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Title:Postavitev praktičnega izobraževanja za avtomatsko vodenje
Authors:ID Trojer, Dean (Author)
ID Kocijan, Juš (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
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MD5: DFC6C34E0742851F21D2D26903A3CF54
Work type:Undergraduate thesis
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:PTF - Faculty of Engineering and Management
Abstract:Diplomsko delo opisuje in predstavlja praktično izobraževanje na podlagi dostopnih modelnih naprav za poučevanje avtomatskega vodenja. V ta namen smo izoblikovali nekaj primerov vodenja, da lahko v praksi in na konkretnih primerih predstavimo postopke modeliranja in načrtovanja, do izvedb diagramov poteka in programiranja, ter končno preizkus delovanja naprav. Stremeli smo k nazornemu prikazovanju načrtovanja in uporabe vodenja ter izvedb programov, ki jih lahko uporabimo kot primere za poučevanje. Opisujemo šest različnih uporab modelnih naprav, ki jih uvrščamo v dva velika sklopa avtomatskega vodenja, to sta sekvenčno in zvezno vodenje procesov. Izoblikovani primeri iz vodenja nudijo podroben pogled v nekatere avtomatsko vodene procese in lahko pripomorejo k razumevanju računalniškega vodenja in digitalne simulacije. Mislimo, da so dobro oblikovani praktični primeri in možnost samostojnega dela s preizkusom rezultatov tisto, kar pri študentih vzbudi zanimanje za tekočo snov pri predavanjih in s tem bistveno prispeva k priljubljenosti študijskega predmeta, in ne nazadnje boljše razumevanje obdelane tematike.
Keywords:diplomske naloge, avtomatska regulacija, modeliranje
Place of publishing:Nova Gorica
Publisher:D. Trojer
Year of publishing:2006
Number of pages:X, 79, XXIII str.
PID:20.500.12556/RUNG-1276 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:537851 New window
Publication date in RUNG:15.10.2013
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Secondary language

Abstract:Development of hands-on-experiment based learning on the basis of accessible model devices for automatic control course is described in the thesis. Some control case studies were developed for this purpose, therefore the procedures of modelling and control design via implementation of flow charts and programming and finally performance test can be pursued in practice on concrete devices. Evident demonstration of control design and the implementation of control programmes which can be used for teaching were envisaged. Six different uses of test rigs which were classified in two big domains of automatic control (sequential and continuous control) are presentedin the thesis. Control case studies offer an insight into some automatic control processes and can contribute to the understanding of computer control and digital simulation. Well - designed practical case studies and the possibility of autonomous work with the possibility of results testing will increase students' interest in the lectured topic and will relevantly add to the popularity of the course and, last but not least, help with the comprehension of control theory.
