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Title:Diskretnost seznamov in informacijski obrat v humanistiki
Authors:ID Bovcon, Narvika (Author)
ID Vaupotič, Aleš (Author)
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MD5: 74DEB5F2F9288F7C85EDAD30D6CA5318
Work type:Unknown
Typology:1.16 - Independent Scientific Component Part or a Chapter in a Monograph
Organization:UNG - University of Nova Gorica
Abstract:Besedilo obravnava informacijski obrat, ki današnjo realnost razume kot infosfero, agente v njej pa kot relacijsko povezane informacijske organizme, človeške, naravne ter umetne ali hibridne. Pri razumevanju komunikacijskega delovanja sodobnih algoritmov izhaja iz ugotovitev Elene Esposito, ki razlikuje med informativnostjo sporazumevanja in inteligenco ter najde kontingentnost, ki je temelj za dojemanje inteligentnih odzivov v komunikaciji, ne v algoritmih, ampak v velepodatkih, kamor so jo odložili ljudje pri izdelavi in uporabi spleta. Podatke, organizirane v obliki diskretnih seznamov, ki jih pridobimo z odstranitvijo konteksta, algoritmi obdelujejo: reorganizirajo in asociativno povezujejo. Podobno kot v računalništvu obravnava sisteme tudi humanistika, na obeh področjih imamo opravka z diskretnimi podatki. Ta skupna lastnost podatkov v humanistiki in računalništvu omogoča prenos metod med disciplinama, npr. metodo ravni abstrakcije za obravnavanje sistema, zato v nadaljevanju predstavimo delovanje Turingovih strojev, njihovo števnost izračunljivih števil, povezano z mehanskostjo postopka. Implikacije Turingovih odkritij so pobuda za informacijsko filozofijo Luciana Floridija, ki informacijskemu obratu reče tudi četrta revolucija človeškega samorazumevanja in ga obravnava v tetralogiji, posvečeni infosferi. Predstavljena je Floridijeva konceptualna logika informacij, ki je logika načrtovanja modela sistema, ki zadosti zahtevam in skozi izdelovanje proizvaja vednost ab anteriori. Gre za inženirskooblikovalsko metodo, ki je v vedno bolj konstrukcionistično naravnanem svetu tudi metoda za podajanje odgovorov na odprta filozofska vprašanja. V sklepu besedila metodo izdelave informacijskega modela sistema predstavimo na primeru digitalnohumanističnega projekta, ki uporablja digitalizirano zbirko umetniških del, interdisciplinarno sodelovanje in računalniške algoritme za generiranje novih informacijskih organizmov, tj. modelov, ki interpretirajo Rembrandtov umetniški sistem.
Keywords:informacijski obrat, digitalna humanistika, informacijski organizem, metoda ravni abstrakcije, informacijska logika načrtovanja
Publication status:Published
Publication version:Version of Record
Year of publishing:2024
Number of pages:str. 212-234, 251-253
PID:20.500.12556/RUNG-9793 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:222780163 New window
DOI:10.51938/9789612974633 New window
Publication date in RUNG:17.01.2025
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Record is a part of a monograph

Title:Vizualnost v času posthumanizma : okoljska etika, ekofeminizem, kibernetika in digitalna humanistika v umetnosti in oblikovanju
Editors:Uršula Berlot Pompe
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:Založba Univerze
Year of publishing:2024
COBISS.SI-ID:215497731 New window

Document is financed by a project

Funder:ARIS - Slovenian Research and Innovation Agency
Funding programme:Raziskovalni projekt
Project number:J7-3158
Name:Trajnostna digitalna hramba slovenske novomedijske umetnosti


License:CC BY 4.0, Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International
Description:This is the standard Creative Commons license that gives others maximum freedom to do what they want with the work as long as they credit the author.

Secondary language

Title:Discreteness of lists and the information revolution in the humanities
Abstract:This paper deals with the information revolution, which understands today’s reality as an infosphere and the agents in it as relationally connected information organisms, human, natural and artificial or hybrid. In understanding the communicative function of contemporary algorithms, it draws on the findings of Elena Esposito, who distinguishes between the informativeness of communication and intelligence, and finds the contingency that underlies the perception of intelligent responses in communication, not in algorithms, but in big data where humans have deposited it when creating and using the internet. Data organised in the form of discrete lists, obtained by removing context, is processed by algorithms: reorganised and associatively linked. The humanities deal with systems in a similar way to computer science, and in both fields we are dealing with discrete data. This common property of data in the humanities and computer science allows the transposal of methods between disciplines, e.g. the method of levels of abstraction for dealing with a system, so in the paper we present the operation of Turing machines, their multiplicity of computable numbers, linked to the mechanics of the process. The implications of Turing’s discoveries are the impetus for the philosophy of information of Luciano Floridi, who also calls the information revolution the fourth revolution of human self-understanding and discusses it in a tetralogy dedicated to the infosphere. We set out Floridi’s conceptual logic of information, which is the logic of designing a model of a system that satisfies requirements and produces knowledge ab anteriori through elaboration. It is an engineering-design method which, in an increasingly constructionist world, is also a method for providing answers to open philosophical questions. In the conclusion, we set out the method of producing an information model of a system through the example of a digital-humanities project that uses a digitised collection of artworks, interdisciplinary collaboration and computer algorithms to generate new information organisms, i.e. models that interpret Rembrandt’s art system.
Keywords:informational turn, digital humanities, inforg, method of levels of abstraction, informational logic of design
