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Prilagoditev dajalnika zasuka zahtevam stranke
Matevž Gros, 2023, undergraduate thesis

Abstract: Dajalniki položaja so senzorji, ki se uporabljajo za meritev translatornega premika ali za meritev zasuka ter posledično tudi hitrosti merjenca. Imajo širok spekter uporabe, prevladuje pa vgradnja v različne robote. Stranke za svoje aplikacije občasno potrebujejo prilagojen dajalnik položaja. Poleg tega imajo zaradi različnih potreb željo po izdelavi lastne programske opreme za dajalnike premika ali zasuka. Namen diplomskega dela je prilagoditev dajalnika zasuka AksIM-2 zahtevam stranke in izdelava programske opreme, ki jo lahko stranka prilagodi po lastnih željah. Za zagotovitev pravilnega delovanja dajalnika zasuka smo izvedli teste točnosti in histereze. Programsko opremo smo zasnovali v programskem jeziku Python. Za prikaz delovanja programa smo izdelali demonstracijsko mesto, ki je sestavljeno iz koračnega elektromotorja in nosilca za bralno glavo MB080. Nosilec smo narisali v programski opremi Solidworks, izdelali tehniško risbo, 3D-natisnjen model in rezkan nastavek. Pristop, ki smo ga uporabili za spremembo dajalnika zasuka, bi lahko uporabili tudi v prihodnje, če bi imela kakšna stranka podobne želje. Program je zasnovan tako, da omogoča preprosto nadgrajevanje. Demonstracijsko mesto pa bi lahko bilo uporabljeno za predstavitvene videoposnetke kodirnika AksIM-2.
Keywords: dajalnik položaja, dajalnik zasuka, kodirnik, AksIM-2, točnost, histereza, Python, Solidworks
Published in RUNG: 22.09.2023; Views: 1685; Downloads: 25
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Amina Uglješa, 2023, master's thesis

Abstract: Hydrogen is playing an important role in many sectors of modern economy (green vehicles, energy conversion and storage in electrical grids, processing industry). Solid oxide electrolysis cell (SOEC) is an emerging technology for the production of hydrogen from steam and electrical energy as well as for renewable energies storage. Unfortunately, operating at high current and electrical transients cause degradation that leads to premature end of life. A remedy is to implement a hardware module capable to perform online condition monitoring and optimization of SOEC systems resulting in improved overall performance and extended lifetime. That is expected to significantly expand their deployment on the market. However, very little has been done so far. The H2020 project REACTT seems to be one of the first attempts to build an embedded system for monitoring, diagnosis, prognostics, and control (MDPC) for SOEC system. The underlying master's thesis contributes to the REACTT project in the segment related to the supervision of different modules of the MDPC system. The supervisor module is aimed to orchestrate the operation of various functional modules (agents) such as data acquisition, system optimization, diagnosis, prognostics, and mitigation. The thesis focuses on the design of the supervisor module and its implementation on a control platform based on Raspberry Pi 4. The main contributions of the thesis are twofold. First, the dynamic operation of the supervisor modelled by using the state transition diagram (STD). Second, the code for implementation of the supervisor on the target platform done in Python in a way that complies with the requirements imposed in the project.
Keywords: supervisor, module, agent, method, solid oxide electrolysis cell system, diagnosis, prognostics, real-time optimization, Python programming, state transition diagram
Published in RUNG: 20.06.2023; Views: 1618; Downloads: 25
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Gammapy – A prototype for the CTA science tools
Christoph Deil, Christopher Eckner, Gašper Kukec Mezek, Samo Stanič, Serguei Vorobiov, Lili Yang, Gabrijela Zaharijas, Danilo Zavrtanik, Marko Zavrtanik, 2017, published scientific conference contribution

Keywords: Gammapy, CTA, python package
Published in RUNG: 16.02.2018; Views: 3472; Downloads: 141
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Basics of information and communication technologies 2016/2017
Donatella Gubiani, 2017, other educational material

Keywords: flow chart, programming language, python
Published in RUNG: 11.07.2017; Views: 4714; Downloads: 0
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