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Title:Portrait of light
Authors:ID Bizjak, Rajko (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
ID Pelos Spagno, Marco (Author)
Files:.pdf Marco_Pelos_Spagno.pdf (6,53 MB)
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Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:AU - School of Arts
Abstract:This work aims to research the basic structure of lighting in portraits in a controlled light situation. After providing a brief historical introduction to define where modern lighting comes from, I will describe and analyse the tools used to modify the light in a studio and the procedure to follow before a portrait session. I will present a series of images shot in a studio, and I will touch upon most possible basic lighting setups in a portrait session, from most simple ones to some more complex ones, describing the set of lights, the type of modifiers used, and the effects that the light can have on a viewer. My final aim is to build up a collection of light setups that can be helpful to anyone who wants to approach portrait photography and the studio workflow, not aiming to build a manual, but just providing a report on my personal research and study.
Keywords:portrait, light, studio, study, technique, photography, bw, model, modifiers, controloflight, history, paintings, art, exposure
Place of publishing:Nova Gorica
Year of publishing:2017
PID:20.500.12556/RUNG-3387-cd9eba94-7593-9ded-20e5-2da33e08053a New window
COBISS.SI-ID:4962555 New window
Publication date in RUNG:29.11.2017
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Secondary language

Title:Portret svetlobe
Abstract:Cilj moje diplomske naloge je raziskati strukturo osvetlitve v portretni fotografiji, kjer imamo možnost kontrole nad svetlobo. V nalogi obravnavam zgodovinski razvoj osvetlitve, tako da definiram, od kod moderna osvetlitev izhaja. Opisujem in analiziram orodja, ki so bila uporabljena za modifikacijo osvetlitve v studiu, in postopek, ki ga je treba izvesti pred začetkom portretne seje. Predstavljam serijo fotografij, posnetih v studiu, ki prikazujejo večino osnovnih osvetlitvenih postavitev, od najbolj enostavnih do bolj kompleksnih; obravnavam postavitev osvetlitve, vrste modifikatorjev in učinek, ki ga ima osvetlitev na gledalca. Moj cilj je sestaviti nabor svetlobnih postavitev, ki bodo v pomoč vsem, ki jih zanimata portretna fotografija in delo v studiu. V moji diplomski nalogi nisem poskušal izdelati priročnika, ampak samo poročati o svojih lastnih raziskavah in študiju.
Keywords:portret, svetloba, studio, študija, tehnika, fotografija, bw, model, modifikatorji, nadzorovanje, zgodovina, slike, umetnost, osvetlitev
