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Panther im Nebel
Peter Purg, 2014, artistic work

Abstract: Inspiriert von Nietzsche, Strauss, Rilke und .. Aufgenommen & geschnitten am 17.12. 2013 .. Musik: Richard Strauss, Don Quixote, OP. 35 Var VII.
Keywords: video, montaža, panter, Rilke, Nietzsche, Strauss, Kihot
Published in RUNG: 06.07.2016; Views: 4574; Downloads: 0

Narvika Bovcon, Vanja Mervič, Aleš Vaupotič, 2015, artistic work

Abstract: Žanr: umetniški video. Dimenzije: UHD (3840 × 2160 slikovnih točk, ležeče, 25 sličic/sek.). Trajanje: 5 min. 38 sek. Format: .s4ud (SAMSUNG UHD TV), neskončna zanka predvajanja 5 datotek. 2015. Produkcija: Univerza v Novi Gorici, projekt SUNGREEN. Videi so bili narejeni z elektronskim vrstičnim mikroskopom v Centru za raziskave materialov na Univerzi v Novi Gorici v okviru Evropskega projekta SUNGREEN. Operater mikroskopa in priprava vzorcev: doc. dr. Mattia Fanetti. Uporabljeni so bili vzorci materialov iz raziskav doc. dr. Saima Emina ter vzorci nanožic dr. Silvie Rubini in dr. Valentine Zannier (IOM-CNR, Laboratorij TASC). Avtorji projekta se zahvaljujejo prof. dr. Matjažu Valantu in rektorju Univerze v Novi Gorici prof. dr. Danilu Zavrtaniku.
Keywords: tehniška slika, novomedijska umetnost, UHD video, materiali, mikroskopija, vrstični elektronski mikroskop, SEM
Published in RUNG: 12.05.2016; Views: 6909; Downloads: 464
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An Artist Abroad : The influence of a change in surroundings on artistic creativity
Valerija Zabret, 2016, master's thesis

Abstract: The motivation for this thesis was author’s experience as a traveling artists and questioning how experiences abroad influenced her artistic evolution. Nowadays, in the years of globalization and cross-border collaborations, it has become very common for artists to make international connections in order to seek inspiration, funds, connections, exhibition spaces, platforms on which to show their work, studios, workshops, and to establish an international career. The idea of this thesis is to explore the phenomena of traveling artists through literature and analysis of the author’s personal experience and development as an artist in order to identify whether travel is a good practice that should be advised for emerging (or established) artists in order to evolve in their careers. This thesis, “The Influence of a Change in Surroundings on Artistic Creativity,” questions how traveling influences artists and their creativity. It offers a historically overview of the subject and presents contemporary ways and opportunities for artists to travel and work in international environments. In the second part of this thesis, the author presents poetical videos, the “An Artist Abroad – Video Poetry Series,” which were made during the research and through which the author expresses her feelings and observation of her new surroundings. Very personal and poetic work shows the progress and development in the author’s artistic practice, and it shows how new surroundings influenced her creative and production processes.
Keywords: art, artist, artist abroad, artist residency, traveling artist, mobility, surroundings, change, creativity, influence, production, culture, global, contemporary art, video, poetry, series
Published in RUNG: 25.02.2016; Views: 7378; Downloads: 166
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Šiška (p)osebno : Ozadje razvoja avtorskega dokumentarnega filma
Dino Schreilechner, 2015, undergraduate thesis

Abstract: Namen teoretičnega dela diplomske naloge je osvetliti ozadje razvoja praktičnega diplomskega projekta, kratkega dokumentarnega filma Šiška (p)osebno. Besedilo na naslednjih straneh je zato sestavljeno iz dveh sklopov: Prvi del je namenjen vzpostavitvi žanrskega in zgodovinskega konteksta, v katerem je nastajal diplomski film. V njem je strnjeno povzetih več kot 120 let razvoja dokumentarnega filma v - vse od prvih posnetkov resničnega dogajanja prek razvoja avtorskega izraza v tridesetih, medvojnega in povojnega obdobja do velikih sprememb in novih možnosti, ki jih prinaša digitalizacija. Posebna pozornost je namenjena kratkemu pregledu zgodovine slovenskega filma in predstavitvi najbolj uveljavljenega načina klasifikacije dokumentarnih filmov glede na način reprezentacije. Prvi del zaokrožuje kratek teoretski uvod v promocijo dokumentarnih filmov - področje, ki je še danes pogosto zapostavljeno. Drugi del predstavlja podroben opis nastajanja avtorskega dokumentarnega projekta - od ideje in okoliščin, ki so pripeljale do izbire teme prek obširnih raziskav, strukturiranja zgodbe in priprave scenarija. Iskreno so predstavljene vse težave, s katerimi se avtor srečuje pri produkciji, torej snemanju filma, in izzive, ki jih novincu na tem področju postavlja postprodukcija - torej montaža posnetega gradiva v smiselno celoto ter dodatna obdelava slike in zvoka, ki bistveno prispevata k kakovosti končnega izdelka. Besedilo se zaključi s pregledom najbolj kritičnih točk v praktičnega projekta ter razmislekom o možnih izboljšavah in nadgradnji projekta.
Keywords: dokumentarni film, produkcija, video, film, dokumentaristika, zgodovina, Ljubljana, Šiška 
Published in RUNG: 24.09.2015; Views: 7328; Downloads: 288
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Vloga režiserja v video instalaciji : diplomsko delo
Valérie Wolf Gang, 2013, undergraduate thesis

Keywords: diplomske naloge, video instalacije, video umetnost, videast, videoumetnik
Published in RUNG: 19.02.2015; Views: 6575; Downloads: 430
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Video-integrirani mediji : Srečo Dragan
Aleš Vaupotič, Narvika Bovcon, 2002, artistic work

Keywords: video, instalacija, novi mediji
Published in RUNG: 22.01.2015; Views: 8687; Downloads: 58
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2014, other educational material

Keywords: novi mediji, splet, učno gradivo, video
Published in RUNG: 22.01.2015; Views: 6014; Downloads: 25
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SCANRAIN performance-lecture (4-channel integrated video version)
Peter Purg, 2014, artistic work

Keywords: video, instalacija, novi mediji
Published in RUNG: 22.01.2015; Views: 8360; Downloads: 23
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The absence of Neptun
Peter Purg, 2013, artistic work

Keywords: video, instalacija, intermedijski, prostorsko-specifičen, novi mediji
Published in RUNG: 25.04.2014; Views: 8942; Downloads: 32
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Videoscanning (in) an art school community
Peter Purg, 2012, published scientific conference contribution abstract

Keywords: video, kurikulum, skupnost, samorefleksija
Published in RUNG: 15.10.2013; Views: 7611; Downloads: 41
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