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Title:Osebni podatki v umetnosti : njihova zakonita obdelava in vloga etike v novomedijski kulturi
Authors:ID Vaupotič, Aleš (Author)
ID Bovcon, Narvika (Author)
.pdf JTDH_novomedijska_um_osebni_podatki_PoRec08.pdf (582,37 KB)
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.pdf JT-DH-2024_Vaupotic_Bovcon.pdf (765,27 KB)
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Work type:Unknown
Typology:1.08 - Published Scientific Conference Contribution
Organization:UNG - University of Nova Gorica
Abstract:Besedilo obravnava vprašanja zakonite in etične obdelave osebnih podatkov v novomedijski kulturi in umetnosti ter dileme ob vključevanju takih kulturnih artefaktov v razstavne projekte in muzejske zbirke. Uvodoma predstavi Splošno uredbo o varstvu podatkov (2018), ki sta jo sprejela Evropski parlament in Svet Evropske unije, ter trenutne zakonodajne postopke Evropske unije za področje umetne inteligence. Problematiko varovanja osebnih podatkov osvetli skozi razmislek o etiki informacij, kot jo razvija Luciano Floridi, ter pojasni razmerje med trdo in mehko etiko, slednja se izkaže za posebej uporabno za razumevanje vloge novih informacijskih tehnologij v današnji družbi. Vlogo osebnih podatkov, obdelanih tudi z algoritmi umetne inteligence, in dileme, povezane z njimi, ilustrira na primerih novomedijskih umetniških del Vuka Ćosića in Sreča Dragana.
Keywords:Splošna uredba o varstvu podatkov, mehka etika, novomedijska umetnost
Publication status:Published
Publication version:Version of Record
Year of publishing:2024
Number of pages:Str. 442-468
PID:20.500.12556/RUNG-9412 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:211870211 New window
Publication date in RUNG:17.10.2024
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Record is a part of a monograph

Title:Jezikovne tehnologije in digitalna humanistika : zbornik konference
Editors:Špela Arhar Holdt, Tomaž Erjavec
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:Inštitut za novejšo zgodovino, = Institute of Contemporary History
Year of publishing:2024
COBISS.SI-ID:211315971 New window

Document is financed by a project

Funder:ARIS - Slovenian Research and Innovation Agency
Project number:J7-3158
Name:Trajnostna digitalna hramba slovenske novomedijske umetnosti


License:CC BY-SA 4.0, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International
Description:This Creative Commons license is very similar to the regular Attribution license, but requires the release of all derivative works under this same license.

Secondary language

Title:Personal data in art : Its Legal Processing and the Role of Ethics in New Media Culture
Abstract:The text discusses the issues of legal and ethical processing of personal data in new media culture and art, as well as the dilemmas of including such cultural artifacts in exhibition projects and museum collections. It introduces the General Data Protection Regulation (2018), which was adopted by the European Parliament and the Council of the European Union, as well as the current legislative procedures of the European Union in the field of artificial intelligence. It sheds light on the issue of personal data protection through reflection on information ethics, as developed by Luciano Floridi, and explains the relationship between hard and soft ethics, the latter proving to be particularly useful for understanding the role of new information technologies in today's society. The contribution illustrates the role of personal data in art projects, also those involving the artificial intelligence algorithms, and the dilemmas associated with such data using the examples of new media artworks by Vuk Ćosić and Srečo Dragan.
Keywords:General Data Protection Regulation, Vuk Ćosić, Srečo Dragan, soft ethics, new media art


