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Title:Ekonomija pretvorbe odpadkov v energijo v Bosni in Hercegovini
Authors:ID Babić, Šaza (Author)
ID Papler, Drago (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
Files:.pdf Saza_Babic.pdf (2,17 MB)
MD5: 80E5110A8FE0CCB3B570D01E14C22B76
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:PTF - Faculty of Engineering and Management
Abstract:V magistrskem delu je obravnavana problematika ravnanja z odpadki v Bosni in Hercegovini. Motivacija za pisanje na to temo je ravno v tem, da zelo dobro poznam problematiko odpadkov v Bosni in Hercegovini kot svoji domovini. Ideja je delati na izboljšanju praks ravnanja z odpadki v regiji, da bi zmanjšali negativne učinke na zdravje ljudi in tveganje onesnaževanja okolja v skladu z ustreznimi predpisi Evropske unije in nacionalnimi predpisi na področju ravnanja s trdnimi komunalnimi odpadki. Za ekonomsko močnejšo državo je treba posvetiti pozornost vsem virom energije, še posebej odpadkom in alternativnim virom, saj je prav od tega odvisna njena prihodnost. Najprej je analizirano obstoječe stanje v državi. Uporabljene so metoda opisovanja, lastnega opazovanja, analiza modelov z metodami, kot je npr. interna stopnja donosnosti, analiza tveganj itd. Na podlagi fizičnih, naravnih in družbenih dejavnikov, števila divjih odlagališč in števila prebivalcev smo izbrali parametre, ki smo jih analizirali v programu DEXi in so nam pomagali pri odločitvi o lokaciji, kjer bomo postavili obrat. Ugotovljeno je bilo, da bi projekt izgradnje tovarne za pretvorbo odpadkov v energijo v Bosni in Hercegovini prinesel veliko koristi za državo ter posledično za sosednje države. S pomočjo ankete je bilo ugotovljeno, kakšno je mnenje lokalnega prebivalstva o uvedbi novih načinov predelave odpadkov. Podatki ankete so bili obdelani s pomočjo programa SPSS. Po izvedbi projekta se pričakujejo naslednje merljive koristi, kar je hkrati praktična vrednost magistrskega dela: zmanjšanje deponijskega prostora za odlaganje neobdelanih komunalnih odpadkov, kar ima za posledico podaljšanje življenjske dobe obstoječih odlagališč, in s tem tudi stroške odlaganja predelave materialov in energije iz odpadkov, ki se lahko prodajo na trgu; zmanjšanje emisij toplogrednih plinov zaradi preusmerjanja biorazgradljivih odpadkov z odlagališč in delne zamenjave fosilnih goriv, ki se uporabljajo za proizvodnjo toplote in električne energije.
Keywords:Odpadki, onesnaževanje okolja, energija, fosilna goriva, statistična analiza, analiza priložnosti, analiza tveganj, ekonomske analize upravičenosti naložbe, analiza stroškov in koristi, večkriterijska analiza, DEXi, ABACON, anketa, SPSS, opisna statistika, korelacijska analiza
Place of publishing:Nova Gorica
Year of publishing:2023
PID:20.500.12556/RUNG-8327 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:165374467 New window
Publication date in RUNG:22.09.2023
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Licensing start date:29.07.2023

Secondary language

Title:The economics of waste to energy transformation in Bosnia and Herzegovina
Abstract:The issue of waste management in Bosnia and Herzegovina (hereinafter BiH) is discussed. The motivation for writing my master's thesis on this topic lies precisely in the fact that I know very well the problem of waste in Bosnia and Herzegovina as my homeland. The idea is to work on improving waste management practices in the region in order to reduce the negative effects on human health and the risk of environmental pollution in accordance with the relevant EU and national regulations in the field of municipal solid waste management. For an economically stronger country, it is necessary to pay attention to all sources of energy, especially waste and alternative sources, because its future depends on this. First, the existing situation in the country is analyzed. The method of description, own observation, analysis of models with methods such as, for example, is used. internal rate of return, risk analysis, etc. Based on physical, natural and social factors, the number of wild landfills, the number of the population, the parameters that will be analyzed in the Dexi program will be selected and will help us decide on the location where the plant will be placed. With the help of a survey, it was determined what the opinion of the local population is about the introduction of new methods of waste processing. The survey data were processed using the SPSS program. It was concluded that the project of building a factory for the conversion of waste into energy in Bosnia and Herzegovina would bring great benefits to the state of Bosnia and Herzegovina and, consequently, to the neighboring countries. After the implementation of the project, the following measurable benefits are expected, which is at the same time the practical value of the Master's work: reduction of landfill space for the disposal of untreated municipal waste, which results in the extension of the lifetime of existing landfills and thus also the costs of disposal of processing materials and energy from waste, which can sell on the market; reduction of greenhouse gas emissions due to diversion of biodegradable waste from landfills and partial replacement of fossil fuels used for heat and electricity production.
Keywords:Waste, environmental pollution, energy, fossil fuels, statistical analysis, opportunity analysis, risk analysis, Cost Benefit analysis, economic investment feasibility analysis, cost benefit analysis, multi-criteria analysis, DEXi, ABACON, survey, SPSS, descriptive statistics, correlation analysis
