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Title:Anton Muznik in Jovan Apostolović - primerjava dela in življenja dveh zdravnikov iz obdobja razsvetljenstva : diplomsko delo
Authors:ID Milenković, Milja (Author)
ID Makuc, Neva (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
Files:.pdf Milja_Milenkovic.pdf (1,10 MB)
MD5: 2D263D8C3C5E8E45428C0C07C3C4D5C5
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:FH - Faculty of Humanities
Abstract:Ta diplomsko naloga raziskuje vpliv razsvetljenstva na Goriško regijo in Vojvodino ter poudarja primerjalno analizo njunih zdravstvenih sistemov in življenja dveh ključnih zdravnikov, Antona Muznika in Jovana Apostolovića, v tem zgodovinskem obdobju. Razsvetljenstvo, kot intelektualno gibanje, je imelo pomemben vpliv na različne sfere družbe, vključno z znanostjo, politiko in kulturo. Naloga temelji na analizi zgodovinskih virov, literaturi ter analitičnem raziskovanju ključnih tematik. Prvi del naloge se osredotoča na predstavitev razsvetljenstva in njegov vpliv na družbeni, kulturni in intelektualni razvoj obeh regij. Primerjalna analiza zdravstvenih sistemov v Goriški regiji in Vojvodini poudarja organizacijo, izzive in dosežke na področju zdravstvenega varstva v času razsvetljenstva. Drugi del naloge se posveča življenju in delu Antona Muznika ter Jovana Apostolovića. Oba sta bila priznana zdravnika svojega časa, njune kariere in prispevki pa sta predstavljena z vidika razsvetljenstva in zdravstvenega sektorja. Poglobljena analiza Muznikove knjige "Clima Goritiense" ter Apostolovićeve doktorske disertacije prinaša vpogled v njune intelektualne dosežke. V zaključku so predstavljene ključne ugotovitve raziskave. Razsvetljenstvo je močno vplivalo na družbeni in zdravstveni razvoj obeh regij, pri čemer sta Muznik in Apostolović s svojim delom odigrala pomembno vlogo. Naloga poudarja pomen razsvetljenstva v oblikovanju družbenih vrednot ter v zdravstvu in intelektualnem razvoju. Hkrati pa ponuja temelje za nadaljnje raziskave o tem pomembnem zgodovinskem obdobju ter njegovem vplivu na družbo in zdravstvo.
Keywords:diplomske naloge, razsvetljenstvo, zdravniki, Slovenija, Srbija, Goriška, Vojvodina, zdravstvo
Place of publishing:Nova Gorica
Place of performance:Nova Gorica
Publisher:M. Milenković
Year of publishing:2023
Year of performance:2023
Number of pages:XII, 68 str.
PID:20.500.12556/RUNG-8367-2543352e-a769-4f66-73f4-01f8ecae12bf New window
COBISS.SI-ID:166544131 New window
Publication date in RUNG:02.10.2023
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Secondary language

Title:Anton Muznik and Jovan Apostolović - a comparison of the work and life of two doctors from the period of the Enlightenment
Abstract:This thesis explores the impact of the Enlightenment on the Goriška region and Vojvodina and highlights a comparative analysis of their health systems and the lives of two key doctors, Anton Muznik and Jovan Apostolović, during this historical period. The Enlightenment, as an intellectual movement, had a significant impact on various spheres of society, including science, politics, and culture. The task is based on the analysis of historical sources, literature and analytical research of key topics. The first part of the assignment focuses on the presentation of the Enlightenment and its impact on the social, cultural and intellectual development of both regions. A comparative analysis of the healthcare systems in the Goriška region and Vojvodina emphasizes the organization, challenges and achievements in the field of healthcare during the Enlightenment. The second part of the assignment is devoted to the life and work of Anton Muznik and Jovan Apostolović. Both were renowned physicians of their time, and their careers and contributions are presented from the perspectives of the Enlightenment and the health sector. An in-depth analysis of Muznik's book "Clima Goritiense" and Apostolović's doctoral dissertation provides insight into their intellectual achievements. In the conclusion, the key findings of the research are presented. The Enlightenment greatly influenced the social and health development of both regions, with Muznik and Apostolović playing an important role with their work. The assignment emphasizes the importance of the Enlightenment in the formation of social values and in health care and intellectual development. At the same time, it offers the basis for further research on this important historical period and its impact on society and healthcare.
Keywords:Enlightenment, Slovenian territory, Serbia, Goriška, Vojvodina, healthcare, Anton Muznik, Jovan Apostolović, 18th century
