Repository of University of Nova Gorica

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Bibliography of the person, including all types of documents, not only theses.

PhD theses (4)

  1. Elizabeth Archambault: Women's experiences in politics and power
  2. Katerina Ferkov: Healing feminity - balancing energies
  3. Tea Rozman-Clark: The United Nations peacekeepers and local population of the United Nations Safe Area Srebrenica
  4. Ana Hofman: Identity politics and the performances of female singers in Niško Polje in the last third of the twentieth century

MSc theses (2)

  1. Mirzana Čokljat: Bosnian women migrants
  2. Daniela Stekar: Sestavljene identitete Slovencev in Italijanov v romanu Zlata poroka ali Tržaški blues Eveline Umek

BSc theses (1)

  1. Tanja Bratina: Upodobitev ženskosti v kratki pripovedni prozi Anne Praček Krasna

Other documents (3)

  1. Felicita Koglot, Franc Peric: Ljubezen v pismih
  2. Katja Mihurko: Evine hčere
  3. Kaj hoče ženska?