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Title:Kompetence čustvene inteligence kot orodje za doseganje športne in poslovne uspešnosti
Authors:ID Pislak, Manca (Author)
ID Milost, Mateja (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
Files:.pdf Manca_Pislak.pdf (597,32 KB)
MD5: EF6C5829D46DC93F1695EA6645B47E30
Work type:Undergraduate thesis
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:PTF - Faculty of Engineering and Management
Abstract:Zaradi hitro rastočega in nepredvidljivega poslovnega okolja se morajo sodobne organizacije vedno bolj spopadati s spremembami v delovnem okolju. S tem postajajo vedno bolj pomembni tisti vodje in zaposleni, ki bodo imeli kompetence čustvene inteligence. Tudi v vrhunskem športu je za dosego uspeha treba vključevati učenje kompetenc čustvene inteligence. Pri tem ima pomembno vlogo trener, saj je odgovoren za športnikov uspeh. V diplomski nalogi smo tako prek študije primerov iz poslovnega in športnega sveta naredili primerjavo, kakšno je zavedanje o vplivu kompetenc čustvene inteligence na doseganje poslovne in športne uspešnosti, ter podali priporočila, kako še okrepiti uporabo teh kompetenc za doseganje boljših športnih in poslovnih rezultatov.
Keywords:Čustvena inteligenca, poslovna uspešnost, čustveno inteligenten vodja, doseganje športne uspešnosti, psihična priprava na nastop športnika
Place of publishing:Nova Gorica
Year of publishing:2023
PID:20.500.12556/RUNG-8177 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:166762243 New window
Publication date in RUNG:03.10.2023
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Licensing start date:13.09.2023

Secondary language

Title:Emotional intelligence competencies as a tool for achieving sports and business success : -
Abstract:Due to the rapidly changing and unpredictable business environment, modern organizations increasingly need to cope with changes in the workplace. This makes those leaders and employees who possess emotional intelligence competencies increasingly important. Even in elite sports, learning emotional intelligence competencies is essential for success. In this, the coach plays a significant role as they are responsible for the athlete's success. In this thesis, we have, therefore, made a comparison through case studies from the business and sports world to determine the awareness of the impact of emotional intelligence competencies on achieving business and sports success and provided recommendations on how to further enhance the use of these competencies to achieve better sports and business results.
Keywords:Emotional intelligence, business success, emotionally intelligent leader, achieving athletic success, mental preparation for athlete's performance.
