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Title:Razstava Peaces - raziskovanje miru kot čezmejne množine : 6. 3. 2025, Chemnitz, Germany
Authors:Authors are not mentioned.
Work type:Unknown
Typology:3.10 - Artistic Performance
Organization:UNG - University of Nova Gorica
Abstract:The exhibition reimagines peace as both a plural concept and multifaceted experience, exploring mainly its artistic, but also scientific, and societal dimensions. Opening on March 6, 2025 at Weltecho Chemnitz, this unique event hosted by the City of Chemnitz and supported by GO!2025 European Capital of Culture Nova Gorica - Gorizia as well as the ACROSS European university alliance, commemorates the Day of Peace and Remembrance through a collaborative, interdisciplinary showcase. Featuring contributions from ACROSS university students and young artists from Nova Gorica, Udine, Banja Luka, Chemnitz and beyond, the exhibition includes contemporary art installations, videos, photographs, live performances and a cinema program of short films and animations, challenging perceptions of hospitality, migration, and resilience, while speculating on peace as both a trans-human and trans-border priority. Besides a guided tour through the artworks, the opening event will feature two performances, a cinema screening and an international panel discussion, offering diverse perspectives on peacebuilding in a fragmented world. By colliding creative expression with cultural exchange, Peaces invites audiences to reflect on the complexity of peace as both a universal aspiration and a deeply personal imperative. Curated by: dr. pETER Purg, University of Nova Gorica (ACROSS), GO!2025 Design and setup by: Gašper Rebernik, Taša Mir, Matej Pirkovič (University of Nova Gorica School of Arts) Produced by the City of Chemnitz, with support of University of Nova Gorica School of Arts (Erasmus+), Chemnitz Technical University, GO!2025 European Capital of Culture Nova Gorica - Gorizia. Artists: Abiral Khadka, Aljaž Lavrič, Andrea Mariani, Ana Evtić, Anja Paternoster, Arta Kroni, Batul Al Aidi, Blaž Stantič Kobal, Blhar, Brina Fekonja, Doroteja Dolinšek, Emilija Vučićevič, EMMIR, Frederic Bußmann, Gašper Rebernik, Heidrun Friese, Ivana Kalc, Karel Doing, Kristina Pranjić, Maria Matiashova, Matej Pirkovič, Milena Brkić, Nika Karner, Natalie Bleyl, Peter Purg, Sandra Marić, Simone Dotto, Simon Weckert, Taša Mir, Tamara Kirina, Tamara Taskova, Tijana Mijušković, Dr. Ulrike Brummert
Keywords:exhibition, intermedia, peace, capital of culture, across, university, intercultural, film
Place of performance:Chemnitz
Year of publishing:2024
PID:20.500.12556/RUNG-9896 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:228530947 New window
Publication date in RUNG:11.03.2025
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Secondary language

Title:Peaces – raziskovanje miru kot čezmejne množine
Abstract:Razstava Peaces raziskuje koncept miru kot pluralne in večplastne izkušnje ter predstavlja z njim povezane umetniške vizije in njihove družbene spekulacije. Združuje sodobne umetniške instalacije, videe, fotografije, performanse in filme ter predstavlja dela mladih umetnic in umetnikov iz Nove Gorice, Vidma, Banje Luke, Chemnitza in širše okolice. Razstavo kurira pETER Purg (Univerza v Novi Gorici, ACROSS, GO! 2025), oblikujejo pa jo Gašper Rebernik, Taša Mir in Matej Pirkovič (Akademija umetnosti, Univerza v Novi Gorici). Projekt nastaja v sodelovanju z mestom Chemnitz, Univerzo v Novi Gorici (Erasmus+ in ACROSS Allience), Tehniško univerzo Chemnitz in Evropsko prestolnico kulture 2025 Nova Gorica - Gorica. Sodelujoči umetnice in umetniki: Abiral Khadka, Aljaž Lavrič, Andrea Mariani, Ana Evtić, Anja Paternoster, Arta Kroni, Batul Al Aidi, Blaž Stantič Kobal, Brina Fekonja, BIhar, Doroteja Dolinšek, Emilija Vučićevič, EMMIR, Frederic Bußmann, Gašper Rebernik, Heidrun Friese, Ivana Kalc, Karel Doing, Kristina Pranjić, Maria Matiashova, Matej Pirkovič, Milena Brkić, Nika Karner, Natalie Bleyl, Peter Purg, Sandra Marić, Simone Dotto, Simon Weckert, Taša Mir, Tamara Kirina, Tamara Taskova, Tijana Mijušković in dr. Ulrike Brummert. Po otvoritvenem sprejemu in filmski projekciji bo sledil poetični panel, na katerem bodo poglede na mir prepletli umetnica Sandy Schwermer, raziskovalec dr. Sorin Cazacu ter pravnik in aktivist Franz Knoppe.
Keywords:razstava, intermedija, mir, prestolnica kulture, čez, univerza, medkulturno, film
