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Title:Performance of copper - based catalysts for electrochemical CO2 reduction
Authors:ID Popović, Stefan (Author)
ID Hodnik, Nejc (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
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MD5: 510F3099CCD195CF0FD494935010DA94
Work type:Doctoral dissertation
Typology:2.08 - Doctoral Dissertation
Organization:FPŠ - Graduate School
Abstract:The industrial era has brought a never-ending problem to civilization through the emission of greenhouse gases (GHGs) while extracting energy from fossil fuels for a variety of processes. Among different GHGs, carbon dioxide (CO2) stood out as one of the most impactful and dangerous gases causing climatic disasters around the globe. However, CO2 as the abundant C1 building block, through the conversion pathways gives a plethora of opportunities to convert it into a wide range of commercial products and applications. The holistic approach among different conversion pathways is the electrochemical reduction of CO2 (eCO2R), ideally powered by renewable energy from intermittent sources such as wind and solar power. A silver bullet of the process is to find a catalyst that is active, selective, and stable. Copper has been recognized as the only monometallic catalyst that can produce products that require a transfer of >2e-. However, in recent years the increased awareness of its reconstructive nature under eCO2RR-relevant conditions multiplied the complexity of the parameters that can influence the reaction. Therefore overall thesis's approach to studying copper-based catalysts is based to understand the reconstructive aspect and the stability of Cu-based catalysts, and deeply comprehend their relationship with the activity/selectivity. Chapter 1 gives an introduction to the recent activities in the field of carbon capture, utilization and storage (CCSU) technologies, the fundaments of CO2 as a molecule, and its pathway toward state-of-the-art discoveries in the eCO2 R reaction. Afterward, the thesis focuses on the main experimental technique to produce nanostructured copper-based materials, namely, electrodeposition (Chapter 2). A big part of the thesis focuses on the establishment of an electrochemical setup for activity/selectivity measu rement. The setup consists of two parts: 1) construction of the custom-made gas-tight sandwich-type electrochemical cell and 2) optimization of the online gas and ex-situ liquid product detection. After the establishment of the reliable electrochemical setup, Chapter 3 focuses on electrochemically -grown Cu2O nanocubes catalyst and how the reconstructive nature induced by a particular electrochemical protocol influences on boost in activity/selectivity for methane production. The last part of the thesis consists contribution to the fundamental understanding of the degradation mechanisms and stability of Cu -based catalysts under eCO2RR conditions. A unique ex-situ approach, mirrored in identical location scanning electron microscopy (IL-SEM) method is employed to study electrodeposited spherical half-micron particles on the glassy carbon rotating disk electrode (GC-RDE). With this evidence, we could interpret the observed structural changes as two separate electrochemical processes occurring one after another, namely copper dissolution from pre-oxidized native nanoparticles and subsequent (electro -) redeposition of the dissolved copper species in a form of n ew smaller Cu fragments.
Keywords:electrocatalysts, electrochemical CO2 reduction, copper nanoparticles, IL-SEM, stability, degradation
Place of publishing:Nova Gorica
Year of publishing:2023
PID:20.500.12556/RUNG-8625 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:173425155 New window
Publication date in RUNG:14.11.2023
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Licensing start date:12.11.2023

Secondary language

Title:Učinkovitost bakrenih katalizatorjev za elektrokemično redukcijo CO2
Abstract:Industrijska doba je civilizaciji prinesla velik problem z emisijami toplogrednih plinov (TGP), ki so posledica pridobivanja energije iz fosilnih goriv za različne procese. Med različnimi toplogrednimi plini ogljikov dioksid (CO2) izstopala kot eden najnevarnejših in z največjim vplivom na podnebne katastrofe po vsem svetu. Po drugi strani CO2 kot vir gradnika C1 nudi obilico priložnosti za njegovo pretvorbo v široko paleto komercialno zanimivih izdelkov in aplikacij. Holistični pristop med različnimi možnimi potmi pretvorbe je elektrokemična redukcija CO2 (eCO2R), za katero se v idealnem primeru uporablja energija iz obnovljivih virov, kot sta vetrna in sončna energija. Ključen del procesa je najti katalizator, ki je aktiven, selektiven in stabilen. Baker je bil priznan kot edini monometalni katalizator, ki vodi do tvorbe produktov, ki zahtevajo prenos >2e-. Vendar pa je v zadnjih letih povečana ozaveščenost o njegovi rekonstruktivni naravi v pogojih, pomembnih za eCO2RR, povečala kompleksnost parametrov, ki lahko vplivajo na reakcijo. Splošni pristop diplomske naloge za preučevanju katalizatorjev na osnovi bakra tako temelji na razumevanju rekonstruktivnega vidika in stabilnosti katalizatorjev na osnovi bakra ter na poglobljenem razumevanju njihovega odnosa z aktivnostjo/selektivnostjo. Poglavje 1 predstavlja uvod v nedavne dejavnosti na področju tehnologij zajemanja, uporabe in shranjevanja ogljika (CCSU), temelje CO2 kot molekule in njegovo pot do najsodobnejših odkritij v reakciji eCO2R. V nadaljevanju se diplomska naloga osredotoči na glavno eksperimentalno tehniko za proizvodnjo nanostrukturiranih materialov na osnovi bakra, elektrodepozicijo (2. poglavje). Velik del diplomske naloge se osredotoča na vzpostavitev elektrokemijskih pogojev za merjenje aktivnosti/selektivnosti. Proces vpostavitve pogojev je sestavljen iz dveh delov: 1) izdelave po meri izdelane plinotesne „sendvič“ elektrokemične celice in 2) optimizacije odkrivanja plina in ex-situ tekočih produktov v realnem času. Po vzpostavitvi zanesljivih elektrokemičnih pogojev se 3. poglavje osredotoča na elektrokemijsko pripravljene katalizatorje na osnovi Cu2O nanokock in na to, kako rekonstruktivna narava, ki jo povzroča določen elektrokemični protokol, vpliva na povečanje aktivnosti/selektivnosti za proizvodnjo metana. Zadnji del diplomske naloge predstavlja prispevek k temeljnemu razumevanju mehanizmov razgradnje in stabilnosti katalizatorjev na osnovi bakra v pogojih eCO2RR. Z ex-situ pristopom in metodo vrstične elektronske mikroskopije na enaki lokaciji (IL-SEM) so bili preučevani elektrodeponirani sferični polmikronski delci na vrteči disk elektrodi iz steklastega ogljika (GC RDE). Opažene strukturne spremembe je mogoče interpretirati kot posledico dveh ločenih elektrokemijskih procesov, ki potekata drug za drugim, in sicer raztapljanje bakra iz predhodno oksidiranih nanodelcev in kasnejše (elektro inducirano) ponovno odlaganje raztopljenih bakrovih zvrsti v obliki novih, manjših Cu fragmentov.
Keywords:elektrokatalizatorji, elektrokemična redukcija CO2, bakrovi nanodelci, IL-SEM, stabilnost, degradacija
