Repozitorij Univerze v Novi Gorici

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Naslov:Decolonizing literary studies : unveiling postcolonial narratives in post-Yugoslav academic curricula
Avtorji:ID Vukotić, Sara (Avtor)
ID Ilin, Darko (Avtor)
.pdf 12_Vukotic.pdf (542,01 KB)
MD5: 9EE225FE810637AE479CE5A578E98669
Jezik:Angleški jezik
Vrsta gradiva:Neznano
Tipologija:1.01 - Izvirni znanstveni članek
Organizacija:UNG - Univerza v Novi Gorici
Opis:This paper explores the presence and integration of postcolonial studies in literature education within the faculties of philology in the capitals of the former Yugoslav countries. Focusing on the emerging field of critical curriculum studies, the research delves into the nuanced landscape of literature education, particularly at higher levels, specifically emphasizing literary students’ specialized education. The study contextualizes postcolonial studies as a hybrid space for theoretical discourse, tracing its roots to anticolonial critique and contemporary Western theories. Drawing on the anticolonial heritage of socialist Yugoslavia and its involvement in the Non-Aligned Movement, the paper navigates the complexities of (post)colonial dynamics in the Balkans. This paper investigates the presence, or absence, of postcolonial theory in literature curricula within humanities faculties in the former Yugoslav countries’ capital cities. This research is based on the close interconnection of literature and postcolonial theory, whose origins lie within the literary representation of colonization relations. The primary objective is to discern the extent to which postcolonial studies are integrated into literary education and what implications this holds within the national context. Through an examination of course programs and content at various academic levels, the research aims to illuminate the role of postcolonial theory in shaping the narrative of literature education in the context of the former Yugoslavia.
Ključne besede:postcolonial theory, curriculum, literary education, former Yugoslavia, higher education
Status publikacije:Objavljeno
Verzija publikacije:Objavljena publikacija
Datum objave:01.01.2024
Leto izida:2024
Št. strani:str. 191–209
Številčenje:/, Vol. 52
PID:20.500.12556/RUNG-9222 Novo okno
COBISS.SI-ID:204302851 Novo okno
ISSN pri članku:1392-5016
DOI:10.15388/ActPaed.2024.52.12 Novo okno
Datum objave v RUNG:13.08.2024
Število ogledov:1116
Število prenosov:14
Metapodatki:XML DC-XML DC-RDF
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Skupna ocena:(0 glasov)
Vaša ocena:Ocenjevanje je dovoljeno samo prijavljenim uporabnikom.
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Gradivo je del revije

Naslov:Acta Pedagogica Vilnensia
Skrajšan naslov:Acta Pedagog. Vilnensia
Založnik:Vilniaus universiteto leidykla
COBISS.SI-ID:1474391 Novo okno

Gradivo je financirano iz projekta

Financer:ARIS - Javna agencija za znanstvenoraziskovalno in inovacijsko dejavnost Republike Slovenije
Program financ.:Raziskovalni in infrastrukturni programi ARIS
Številka projekta:P6-0347
Naslov:Historične interpretacije 20. stoletja


Licenca:CC BY 4.0, Creative Commons Priznanje avtorstva 4.0 Mednarodna
Opis:To je standardna licenca Creative Commons, ki daje uporabnikom največ možnosti za nadaljnjo uporabo dela, pri čemer morajo navesti avtorja.

Sekundarni jezik

Jezik:Litvanski jezik
Naslov:Dekolonizuojančios literatūros studijos
