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* old and bologna study programme


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Organska elektronika
Jurij Urbančič, other performed works

Keywords: organska elektronika, fizika, materiali, promocija
Published in RUNG: 21.04.2023; Views: 1458; Downloads: 0
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Synthesis of bio-composite sustainable materials and their applications in environmental technology
Mladen Franko, published scientific conference contribution abstract (invited lecture)

Abstract: Organic wastes such as wood, hair, feathers, exoskeletons of crustaceans and molluscs or even water melon rind represent some examples of valuable and abundant sources of natural polymers such as cellulose, keratin and chitin, which were already extensively exploited for preparation of novel bio-composite materials. Application of green chemistry approaches for their synthesis makes such bio-composites really sustainable materials with several interesting properties for different applications, including those in environmental technology. In this review, synthesis of novel bio-composites based on cellulose (CEL), chitosan (CS - chemically modified chitin) or keratin (KER) and their potential for application in environmental technology will be presented. The synthesis is based on dissolution of bio-polymers in ionic liquids. This is the crucial step in the synthesis of such materials, which at the same time makes the process completely recyclable with regard to the solvents. The tensile strength is regulated by the proportion of CEL in the material, while higher proportions of CS were shown to add to the adsorptive and antimicrobial activity of the material [1]. Antimicrobial activity was also observed for CEL:KER materials and was further improved by decorating the bio-composites with silver or gold nanoparticles [2]. Our research has shown high potential for application of synthesised bio-composites in environmental technologies including removal of toxins or killing of pathogens in water. It was demonstrated that CEL:CS composites can remove up to 96 mg of microcystin per gram of composite, which is almost 5 times higher than best known adsorbent for microcystin [1]. On the other hand CEL:KER composites with incorporated Ag0 nanoparticles have shown up to 6 logs of reduction in the number of bacteria (99.9999% growth reduction) of bacteria such as E. coli which is a frequently encountered pathogen in wastewaters [2]. [1] TRAN, C. D., DURI, S., DELNERI, A., FRANKO, M. (2013), Chitosan-cellulose composite materials: preparation, characterization and application for removal of microcystin, Journal of hazardous materials. 252/253, p 355-366 [2] TRAN, C. D., PROSENC, F., FRANKO, M., BENZI, G. (2016, One-pot synthesis of biocompatible silver nanoparticle composites from cellulose and keratin: characterization and antimicrobial activity, ACS applied materials & interfaces. 8, p 34791-34801
Keywords: Trajnostni materiali, biokompoziti, celuloza, hitosan, keratin, sporopolenin, mikrocistin
Published in RUNG: 06.12.2022; Views: 3060; Downloads: 0
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Thermal diffusivity downscaling of molybdenum oxide thin film through annealing temperature-induced nano-lamelle formation: a photothermal beam deflection study
S. Soumya, Vimal Raj, Mohanachandran Nair Sindhu Swapna, Sankaranarayana Iyer Sankararaman, 2021, original scientific article

Abstract: The present work proposes a method of downscaling the thermal diffusivity (α) of MoO3 thin films through annealing temperature-induced nano-lamelle formation. The thermal diffusivity modification of the MoO3 films, prepared by the doctor blade method, is investigated by the sensitive transverse photothermal beam deflection technique. The X-ray diffraction analysis confirms the structural phase transformation from monoclinic to orthorhombic in the films annealed from 300 to 450 °C. The thermal induced anisotropy of the film is evident from the variation of the morphology index and texture coefficient. The field emission scanning electron microscopic analysis unveils the morphology modifications from blocks to the nano-lamelle structure with layers of average thickness ~ 77 nm. The thermal diffusivity measurement reveals a 53% reduction upon annealing the film to 450 °C. The drastic reduction is achieved through the annealing temperature-induced nano-lamelle formation and the phase transformation from monoclinic to orthorhombic in the MoO3 films.
Keywords: thermal diffusivity, molybdenum oxide, thin film, nano-lamelle, photothermal beam deflection
Published in RUNG: 04.07.2022; Views: 1700; Downloads: 27
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Course "Functional materials"
Matjaž Valant, invited lecture at foreign university

Keywords: elektronika, materiali, optika
Published in RUNG: 25.04.2022; Views: 1977; Downloads: 0
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Ustvarjanje novih materialov
2022, interview

Keywords: kemija, (nano)materiali, sinteza, karakterizacija, intervjuji
Published in RUNG: 19.04.2022; Views: 2017; Downloads: 32
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Polymer-based nano-composites for thermal insulation
Alessandro Fraleoni-Morgera, Manisha Chhikara, 2019, review article

Keywords: nano-composites, polymers, thermal insulation
Published in RUNG: 13.07.2021; Views: 2589; Downloads: 0

Znanost na cesti- Materiali brez katerih si ne predstavljamo modernega življenja
Blaž Belec, unpublished conference contribution

Keywords: materiali
Published in RUNG: 05.07.2021; Views: 2470; Downloads: 0
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Kvantni Hallov pojav v 2D materialih : diplomski seminar
Matevž Rupnik, 2021, research project (high school)

Keywords: kvantni Hallov pojav, 2D materiali, Schrödingerjeva enačba, elektroni v električnem in magnetnem polju, grafen, Diracova enačba
Published in RUNG: 28.06.2021; Views: 2972; Downloads: 0
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Tomaž Zarifa: To niso sanje / These are not Dreams
Sarival Sosič, 2019, exhibition catalogue

Abstract: Bistvo tokratnih skulptur akademskega kiparja Tomaža Zarife je urejena geometrična shema, ki z amorfnimi ali antropomorfnimi posebnostmi ustvarja raznolika razmerja med celovitostjo površin in struktur ter detajli, razporejenimi znotraj ali zunaj teh oblik. S spojem več oblik, več motivov v približani akaciji, ki jo doživljajo posamezni gledalci, nastaja igra percepcije. Tako organizacija skulptur po frontalni ali direktni shemi ter po globinski ali idejni shemi ostaja bodisi simetrična ali asimetrična bodisi prepoznavna ali enigmatična. Tomaž Zarifa tudi v tokratni postavitvi serije sedmih skulptur z naslovom To niso sanje, 2019, na materialni ravnini uporablja reciklirane materiale, vsakdanje predmete, ki pritegnejo njegovo pozornost in mu omogočijo različne nivoje izraznosti. Na ravnini sodobnih komunikacijskih razmerij je tudi tokrat v ospredju aktivno ukvarjanje z rekontekstualizacijo najdenih materialov, kot je na primer les s svojimi najrazličnejšimi strukturami in videzi. Iz ogromnega polja sodobnih družbenih praks ustvarjalec izlušči različna sporočila, vizualne ali intermedijske akcente, ki se različno vrivajo v vsakdanjost ter jih avtorsko preoblikuje v kiparska sporočila. Tako nastajajo njegove likovne strukture, izhajajoče iz konceptov najdenih predmetov (ready made), ki jih kombinira znotraj instalacij ali prostorskih postavitev, torej kiparskih kolažev in asemblažev, povezanih tudi z energijo (elektrika v povezavi z aparati) ter postopno dograjenih v t. i. vizualne strukture konceptualnih avtorskih arhivov.
Keywords: reciklirani materiali kot skulpture, vizualne strukture konceptualnih avtorskih arhivov, interaktivni objekt, skulptura kto konstrukt
Published in RUNG: 21.07.2020; Views: 2974; Downloads: 0

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