4535F3DF4F
Work type:Undergraduate thesis
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:PTF - Faculty of Engineering and Management
Abstract:Razmere v podjetju in sprememba živilskega zakona je narekovala poseg v vodenje hladilnega sistema. Sodobne tehnološke rešitve so vodilne prepričale, da so pristopili k posodobitvi hladilnega sistema vodenja hladilnice. Podjetje je uspešno zaključilo avtomatizacijo omenjenega sistema, kar pomeni, da je delovanje hladilnih komor in hladilnih agregatov sedaj pod računalniškim nadzorom, ki nudi optimalno delovanje hladilnega sistema. Cilji diplomske naloge so: primerjava stroškov obratovanja hladilnice pred posodobitvijo in avtomatizacijo hladilnice ter stroške po končanem projektu, pri tem pa ugotoviti odstopanja od zadanih ciljev in morebitne napake pri vodenju projekta ter analizirati odstopanja od začrtanih ciljev.
Keywords:diplomske naloge, projekti, denarni tok, hladilni sistemi, ekonomičnost, vodenje projekta, posodobitev
Place of publishing:Nova Gorica
Publisher:F. Špacapan
Year of publishing:2005
Number of pages:VIII, 43 str.
PID:20.500.12556/RUNG-808 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:449275 New window
Publication date in RUNG:15.10.2013
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Abstract:The conditions in the company as well as the modifications of the food law have dictated the changes in the management of the company's cooling system. Modern technological solutions have convinced the management board to approve the modernization of the management of the HL's cooling system. The company has completed successfully the modernization of the mentioned system; thus, the operation of the refrigeration chambers is now under computer-supported supervision which offers more efficient operation of the cooling system. The thesis aims at achieving the following goals: comparison of HL's cost break down before the intoduction of modernized and automated cooling system to the costs after the implementation of the Cooling System Modernization Project - the comparison intends to determine the derogations from the planned goals and the possible mistakes made during the management of the project as well as to analyze the cause of the derogations found.
