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Title:Graditelji mostov
Authors:ID Purg, Peter (Author)
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Work type:Unknown
Typology:2.16 - Artistic Work
Organization:UNG - University of Nova Gorica
Abstract:The foosball figurines become architect performers, evolving their usual competitive poses into collaborative choreographies aided by different tools and props. Instead of scoring against each other, players must construct a bridge across the entire field. Both teams score when a bridge is successfully built across the entire field. Or they both loose.
Keywords:dada, instalacija, namizni nogomet, skulpture
Place of publishing:Chemnitz
Place of performance:Chemnitz
Publisher:P. Purg
Year of publishing:2025
Year of performance:2025
PID:20.500.12556/RUNG-9897 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:228603139 New window
Publication date in RUNG:11.03.2025
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Secondary language

Title:Bridge builders
Abstract:Figurice namiznega nogometa postanejo arhitekti in performerji, ki svoje običajne tekmovalne drže spreminjajo v sodelovalne koreografije, podprte z različnimi orodji in rekviziti. Namesto da bi si zabijali gole, morajo igralci skupaj zgraditi most čez celotno igrišče. Obe ekipi zmagata, če most uspešno stoji – ali pa obe izgubita.
Keywords:hek, dada, instalacija, namizni nogomet
