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Kako financirati umetniški izdelek z uporabo socialnih omrežij
Anja Zadnik, 2019, undergraduate thesis

Abstract: V svojem diplomskem delu raziskujem, kaj je potrebno za to, da bi umetnik z uporabo socialnih omrežij lahko financiral svoj umetniški izdelek. Ugotavljam, da so to znanje trženja, uporabe ideje in zgodbe, ki se prodaja, ter poznavanje omrežij, ki jih umetnik uporablja za učinkovito oglaševanje in prodajo. Koncept »revni umetnik« lahko v sodobnem času končno zavržemo, saj je v svetu toliko dosegljivega znanja, s katerim si lahko prav vsak umetnik pomaga, da s pomočjo svojih sledilcev ali patronov vsak zadani projekt na koncu tudi finančno podpre. V pisnem delu si ogledamo tudi zgodovino patronstva in kako se je razvilo vse do današnje točke, vrste socialnih omrežij, ki jih ima umetnik danes na voljo ter uspešne primere.
Keywords: animacija, umetnost, patronstvo, financiranje, socialna omrežja, instagram, youtube, kickstarter, patreon
Published in RUNG: 25.11.2019; Views: 4275; Downloads: 154
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Localization, ligand environment, bioavailability and toxicity of mercury in Boletus spp. and Scutiger pes-caprae mushrooms
Anja Kavčič, Klemen Mikuš, Marta Debeljak, Johannes Teun van Elteren, Iztok Arčon, Alojz Kodre, Peter Kump, Andreas-Germanos Karydas, Alessandro Migliori, Mateusz Czyzycki, Katarina Vogel-Mikuš, 2019, original scientific article

Abstract: This study provides information on mercury (Hg) localization, speciation and ligand environment in edible mushrooms: Boletus edulis, B. aereus and Scutiger pes-caprae collected at non-polluted and Hg polluted sites, by LA-ICP-MS, SR-μ-XRF and Hg L3-edge XANES and EXAFS. Mushrooms (especially young ones) collected at Hg polluted sites can contain more than 100 μg Hg g−1 of dry mass. Imaging of the element distribution shows that Hg accumulates mainly in the spore-forming part (hymenium) of the cap. Removal of hymenium before consumption can eliminate more than 50% of accumulated Hg. Mercury is mainly coordinated to di-thiols (43–82%), followed by di-selenols (13–35%) and tetra-thiols (12–20%). Mercury bioavailability, as determined by feeding the mushrooms to Spanish slugs (known metal bioindicators owing to accumulation of metals in their digestive gland), ranged from 4% (S. pes-caprae) to 30% (B. aereus), and decreased with increasing selenium (Se) levels in the mushrooms. Elevated Hg levels in mushrooms fed to the slugs induced toxic effects, but these effects were counteracted with increasing Se concentrations in the mushrooms, pointing to a protective role of Se against Hg toxicity through HgSe complexation. Nevertheless, consumption of the studied mushroom species from Hg polluted sites should be avoided.
Keywords: edible mushrooms, HgSe complex, imaging of elemental distribution, LA-ICP-MS, alpha-XRF, XAS
Published in RUNG: 24.10.2019; Views: 5124; Downloads: 0
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Odvisnost koncentracije nanodelcev v zunanjem zraku od stabilnosti atmosfere
Anja Petra Bencek, 2019, master's thesis

Abstract: Nanodelci v zraku škodljivo vplivajo na okolje in na človeka. Še posebej smo jim izpostavljeni v večjih mestih, kjer je njihov glavni izvor promet. Zato smo v zunanjem zraku v Ljubljani merili številčne koncentracije delcev (CN) velikosti 10 – 1083 nm z merilnikom 'Scanning Mobility Particle Sizer' proizvajalca Grimm Aerosol Technik, Nemčija, v vseh letnih časih v letu 2018. Delce smo razvrstili v dve skupini, PM0,1 in PM1,1, in spremljali njihovo odvisnost od stabilnosti atmosfere, ki smo jo določili na osnovi koncentracije radona (222Rn) v zraku. Pozimi in jeseni smo določili šest razredov stabilnosti (R1 – R6), spomladi in poleti pa pet (R1 – R5). Koncentracije delcev smo merili na Institutu "Jožef Stefan", podatke o gostoti prometa pa smo pridobili za Tržaško cesto, ki je oddaljena približno 200 m. Obdobja meritev so bila: (i) 30.12.2017 – 2.1.2018; 20. – 26.1.2018 pozimi, (ii) 12. – 18.4.2018 spomladi, (iii) 9. – 27.7.2018 poleti, in (iv) 5.9. – 6.11.2018 jeseni. Številčne koncentracije delcev so se običajno gibale v naslednjih območjih (v cm–3): (i) 2000 – 20000 PM0,1 in 1000 – 5000 PM1,1 pozimi, (ii) 5000 – 20000 PM0,1 in 1000 – 4000 PM1,1 spomladi, (iii) 1500 – 15000 PM0,1 in 1000 – 3000 PM1,1 poleti, in (iv) 5000 – 20000 PM0,1 in 3000 – 8000 PM1,1 jeseni. V splošnem je koncentracija PM0,1 višja za faktor 2 – 3 od koncentracije delcev PM1,1. Koncentracije delcev PM0,1 so odvisne predvsem od gostote prometa, med delovniki imamo dve izraziti konici, vezani na začetek in zaključek službe, med vikendi so koncentracije približno za polovico nižje. Skozi vse leto so njihove koncentracije v zunanjem zraku podobne, ker pa imajo krajši čas zadrževanja v ozračju, čez dan veliko bolj nihajo kot koncentracije PM1,1. Na koncentracije delcev PM1,1 vpliva promet v manjši meri, nekoliko višje koncentracije so pozimi, spomladi in jeseni, verjetno odraz kurilne sezone. Koncentracije delcev sledijo spremembam v stabilnosti atmosfere, praviloma se višajo z večanjem razreda stabilnosti. Najvišje koncentracije delcev PM1,1 so v razredu R6, to je v času dolgotrajne temperaturne inverzije. Koncentracije delcev PM0,1 se manj ujemajo z razredi stabilnosti.
Keywords: Nanodelec, PM1, 1 in PM0, 1, radon, stabilnost atmosfere, kontinuirna meritev, letni čas, Ljubljana
Published in RUNG: 14.10.2019; Views: 4990; Downloads: 146
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Efficient traffic regulation based on urban Black Carbon measurements and prediction model
Asta Gregorič, Luka Drinovec, Griša Močnik, Anja Barle, Matija Marolt, Jernej Henigman, Borut Šuštar, Mitja Ferlan, Andrej Pangeršič, 2018, published scientific conference contribution abstract

Keywords: air quality, black carbon
Published in RUNG: 29.10.2018; Views: 4241; Downloads: 0
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Ionomic and metabolomic changes in mercury and selenium exposed plants and animals by X - ray and FTIR spectrometry
Anja Kavčič, Petra Gregorič, Jože Grdadolnik, Iztok Arčon, Katarina Vogel-Mikuš, 2018, published scientific conference contribution abstract

Keywords: mercury, selenium, plants, animals
Published in RUNG: 12.09.2018; Views: 4511; Downloads: 0
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X-ray spectrometry in plant biology
Katarina Vogel-Mikuš, Iztok Arčon, Alojz Kodre, Anja Kavčič, Peter Kump, Primož Pelicon, 2018, published scientific conference contribution abstract (invited lecture)

Abstract: Trace elements are essential components of living systems, but at the same time they can be toxic at concentrations beyond those necessary for their biological functions. In addition, the toxicity can be extended to other non-essential elements of very similar atomic characteristics that can mimic the properties of a trace element. Trace element malnutrition affects more than half of the world’s population, while on the other hand industrialization, traffic and extensive use of fertilizers have resulted in exceedingly high concentrations of non-essential elements in food crops, posing risks to human health. In order to be able to develop and improve phyto-technologies that enable production of safe and quality food, knowledge on the basic mechanisms involved in trace and non-essential element uptake, transport, accumulation and ligand environment in plants is needed. Such studies are nowadays supported by highly sophisticated X-ray based techniques, such as synchrotron based X-ray fluorescence spectrometry, proton induced X-ray emission and X-ray absorption spectroscopy, enabling imaging of element distribution and determination of speciation and ligand environment of trace elements in biological tissues and cells with high spatial resolution and sensitivity. Selected case studies of metal distribution and speciation in selected model and crop plants, achieved by interdisciplinary work, will be presented.
Keywords: X-ray spectrometry, plants, XANES, EXAFS
Published in RUNG: 12.09.2018; Views: 4055; Downloads: 0
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Cadmium associates with oxalate in calcium oxalate crystals and competes with calcium for translocation to stems in the cadmium bioindicator Gomphrena claussenii
Paula Pongrac, Tania Serra, Hiram Castillo Michel, Katarina Vogel-Mikuš, Iztok Arčon, Mitja Klemen, Boštjan Jencic, Anja Kavčič, Mina T. Villafort Carvalho, Mark G. M. Aarts, 2018, original scientific article

Abstract: Cadmium (Cd) was shown to co-localise with calcium (Ca) in oxalate crystals in the stems and leaves of Cd tolerant Gomphrena claussenii, but Cd binding remained unresolved. Using synchrotron radiation X-ray absorption near edge spectroscopy we demonstrate that in oxalate crystals of hydroponically grown G. claussenii the vast majority of Cd is bound to oxygen ligands in oxalate crystals (488%; Cd–O–C coordination) and the remaining Cd is bound to sulphur ligands (Cd–S–C coordination). Cadmium binding to oxalate does not depend on the amount of Ca supplied or from which organs the crystals originate (stems and mature leaves). By contrast, roots contain no oxalate crystals and therein Cd is bound predominantly by S ligands. The potential to remove Cd by extraction of Cd-rich oxalate crystals from plant material should be tested in phytoextraction or phytomining strategies.
Keywords: Cd XANES, Cd oxalate, Gomphrena claussenii
Published in RUNG: 06.09.2018; Views: 3868; Downloads: 0
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Slovenska vina: hit ali mit?
Anja Ferjančič Hlača, Katja Šuklje, Silvan Peršolja, radio or television event

Keywords: vino, martinovanje
Published in RUNG: 03.04.2018; Views: 4798; Downloads: 160
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