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Sensitivity of CTA to gamma-ray emission from the Perseus galaxy cluster
Judit Pérez Romero, published scientific conference contribution

Abstract: In these proceedings we summarize the current status of the study of the sensitivity of the Cherenkov Telescope Array (CTA) to detect diffuse gamma-ray emission from the Perseus galaxy cluster. Gamma-ray emission is expected in galaxy clusters both from interactions of cosmic rays (CR) with the intra-cluster medium, or as a product of annihilation or decay of dark matter (DM) particles in case they are weakly interactive massive particles (WIMPs). The observation of Perseus constitutes one of the Key Science Projects to be carried out by the CTA Consortium. In this contribution, we focus on the DM-induced component of the flux. OurDMmodelling includes the substructures we expect in the main halo which will boost the annihilation signal significantly. We adopt an ON/OFF observation strategy and simulate the expected gamma-ray signals. Finally we compute the expected CTA sensitivity using a likelihood maximization analysis including the most recent CTA instrument response functions. In absence of signal, we show that CTA will allow us to provide stringent and competitive constraints on TeV DM, especially for the case of DM decay.
Keywords: dark matter, gamma-ray astronomy, galaxy clusters, cosmic rays and astroparticles
Published in RUNG: 27.01.2023; Views: 1662; Downloads: 18
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Spatial extension of dark subhalos as seen by Fermi-LAT and the implications for WIMP constraints
Javier Coronado-Blázquez, Miguel Sánchez-Conde, Judit Pérez Romero, Alejandra Aguirre-Santaella, 2022, original scientific article

Abstract: Spatial extension has been hailed as a “smoking gun” in the gamma-ray search of dark galactic subhalos, which would appear as unidentified sources for gamma-ray telescopes. In this work, we study the sensitivity of the Fermi-LAT to extended subhalos using simulated data based on a realistic sky model. We simulate spatial templates for a set of representative subhalos, whose parameters were derived from our previous work with N-body cosmological simulation data. We find that detecting an extended subhalo and finding an unequivocal signal of angular extension requires, respectively, a flux 2 to 10 times larger than in the case of a pointlike source. By studying a large grid of models, where parameters such as the WIMP mass, annihilation channel, or subhalo model are varied significantly, we obtain the response of the LAT as a function of the product of annihilation cross-section times the J-factor. Indeed, we show that spatial extension can be used as an additional “filter” to reject subhalos candidates among the pool of unidentified LAT sources, as well as a smoking gun for positive identification. For instance, typical angular extensions of a few tenths of a degree are expected for the considered scenarios. Finally, we also study the impact of the obtained LAT sensitivity to such extended subhalos on the achievable dark matter constraints, which are a few times less constraining than comparable point-source limits.
Keywords: dark matter, cosmic rays and astroparticles, gamma-ray astronomy, particle astrophysics, particle dark matter
Published in RUNG: 26.01.2023; Views: 2134; Downloads: 0
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Recent results from the Pierre Auger Observatory
Serguei Vorobiov, 2022, published scientific conference contribution abstract (invited lecture)

Abstract: Ultra-high-energy cosmic rays (UHECRs) are mostly protons and heavier nuclei arriving on Earth from space and producing particle cascades in the atmosphere, ”extensive air showers”. As of today, the most precise and high-statistics data set of the rare (≤ 1 particle per per year above 10[sup]19 eV) UHECR events is obtained by the Pierre Auger Observatory, a large area (~3000 hybrid detector in Argentina. The Auger Observatory determines the arrival directions and energies of the primary UHECR particles and provides constraints for their masses. In this talk, I will present and discuss the recent results, including the detailed measurements of the cosmic-ray energy spectrum features, the study of the anisotropies in the UHECR arrival directions at large and intermediate angular scales, the multi-messenger searches, and the inferred cosmic-ray mass composition. Finally, the progress of the current upgrade of the Observatory, "AugerPrime" which is aimed at improving the sensitivity to the mass composition of ultra-high-energy cosmic rays, will be presented.
Keywords: ultra-high-energy cosmic rays, Pierre Auger Observatory, UHECR mass composition, energy spectrum, anisotropies, AugerPrime upgrade
Published in RUNG: 23.12.2022; Views: 2006; Downloads: 9
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Studies of cosmic rays in our Galaxy with Cherenkov Telescope Array : diploma seminar
Zoja Rokavec, 2022, research project (high school)

Keywords: cosmic rays, cosmic PeVatrons, Cherenkov Telescope Array, very-high-energy gamma-rays
Published in RUNG: 15.06.2022; Views: 1900; Downloads: 0
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Multi-messenger studies with the Pierre Auger Observatory
Lukas Zehrer, Andrej Filipčič, Gašper Kukec Mezek, Jon Paul Lundquist, Samo Stanič, Marta Trini, Serguei Vorobiov, Marko Zavrtanik, Danilo Zavrtanik, 2021, published scientific conference contribution

Abstract: Over the past decade the multi-messenger astrophysics has emerged as a distinct discipline, providing unique insights into the properties of high-energy phenomena in the Universe. The Pierre Auger Observatory, located in Malargüe, Argentina, is the world’s largest cosmic ray detector sensitive to photons, neutrinos, and hadrons at ultra-high energies. Using its data, stringent limits on photon and neutrino fluxes at EeV energies have been obtained. The collaboration uses the excellent angular resolution and the neutrino identification capabilities of the Observatory for follow-up studies of events detected in gravitational waves or other messengers, through cooperation with global multi-messenger networks. We present a science motivation together with an overview of the multi-messenger capabilities and results of the Pierre Auger Observatory.
Keywords: high-energy cosmic phenomena, multi-messenger astrophysical studies, cosmic rays, gamma-rays, neutrinos, Pierre Auger Observatory
Published in RUNG: 06.05.2022; Views: 2051; Downloads: 0
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Application of machine learning techniques for cosmic ray event classification and implementation of a real-time ultra-high energy photon search with the surface detector of the Pierre Auger Observatory : dissertation
Lukas Zehrer, 2021, doctoral dissertation

Abstract: Despite their discovery already more than a century ago, Cosmic Rays (CRs) still did not divulge all their properties yet. Theories about the origin of ultra-high energy (UHE, > 10^18 eV) CRs predict accompanying primary photons. The existence of UHE photons can be investigated with the world’s largest ground-based experiment for detection of CR-induced extensive air showers (EAS), the Pierre Auger Observatory, which offers an unprecedented exposure to rare UHE cosmic particles. The discovery of photons in the UHE regime would open a new observational window to the Universe, improve our understanding of the origin of CRs, and potentially uncloak new physics beyond the standard model. The novelty of the presented work is the development of a "real-time" photon candidate event stream to a global network of observatories, the Astrophysical Multimessenger Observatory Network (AMON). The stream classifies CR events observed by the Auger surface detector (SD) array as regards their probability to be photon nominees, by feeding to advanced machine learning (ML) methods observational air shower parameters of individual CR events combined in a multivariate analysis (MVA). The described straightforward classification procedure further increases the Pierre Auger Observatory’s endeavour to contribute to the global effort of multi-messenger (MM) studies of the highest energy astrophysical phenomena, by supplying AMON partner observatories the possibility to follow-up detected UHE events, live or in their archival data.
Keywords: astroparticle physics, ultra-high energy cosmic rays, ultra-high energy photons, extensive air showers, Pierre Auger Observatory, multi-messenger, AMON, machine learning, multivariate analysis, dissertations
Published in RUNG: 27.10.2021; Views: 3595; Downloads: 184
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FR-0 jetted active galaxies : extending the zoo of candidate sites for UHECR acceleration
Lukas Merten, Margot Boughelilba, Anita Reimer, Paolo Da Vela, Serguei Vorobiov, Fabrizio Tavecchio, Giacomo Bonnoli, Jon Paul Lundquist, Chiara Righi, 2021, published scientific conference contribution

Abstract: Fanaroff-Riley (FR) 0 radio galaxies form a low-luminosity extension to the well-established ultra-high-energy cosmic-ray (UHECR) candidate accelerators FR-1 and FR-2 galaxies. Their much higher number density — up to a factor five times more numerous than FR-1 with z ≤ 0.05 — makes them good candidate sources for an isotropic contribution to the observed UHECR flux. Here, the acceleration and survival of UHECR in prevailing conditions of the FR-0 environment are discussed. First, an average spectral energy distribution (SED) is compiled based on the FR0CAT. These photon fields, composed of a jet and a host galaxy component, form a minimal target photon field for the UHECR, which will suffer from electromagnetic pair production, photo-disintegration, photo-meson production losses, and synchrotron radiation. The two most promising acceleration scenarios based on Fermi-I order and gradual shear acceleration are discussed as well as different escape scenarios. When an efficient acceleration mechanism precedes gradual shear acceleration, e.g., Fermi-I orothers, FR-0 galaxies are likely UHECR accelerators. Gradual shear acceleration requires a jet Lorentz factor of Gamma>1.6, to be faster than the corresponding escape. In less optimistic models, a contribution to the cosmic-ray flux between the knee and ankle is expected to be relatively independent of the realized turbulence and acceleration.
Keywords: jetted active galaxies, FR-0 radiogalaxies, ultra-high energy cosmic rays, cosmic ray acceleration, cosmic ray energy losses
Published in RUNG: 16.08.2021; Views: 2622; Downloads: 5
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Extrapolating FR-0 radio galaxy source properties from propagation of multi-messenger ultra-high energy cosmic rays
Jon Paul Lundquist, Lukas Merten, Serguei Vorobiov, Margot Boughelilba, Anita Reimer, Paolo Da Vela, Fabrizio Tavecchio, Giacomo Bonnoli, Chiara Righi, 2021, published scientific conference contribution

Abstract: Recently, it has been shown that relatively low luminosity Fanaroff-Riley type 0 (FR-0) radio galaxies are a good candidate source class for a predominant fraction of cosmic rays (CR) accelerated to ultra-high energies (UHE, E>10[sup]18 eV). FR-0s can potentially provide a significant fraction of the UHECR energy density as they are much more numerous in the local universe than more energetic radio galaxies such as FR-1s or FR-2s (up to a factor of ∼5 with z≤0.05 compared to FR-1s). In the present work, UHECR mass composition and energy spectra at the FR-0 sources are estimated by fitting simulation results to the published Pierre Auger Observatory data. This fitting is done using a simulated isotropic sky distribution extrapolated from the measured FR-0 galaxy properties and propagating CRs in plausible extragalactic magnetic field configurations using the CRPropa3 framework. In addition, we present estimates of the fluxes of secondary photons and neutrinos created in UHECR interactions with cosmic photon backgrounds during CR propagation. With this approach, we aim to investigate the properties of the sources with the help of observational multi-messenger data.
Keywords: jetted active galaxies, FR-0 radiogalaxies, ultra-high energy cosmic rays, extragalactic magnetic fields, UHECR propagation, UHECR interactions, cosmogenic photons, cosmogenic neutrinos
Published in RUNG: 16.08.2021; Views: 2510; Downloads: 5
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