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Kako se duševne motnje prikazujejo v animacijah studiev Disney in Pixar
Katarina Brglez, 2023, undergraduate thesis

Abstract: Čeprav se ne zavedamo, so duševne motnje zelo pogosto prisotne v človekovem življenju; z njimi se morda soočamo sami ali naši bližnji, prav tako pa so velikokrat upodobljene tudi skozi like, ki jih srečujemo v umetnosti, filmih in celo animiranih filmih, ki so ustvarjeni za mlajše občinstvo. Diplomsko delo raziskuje pojav duševnih motenj, prisotnih v Disneyjevih in Pixarjevih animiranih filmih. Bolj natančno preiskuje animirane like in kako njihovo vedenje, govor ter telesna govorica prikazujejo različne znake in simptome duševnih motenj. Prvi del diplomskega dela se posveča klasifikaciji in razlagi posameznih duševnih motenj. Namen je bralcu predstaviti in obrazložiti pojme, simptome in bolezni, da mu bo lažje razumljiv drugi del diplomskega dela ter da razume obseg duševnih motenj. Temu sledi analiza likov iz animiranih filmov Vrvež v moji glavi (Inside out, 2015), Iskanje malega Nema (Finding Nemo, 2003), Alica v čudežni deželi (Alice in Wonderland, 1951), Mnoge dogodivščine medvedka Puja (The Many Adventures of Winnie the Pooh, 1977), Ledeno kraljestvo (Frozen, 2013), Mala morska deklica (The Little Mermaid, 1989), Sneguljčica in sedem palčkov (Snow White and the Seven dwarfs, 1937) in Zlatolaska (Tangled, 2010). Praktični del diplomskega dela Pustite mi dihati je 2D-računalniška animacija, ki se posveča občutkom in počutju osebe z duševnimi motnjami. Skozi abstraktno animacijo si lahko gledalec sam razlaga pomen ter občutke depresije in tesnobe.
Keywords: duševne motnje, Disney, Pixar, animacija, 2D-animacija, 3D-animacija, depresija, tesnoba, manija, amnezija, motnje, shizofrenija, depersonalizacija, hiperaktivnost, avtizem, narcisizem, bipolarnost.
Published in RUNG: 23.03.2023; Views: 1737; Downloads: 75
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Use of color in animation : diploma thesis
Maja Grčki, 2022, undergraduate thesis

Abstract: Color is a powerful tool that helps us set the mood, however, its importance is often left unnoticed while watching any form of media (movies, photography, commercials, books, etc.). Both art theory and human psychology show evidence that color and lighting have a large impact on the perception of the viewer which is why this thesis will focus on exploring what impact color and correct lighting of a scene have on people's minds and how it can be used in animation to convey the correct emotions and enhance the viewer’s experience. Throughout this thesis we will cover topics related to color theory, light and how animation studios work on their films in terms of color and lighting. Each chapter will help understand and learn about different uses of color, such as color psychology and symbolism of colors, color scripts, and lighting, and in the end, a case study to conclude everything mentioned before. To do so, this thesis will take a look at Pixar and Disney and their movies such as Coco (Pixar, 2017), Tangled (Walt Disney, 2010) and Finding Nemo (Pixar, 2003) as well as different color theory studies. We will also use the example of the practical part of the diploma work, animated music video Crystal Clear, to see how the colors were used and what the thought process behind it was.
Keywords: Color, Animation, Mood, Psychology, Light, Pixar, Disney, ColorScript
Published in RUNG: 22.02.2022; Views: 3225; Downloads: 144
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