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Bibliography of the person, including all types of documents, not only theses.

PhD theses (3)

  1. Aurora Clerici: A study of stellar debris dynamics during a tidal disruption event
  2. Katja Bučar Bricman: Tidal Disruption Events seen through the eyes of Vera C. Rubin Observatory

MSc theses (1)

  1. Nada Ihanec: Flares from the centers of galaxies with Gaia and OGLE surveys

BSc theses (1)

  1. Barbara Marčun: Določanje oddaljenosti Andromedine galaksije s kefeidnimi spremenljivkami

Other documents (210)

  1. Andreja Gomboc: Ko šteje vsaka beseda
  2. Aurora Clerici, Andreja Gomboc: A study on tidal disruption event dynamics around an Sgr A*-like massive black hole
  3. Andreja Gomboc: Ženske: Stoletje in leto sprememb
  4. Andreja Gomboc: Localization and Broadband Follow-up of the Gravitational-wave Transient GW150914
  5. Andreja Gomboc: Supplement: “Localization and Broadband Follow-up of the Gravitational-wave Transient GW150914” (2016, ApJL, 826, L13)
  6. Andreja Gomboc: GRB 160131A: LCOGT-FTN optical afterglow observations
  7. Aurora Clerici, Andreja Gomboc: Tidal disruption events from different kinds of astrophysical objects
  8. Andreja Gomboc: What do optical observations tell us about Gamma Ray Bursts Physics?
  9. Andreja Gomboc: Navidezno gibanje Sonca po nebu
  10. Andreja Gomboc: Ženske v astronomiji
  11. Andreja Gomboc: Are long gamma-ray bursts biased tracers of star formation? Clues from the host galaxies of the Swift/BAT6 complete sample of bright LGRBs. II. Star formation rates and metallicities at z < 1
  12. Andreja Gomboc: Liverpool Telescope follow-up of candidate electromagnetic counterparts during the first run of Advanced LIGO
  13. Andreja Gomboc: Nedeljski gost Vala 202
  14. Andreja Gomboc: Kratki stik: pogovor z dr. Andrejo Gomboc
  15. Andreja Gomboc: Nova obzorja v astrofiziki črnih lukenj - v Ljubljani
  16. Andreja Gomboc: Gravitacijske valove ujeli, potrdili teorijo
  17. Andreja Gomboc: Ugriznimo znanost: Novice o gravitacijskih valovih
  18. Andreja Gomboc: GRB 160223B: LCOGT-FTN optical observations
  19. Andreja Gomboc: GRB 160303A: LCOGT-FTN optical observations
  20. Andreja Gomboc: GRB 160313A: LT observations.
  21. Andreja Gomboc: GRB 160401A: LT observations
  22. Andreja Gomboc: GRB 160625B: LCOGT FTN observations.
  23. Andreja Gomboc: GRB 160705B: LT optical candidate
  24. Andreja Gomboc: GRB 160816A: LCOGT-FTN optical candidate.
  25. Andreja Gomboc: GRB 160816A: confirmed fading with the LT.
  26. Andreja Gomboc: Gaia16aye is a binary microlensing event and is crossing the caustic again
  27. Andreja Gomboc: Spectroscopic Classification of MASTER OT J222817.90-145657.4 as a dwarf nova outburst
  28. Andreja Gomboc: Vesoljske pošasti - o črnih luknjah in izbruhih sevanja gama
  29. Andreja Gomboc: Zadnji trenutki v življenju zvezd
  30. Andreja Gomboc: Vesoljske pošasti - o črnih luknjah in izbruhih sevanja gama
  31. Andreja Gomboc: Črne luknje in gravitacijski valovi
  32. Andreja Gomboc: Črne luknje in gravitacijski valovi
  33. Andreja Gomboc: Gravitacijski valovi
  34. Andreja Gomboc: Zadnji trenutki v življenju zvezd
  35. Andreja Gomboc: Slovenski odbor za astronomijo
  36. Aurora Clerici, Andreja Gomboc: Tidal Disruption Events from different kinds of astrophysical objects: a preliminary analysis
  37. Andreja Gomboc: The Gaia mission
  38. Andreja Gomboc: Gaia Data Release 1. Summary of the astrometric, photometric, and survey properties
  39. Andreja Gomboc: Najstniki v vojni
  40. Andreja Gomboc: Predicting the 4th caustic crossing in Gaia16aye binary microlensing event
  41. Andreja Gomboc, Jure Japelj, Stefano Covino: Extinction curves of GRB environment with the X-shooter
  42. Andreja Gomboc: Navidezno gibanje Lune po nebu
  43. Andreja Gomboc: Potujoča razstava o črnih luknjah
  44. Andreja Gomboc: Nova spoznanja o črnih luknjah
  45. Andreja Gomboc, Iain Steele, Robert S. Piascik: Gaia Alert Spectroscopy with SPRAT at the Liverpool Telescope
  46. Andreja Gomboc: Dobro jutro
  47. Andreja Gomboc: Dobro jutro
  48. Andreja Gomboc: Izbruhi sevanja gama kot okno v zgodovino vesolja in laboratorij visokoenergijske fizike
  49. Andreja Gomboc: Strašno hudi: Andreja Gomboc
  50. Andreja Gomboc: Novi svetovi
  51. Andreja Gomboc: (Samostojna) pot v Ameriko
  52. New Frontiers in Black Hole Astrophysics
  53. Aurora Clerici, Andreja Gomboc: Tidal disruption events from different kinds of astrophysical objects: a preliminary analysis
  54. Andreja Gomboc: Polarimetry and Photometry of Gamma-Ray Bursts with RINGO2
  55. Damjana Bakarič: Moški in ženske bi morali biti zavezniki
  56. Andreja Gomboc, Staš Zgonik: Dr. Andreja Gomboc, astrofizičarka
  57. Andreja Gomboc: Moških ne sprašujejo, kako krmarijo med kariero in družino
  58. Andreja Gomboc: Dnevnik
  59. Andreja Gomboc: Večnost in nespremenljivost neba sta le navidezni
  60. Andreja Gomboc: Z istim setom podatkov nad razne skrivnosti vesolja
  61. Andreja Gomboc: GRB 161219B/SN 2016jca: A low-redshift gamma-ray burst supernova powered by radioactive heating
  62. Andreja Gomboc: Ugriznimo znanost: Kometi in meteorski roji
  63. Katja Bricman: Simulations of Tidal Disruption Events Observations with the LSST
  64. Andreja Gomboc: A Reverse Shock and Unusual Radio Properties in GRB 160625B
  65. Andreja Gomboc: Rojstvo gravitacijske astronomije
  66. Andreja Gomboc: Slovenski odbor za astronomijo
  68. Andreja Gomboc: Solving the conundrum of intervening strong MgII absorbers towards GRBs and quasars
  69. Andreja Gomboc: Mass and metallicity scaling relations of high-redshift star-forming galaxies selected by GRBs
  70. Andreja Gomboc: The luminous, massive and solar metallicity galaxy hosting the Swift γ-ray burst GRB 160804A at z = 0.737
  71. Andreja Gomboc: Dekolonizacija astronomije
  72. Andreja Gomboc: Zemlja - vesoljska tarča
  73. Andreja Gomboc: X-shooter and ALMA spectroscopy of GRB 161023A. A study of metals and molecules in the line of sight towards a luminous GRB
  74. Andreja Gomboc: Highly ionized metals as probes of the circumburst gas in the natal regions of gamma-ray bursts
  75. Andreja Gomboc: VLT/X-shooter GRBs: Individual extinction curves of star-forming regions
  76. Andreja Gomboc: The host galaxy of the short GRB 111117A at z = 2.211. Impact on the short GRB redshift distribution and progenitor channels
  77. Andreja Gomboc: The THESEUS space mission concept: science case, design and expected performances
  78. Andreja Gomboc: GRB 181022A: LCO Sutherland observations.
  79. Andreja Gomboc: GRB 181020A: LCO Cerro Tololo observations.
  80. GRB 180821A: LCO Siding Springs observations.
  81. Andreja Gomboc: GRB 180809B: LCO Sutherland observations.
  82. Andreja Gomboc: GRB 180721A: LCO Haleakala observations.
  83. Andreja Gomboc: GRB 180720C: LT observations.
  84. Andreja Gomboc: GRB 180720B: LCO Haleakala possible bright optical candidate.
  85. Andreja Gomboc: An Unexpectedly Small Emission Region Size Inferred from Strong High-frequency Diffractive Scintillation in GRB 161219B
  86. Andreja Gomboc: The X-shooter GRB afterglow legacy sample (XS-GRB)
  87. Andreja Gomboc: The fraction of ionizing radiation from massive stars that escapes to the intergalactic medium
  88. Leor Barack, Tanja Petrushevska, Andreja Gomboc, Katja Bricman, Aurora Clerici, Christopher Eckner, Nada Ihanec, Gabrijela Zaharijas: Black holes, gravitational waves and fundamental physics: a roadmap
  89. Martina Larma: Machine learning for the purpose of classification of astrophysical transients
  90. Andreja Gomboc: Mechanisms of GRB prompt and afterglow emission
  91. Andreja Gomboc: A robotic pipeline for fast GRB followup with the Las Cumbrés observatory network
  92. Andreja Gomboc: Astrofizikalni tranzienti
  93. Andreja Gomboc: A REVERSE SHOCK IN GRB 181201A
  94. Andreja Gomboc, Aurora Clerici, Nada Ihanec: Full orbital solution for the binary system in the northern Galactic disc microlensing event Gaia16aye
  95. Katja Bricman, Andreja Gomboc: The Prospects of Observing Tidal Disruption Events with the Large Synoptic Survey Telescope
  96. Andreja Gomboc: Lowly Polarized Light from a Highly Magnetized Jet of GRB 190114C
  97. Andreja Gomboc: Enakovredne?!
  98. Andreja Gomboc: Zvezde v času virusa
  99. Andreja Gomboc: V čevljih nekoga drugega
  100. Andreja Gomboc: Zgodbe dveh let
  101. Andreja Gomboc: Zakoni zvezd in zakoni ljudi
  102. Andreja Gomboc: Skriti faktorji
  103. Andreja Gomboc: Vesoljske smeti
  104. Andreja Gomboc: Smo znanstveniki dolgočasni?
  105. Andreja Gomboc: Kot zvezde na nebu
  106. Andreja Gomboc: Čigav je moj čas?
  107. Andreja Gomboc: Naj bo luč! In naj bo tema!
  108. Andreja Gomboc: Spomini prekmurske študentke
  109. Andreja Gomboc: Znanost in javnost
  110. Andreja Gomboc: Vesoljska doba
  111. Andreja Gomboc: Naša draga Luna
  112. Andreja Gomboc: Ali smo v vesolju sami?
  113. Andreja Gomboc: Stuhlingerjeva kovanec in pismo
  114. Andreja Gomboc, Lev Kreft, Kristina Pranjić: Čezmejnost vesolja
  115. Andreja Gomboc: GWverse COST action
  116. Andreja Gomboc: Doma, na obisku
  117. Andreja Gomboc: Malo in veliko
  118. Andreja Gomboc: Poglejte v zvezde
  119. Andreja Gomboc: Nezaupanje v znanost
  120. Andreja Gomboc: Svet ni črno-bel
  121. Andreja Gomboc: Observational constraints on the optical and near-infrared emission from the neutron star-black hole binary merger candidate S190814bv
  122. Andreja Gomboc: Meje našega sveta
  123. Katja Bricman, Andreja Gomboc: The prospects of observing Tidal Disruption Events with the Large Synoptic Survey Telescope (LSST)
  124. Katja Bricman, Andreja Gomboc: Opazovanja plimskih raztrganj zvezd z Velikim sinoptičnim pregledovalnim teleskopom
  125. Katja Bricman, Andreja Gomboc: Studying TDEs in the era of LSST
  126. Katja Bricman, Andreja Gomboc: Studying TDEs in the era of LSST
  127. Andreja Gomboc: Kaj pa nadarjeni?
  128. Andreja Gomboc: Seksizem in drugi "nesporazumi"
  129. Slovenski teleskop potuje v Atacamo
  130. Andreja Gomboc: Na poti do zvezd
  131. Andreja Gomboc: Nastanek zvezd
  132. Andreja Gomboc: Zvok tišine
  133. Y. Evangelista, Aurora Clerici, P. Efremov, Dejan Gačnik, Andreja Gomboc, Uroš Kostić, Mile Karlica, David Selčan: The scientific payload on-board the HERMES-TP and HERMES-SP CubeSat missions
  134. F. Fiore, Aurora Clerici, P. Efremov, Darja Gačnik, Andreja Gomboc, Uroš Kostić, Mile Karlica, David Selčan: The HERMES-technologic and scientific pathfinder
  135. Andreja Gomboc: Znanost kot čokolada
  136. Luciano Burderi, Aurora Clerici, P. Efremov, Dejan Gačnik, Andreja Gomboc, Uroš Kostić, Mile Karlica, David Selčan: GrailQuest & HERMES
  137. A. Sanna, Aurora Clerici, P. Efremov, Dejan Gačnik, Andreja Gomboc, Uroš Kostić, Mile Karlica, David Selčan: Timing techniques applied to distributed modular high-energy astronomy
  138. Andreja Gomboc: Astronomija kot most med državami
  139. Lorenzo Spina, N. Jordana-Mitjans, Carole G. Mundell, R. J. Smith, Cristiano Guidorzi, M. Marongiu, S. Kobayashi, Andreja Gomboc, M. Shrestha, Iain A. Steele: Coherence scale of magnetic fields generated in early-time forward shocks of GRBs
  140. Andreja Gomboc: Slovenija in svet leta 2050
  141. Andreja Gomboc: Community building
  142. Katja Bricman, Andreja Gomboc: Tidal disruption events in the Vera C. Rubin LSST Survey
  143. Taj Jankovič, Andreja Gomboc: Relativistic tidal disruptions of stars with realistic density profiles
  144. Taj Jankovič: O usodi zvezd po plimskem raztrganju
  145. Taj Jankovič, Andreja Gomboc, Aurora Clerici: Bound debris in stellar TDEs
  146. Andreja Gomboc: Še zmeraj se vrti
  147. Andreja Gomboc: Raziskovalne selitve
  148. Andreja Gomboc: Med ognjem in nebom
  149. Simon Hodgkin, D. L. Harrison, E. Breedt, T. Wevers, Guy Rixon, A. Delgado, A. Yoldas, Z. Kostrzewa-Rutkowska, Mitja Fridman, Andreja Gomboc: Gaia Early Data Release 3
  150. P. Rosati, S. Basa, A. W. Blain, E. Bozzo, Marica Branchesi, L. Christensen, A. Ferrara, Andreja Gomboc, P. T. O'Brien, J. P. Osborne: Synergies of THESEUS with the large facilities of the 2030s and guest observer opportunities
  151. Nial R. Tanvir, E. Le Floc'h, L. Christensen, J. Caruana, R. Salvaterra, Giancarlo Ghirlanda, B. Ciardi, U. Maio, V. D'Odorico, Andreja Gomboc: Exploration of the high-redshift universe enabled by THESEUS
  152. Riccardo Ciolfi, Giulia Stratta, Marica Branchesi, Bruce Gendre, Stefan Grimm, Jan Harms, Gavin Paul Lamb, Antonio Martin-Carrillo, Ayden McCann, Andreja Gomboc: Multi-messenger astrophysics with THESEUS in the 2030s
  153. Andreja Gomboc: Spolno nadlegovanje v akademskem okolju
  154. M. Shrestha, Iain A. Steele, S. Kobayashi, N. Jordana-Mitjans, R. J. Smith, H. Jermak, Dirk Arnold, Carole G. Mundell, Andreja Gomboc, Cristiano Guidorzi: GRB 191016A
  155. Andreja Gomboc: Zanimivi časi
  156. Andreja Gomboc: Glejte gor ... in okrog
  157. Andreja Gomboc: Kaj hočejo znanstvenice?
  158. Andreja Gomboc: Iz središča do konca vesolja
  159. Andreja Gomboc: Observing TDEs with the Vera Rubin Observatory LSST
  160. Andreja Gomboc: Ognjene iskre namesto zvezd
  161. Andreja Gomboc: Več kot samo lepe slike
  162. Andreja Gomboc: Espresso, sveta krava in tango v Parizu
  163. Andreja Gomboc, Uroš Kostić: Relativistic navigation satellite system
  164. Andreja Gomboc: Kaj prinaša znanosti novi zakon?
  166. Andreja Gomboc: Tidal disruptions of stars - from simulations to observations with Rubin Observatory LSST
  167. Andreja Gomboc: Observing tidal disruption events with the Rubin Observatory LSST
  168. Iskanje življenja onkraj Zemlje
  169. Andreja Gomboc: Upočasnimo akademsko kolo
  170. M. Shrestha, Iain A. Steele, S. Kobayashi, R. J. Smith, Cristiano Guidorzi, N. Jordana-Mitjans, H. Jermak, Dirk Arnold, Carole G. Mundell, Andreja Gomboc: Polarimetry and photometry of gamma-ray bursts afterglows with RINGO3
  171. Taj Jankovič, Andreja Gomboc: Hitrost vračanja snovi pri relativističnih plimskih raztrganjih zvezd
  172. Andreja Gomboc: Različni svetovi
  173. Andreja Gomboc: A Short Gamma-Ray Burst from a Protomagnetar Remnant
  174. Andreja Gomboc: Observing Tidal Disruption Events with Rubin LSST
  175. Andreja Gomboc: Status of Slovenian In-kind contributions
  176. Andreja Gomboc: Slovenski odbor za astronomijo
  177. Andreja Gomboc: Slovenski odbor za astronomijo
  178. Andreja Gomboc: Slovenski odbor za astronomijo
  179. Andreja Gomboc: Je leto naokrog
  180. Andreja Gomboc: Novi začetki
  181. Andreja Gomboc: Digitalno vesolje
  182. Andreja Gomboc: Prve čarovnice
  183. Taj Jankovič, Andreja Gomboc: The mass fallback rate of the debris in relativistic stellar tidal disruption events
  184. Andreja Gomboc: Bliski iz globin vesolja
  185. Andreja Gomboc: Votla Zemlja in druge zgodbe
  186. Taj Jankovič, Clément Bonnerot, Andreja Gomboc: Spin-induced offset stream self-crossing shocks in tidal disruption events
  187. Kelly M. Hambleton, Federica B. Bianco, Rachel Street, Keaton Bell, David Buckley, Melissa Lynn Graham, Nina Hernitschek, Michael B. Lund, Katja Bricman, Andreja Gomboc: Rubin Observatory LSST transients and variable stars roadmap
  188. Andreja Gomboc: Vtisi iz tujine
  189. Katja Bricman, S. Van Velzen, M. Nicholl, Andreja Gomboc: Rubin Observatory's survey strategy performance for tidal disruption events
  190. Andreja Gomboc: Tidal Disruption Events
  191. Andreja Gomboc: Astronomi in astronomke v Krakovu
  192. Andreja Gomboc: Gremo v Čile
  193. Andreja Gomboc: TDEs with Rubin LSST
  194. Andreja Gomboc: Stopnice do zmage
  195. Andreja Gomboc: Akademsko kolo - drugič
  196. Andreja Gomboc: TDEs with Rubin LSST
  197. Justyn R. Maund, Peter A. Höflich, Iain A. Steele, Yi Yang, Klaas Wiersema, Shiho Kobayashi, Nuria Jordana-Mitjans, Carole G. Mundell, Andreja Gomboc, Cristiano Guidorzi: A flash of polarized optical light points to an aspherical 'cow'
  198. A. E. Camisasca, Cristiano Guidorzi, Lorenzo Amati, F. Frontera, X. Y. Song, S. Xiao, S. L. Xiong, S. N. Zhang, Raffaella Margutti, Andreja Gomboc: GRB minimum variability timescale with Insight-HXMT and Swift
  199. H. Abe, S. Abe, V. A. Acciari, I. Agudo, T. Aniello, S. Ansoldi, L. A. Antonelli, A. Arbet Engels, C. Arcaro, Andreja Gomboc: MAGIC detection of GRB 201216C at z = 1.1
  200. Tanmoy Laskar, Kate D. Alexander, Raffaella Margutti, Tarraneh Eftekhari, Ryan Chornock, Edo Berger, Yvette Cendes, Anne Duerr, Daniel A. Perley, Andreja Gomboc: The radio to GeV afterglow of GRB 221009A
  201. N. Jordana-Mitjans, Carole G. Mundell, S. Kobayashi, R. J. Smith, Cristiano Guidorzi, Iain A. Steele, M. Shrestha, Andreja Gomboc, M. Marongiu, R. Martone: The role of the magnetic fields in GRB outflows
  202. Tanja Petrushevska, Giorgos Leloudas, D. Ilić, Mateusz Bronikowski, P. Charalampopoulos, G. K. Jaisawal, E. Paraskeva, M. Pursiainen, Andreja Gomboc, Barbara Marčun: The rise and fall of the iron-strong nuclear transient PS16dtm
  203. Andreja Gomboc: Gaia astrometric microlensing events
  204. Aleksej Jurca: Star-disk collisions as the source of quasi-periodic eruptions
  205. Andreja Gomboc: How stars get thorn apart by supermassive black holes
  206. D. A. Kann, N. E. White, Giancarlo Ghirlanda, S. R. Oates, Andrea Melandri, M. Jelínek, A. De Ugarte Postigo, A. J. Levan, Antonio Martin-Carrillo, Andreja Gomboc: Fires in the deep
  207. Giancarlo Ghirlanda, L. Nava, O. Salafia, F. Fiore, R. Campana, R. Salvaterra, A. Sanna, Dejan Gačnik, Andreja Gomboc, David Selčan: HERMES
  208. D. A. Kann, Andreja Gomboc: VizieR Online Data Catalog: GRB afterglow/supernova/host observations (Kann+, 2024)
  209. Pasquale Panuzzo, Andreja Gomboc: VizieR Online Data Catalog
  210. Nejc Trampuž, Dorotea Dolinšek, Peter Purg, Andreja Gomboc: Astrotop_X