Repozitorij Univerze v Novi Gorici

Statistika RUNG
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Bibliografija osebe. Seznam zajema vsa gradiva in ne le tista, kje je oseba mentor.

Magistrska dela (1)

  1. Huriye Betül Doğru: IL-cebirlerinin TL-filtreleri

Druga dela (8)

  1. Ergül Türkmen, Burcu Nİşancl Türkmen, Hashem Bordbar: A characterization of normal injective and normal projective hypermodules
  2. Hashem Bordbar: Categorical approach of normal injective and torsionable hypermodules
  3. Jeong Gi Kang, Hashem Bordbar: Łukasiewicz anti fuzzy subalgebras of BCK/BCI-algebras
  4. Hashem Bordbar: Computational algebra, coding theory, and cryptography
  5. Hashem Bordbar: Ordered algebraic structure in a linear code
  6. Irina Elena Cristea, Hashem Bordbar, Alessandro Linzi: Matematika za gospodarski inženiring
  7. Tahsin Oner, Hashem Bordbar, Neelamegarajan Rajesh, Akbar Rezaei: SBE-algebras via intuitionistic fuzzy structures
  8. Hashem Bordbar: Linear code and its potential ordered algebraic structures