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Title:Obravnava črtic Ivana Cankarja v gimnaziji s pomočjo bralnomotivacijskih strategij
Authors:ID Pregelj, Barbara (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
ID Božič, Zoran (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
ID Cukjati, Ana (Author)
Files:.pdf RAZ_Cukjati_Ana_i2019.pdf (1,05 MB)
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:FH - Faculty of Humanities
Abstract:Magistrsko delo obravnava črtice Ivana Cankarja, ki so v učnem načrtu za slovenščino za splošne, klasične in strokovne gimnazije (Poznanovič Jezeršek in drugi, 2008) uvrščene med obveznoizbirna besedila, in njihove didaktizacije na podlagi bralnomotivacijskih strategij M. Sarto. V teoretičnem delu orišemo poglavja učnega načrta, vezana na pouk književnosti, predstavimo za gimnazijo obveznoizbirne Cankarjeve črtice, primerjamo njihovo sedanjo obravnavo v nekaterih srednješolskih učbenikih in berilih ter razložimo pomembnost učne motivacije za branje in učno uspešnost. Nazadnje je v teoretičnem delu predstavljena vsebina priročnika M. Sarto Strategije motiviranja za branje (2015) kot drugačna možnost didaktizacij Cankarjeve proze. V empiričnem delu razložimo problem obravnave Cankarjevih črtic v gimnazijah ter opišemo cilje in metodologijo naše raziskave, ki vključuje izdelavo didaktizacij Cankarjevih črtic s pomočjo bralnomotivacijskih strategij, preizkus ene od didaktizacij na gimnaziji, vzporedno z obravnavo na podlagi berila Branja 3 (Ambrož in drugi, 2002), in oceno izvedbe obeh ur, vprašalnik za učitelje in učiteljice slovenščine na gimnazijah o obravnavi Cankarjeve proze ter vprašalnik za dijake in dijakinje o razumevanju obravnavane črtice pred in po obravnavi s pomočjo bralnomotivacijske strategije in berila Branja 3. Magistrsko delo sklepa analiza rezultatov raziskave: dijaki in dijakinje so bili bolj motivirani pri obravnavi črtice na podlagi bralnomotivacijske strategije.
Keywords:gimnazija, črtice Ivana Cankarja, bralnomotivacijske strategije, motiviranje za branje, Montserrat Sarto
Place of publishing:Nova Gorica
Year of publishing:2019
PID:20.500.12556/RUNG-4433-f72dd58e-fab5-9a22-85a5-2fae52c10c15 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:5374203 New window
Publication date in RUNG:26.04.2019
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Secondary language

Title:Teaching and interpreting Ivan Cankar's sketches at grammar schools with the aid of reading motivation strategies
Abstract:The master's thesis deals with Ivan Cankar's sketches which are classified as compulsory elective texts in the Curriculum for Slovenian Language for General, Classical and Professional Grammar Schools (Poznanovič Jezeršek et al., 2008) and their didactization on the basis of the reading motivation strategies by M. Sarto. The theoretical part deals with the chapters in the curriculum related to teaching literature, presents compulsory elective Cankar's sketches, compares how they are interpreted in some grammar school textbooks and it explains the importance of learning motivation for reading and school success. Finally, in the theoretical part, the content of M. Sarto's handbook Strategije motiviranja za branje (2015) is presented as an alternative approach to didacticizing Cankar's prose. The empirical part explains the problem of teaching and interpreting Cankar's sketches at grammar schools and describes the objectives and methodology of the research, which includes the didactization of Cankar's sketches by means of reading motivation strategies, the testing of one of the didactizations at a grammar school in parallel with the interpretation of the same sketch on the basis of the textbook Branja 3 (Ambrož et al., 2002) followed by the implementation assessment of both lessons, a questionnaire for Slovenian grammar school teachers on the teaching and interpretation of Cankar's prose and a questionnaire for students to check the understanding of the interpreted sketch before and after being discussed by means of reading motivation strategies and the textbook Branja 3. The master's thesis concludes with the analysis of the research results: students were more motivated when the sketch was taught and interpreted on the basis of reading motivation strategies.
Keywords:grammar school, Ivan Cankar's sketches, reading motivation strategies, reading motivation, Montserrat Sarto
