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Title:Intelektualci in institucije v slovenski zgodovini 17. stoletja : Intelektualna in kulturna zgodovina védnosti med protestantizmom in protireformacijo
Authors:ID Grdina, Igor (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
ID Koritnik, Andrej (Author)
Files:.pdf Andrej_Koritnik.pdf (1,74 MB)
MD5: D24A2BC5E7039D32A351A09E0F9DE299
Work type:Dissertation
Typology:2.08 - Doctoral Dissertation
Organization:FPŠ - Graduate School
Abstract:Disertacija želi razkriti in sintetično povezati v kompleksno historiografsko sliko zgodbo 17. stoletja, ki jo razume kot integralni del novega veka, zato je vpogled v 16. stoletje, ko so delovali protestanti (kot posebna forma intelektualcev), in v 18. stoletje, ko so se stare institucije umikale novim in je razsvetljenska filozofija preplavila intelektualne kroge kakor tudi ljudsko kulturo, nujen, da lahko razgrnemo socialno, kulturno in intelektualno zgodovino na Slovenskem v 17. stoletju. Tembolj zato, ker za tedanji čas še ne moremo govoriti o konceptu »nacionalnega«, ki se je povezal z ljudskimi jeziki – pri nas seveda s slovenščino, temveč o počasnem, toda »revolucionarnem« spreminjanju starih družbenih in kulturnih vzorcev, v katerih sta védnost in intelekt legitimno izhodišče za historiografsko, a vseeno interdisciplinarno analizo in sintezo obravnavanega časa. V luči spora med Descartesom in Vicom ter njunima nasprotnima umevanjema zgodovine bo treba premisliti tudi, kako so ideje iz zgodovinopisja vplivale na splošno zgodovino idej, ki se je »dogajala« tudi med Alpami in Jadranom, ter kakšno težo in vpliv imajo »predrazsvetljenski« časi, o katerih pravzaprav ne vemo veliko, na našo sodobnost. Prikazali bomo njeno raznotero, zapleteno podobo kot preplet vseh mogočih silnic – v šolstvu, državni upravi, v fevdalnih razmerjih, v verskih sporih, jezikovni ideologiji, v gospodarstvu in drugod –, skozi katere sledimo liku intelektualca, bodisi kot člana neke institucije védnosti ali pa »osamelca«.
Keywords:Intelektualec, institucija, védnost, zgodovina védnosti, 17. stoletje, intelektualna zgodovina, kulturna zgodovina, literarna zgodovina, protestantizem, protireformacija, katoliška obnova, znanstvena revolucija, univerze, osnovne šole, akademije
Place of publishing:Nova Gorica
Year of publishing:2016
PID:20.500.12556/RUNG-2544 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:4495099 New window
Publication date in RUNG:14.09.2016
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Secondary language

Title:Intellectuals and institutions in Slovene history of 17th century : Intellectual and cultural history of knowledge between protestantism and counterreformation
Abstract:The dissertation seeks to disclose and connect the complex historiographical story of the 17th century, which is seen as an integral part of the new era. To understand an intellectual history of the early modern period one has to analyse knowledge revolutions in the 16th century in the time of the Protestantism (as a special form of an intellectual movement), and the first half of the 18th century, when the old institutions were withdrawing and Enlightenment philosophy flooded intellectual circles as well as popular culture. For the early modern period one cannot discuss about the concept of "national", which has teamed up with the vernacular, but one can observe a slow, but "revolutionary" change: it can be seen how old social and cultural patterns became a starting point for important intellectual movements in the 17th century. In the light of the conflict between Réne Descartes and Giambattista Vico, and their respective opposing conceptions on a way history should be considered, it will also be presented in the dissertation how the idea of historiography had an impact on the general history of ideas. A complex historical image will be shown as a combination of all kinds of forces - in education, public administration, in feudal relationships in religious matters, language ideology, the economy and the rest - through which one can follow the character of an intellectual as a member of the institution of knowledge or an "outcast".
Keywords:intellectual, institution, knowledge, history of knowledge, 17th century, intellectual history, cultural history, literary history, protestantism, counter-reformation, scientific revolution, universities, elementary schooly, academies
