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Authors:ID Petrič, Metka (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
ID Melinc, Teja (Author)
Files:.pdf Teja_Melinc.pdf (2,95 MB)
MD5: D2A2DEDB51D55464B9FAEB8FCE8F3815
Work type:Master's thesis
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:FZO - Faculty of Environmental Sciences
Abstract:Izvir Malenščica je pomemben vir oskrbe s pitno vodo za približno 21.000 prebivalcev v občinah Postojna in Pivka. Poleg izvira Unice je eden od dveh večjih kraških izvirov na južnem robu Planinskega kraškega polja v jugozahodni Sloveniji. Oba izvira se polnita iz kompleksnega kraškega sistema, za katerega je značilna izmenjava med površinskim in podzemnim tokom. Pri določanju značilnosti kraških izvirov smo uporabili metodo sledenja z naravnimi sledili, ki vključuje merjenje naravnih lastnosti vode, kot so pretok, temperatura, električna prevodnost in kemijska sestava vode v različnih točkah znotraj kraškega vodonosnega sistema in pri tem merimo spreminjanje teh parametrov s časom ob različnih hidroloških pogojih. Za preučevanje in obdelavo teme magistrske naloge smo imeli štiri skupine podatkov, ki smo jih predhodno zbrali in ustrezno obdelali. Prva skupina je zajemala podatke merjenja specifične električne prevodnosti v 30-minutnih intervalih v obeh izvirih ter ponikalnicah Pivka in Rak v njunem prispevnem zaledju za obdobje od 15. 10. 2016 do 4. 1. 2017, ko so hidrološke razmere variirale od nizke do visoke vodne gladine in nato spet v bolj suho obdobje konec leta 2016. Druga skupina je zajemala podatke občasnih osnovnih kemijskih analiz ter analiz kovin za izvir Malenščica za daljše obdobje, in sicer od 17. 4. 2007 do 10. 10. 2017. Tretja skupina podatkov predstavlja rezultate analize kemijskih in mikrobioloških podatkov v obeh izvirih in obeh ponikalnicah med vodnim valom za obdobje od 7. 9. 2017 do 3. 10. 2017. Četrti sklop podatkov pa spet zajema za vse štiri lokacije rezultate, pridobljene v sklopu izdelave magistrske naloge, z izvedbo podrobnega vzorčenja in kemijsko analizo vzorcev v času vodnega vala za obdobje od 10. 5. 2019 do 15. 5. 2019. Primerjava različnih skupin podatkov za štiri vzorčevalna mesta (Malenščica, Unica, Rak in Pivka) je omogočila boljše razumevanje odnosov med različnimi deli zaledja in spreminjanja njihovih deležev pri napajanju obeh izvirov ob različnih hidroloških razmerah. Na osnovi določitve časovnih zamikov med vrhovi in doli krivulj specifične električne prevodnosti smo tudi ocenili navidezne hitrosti toka podzemne vode med ponikalnicami in izviri. Na podlagi primerjave sprememb fizikalnih, kemijskih in mikrobioloških parametrov za različne padavinske in hidrološke razmere izvirov in vodnih tokov v njunem zaledju smo lahko sklepali o značilnostih pretakanja podzemne vode v obravnavanem kraškem vodonosniku.
Keywords:Naravna sledila, kras, Planinsko polje, vodni vir, fizikalni in kemijski parametri, mikrobiološki parametri.
Place of publishing:Nova Gorica
Year of publishing:2019
PID:20.500.12556/RUNG-5048 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:5484027 New window
Publication date in RUNG:25.11.2019
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Secondary language

Title:Use of natural traces for determining the characteristics of karst springs on the edge of Planinsko Polje (South West of Slovenia).
Abstract:The Malenščica spring is an important source of drinking water for approximately 21,000 inhabitants in the municipalities of Postojna and Pivka. In addition to the Unica spring, the Malenščica spring is one of two major karst springs on the southern edge of the Planina karst polje in the southwest of Slovenia. Both springs are recharged by a complex karst system, characterized by an exchange between surface and underground flow. In determining the characteristics of karst springs, we used a method of tracing with natural traces, which includes measuring the natural properties of water such as flow rate, temperature, electrical conductivity and chemical composition of water at different points within the karst aquifer, and measure these changes over time at different hydrological conditions. There were four sets of data that were previously collected and properly processed to study and process the topic of the master's thesis. The first group includes data on the measurement of electrical conductivity at 30-minute intervals at both springs and sinking streams Pivka and Rak in their recharge area in the period from October 15, 2016 to January 4, 2017 when hydrological conditions varied from low to high water levels and then again to a drier period at the end of year 2016. The second group includes data from periodic basic chemical analysis and analysis of metals for the Malenščica spring for a longer period, from April 17, 2007 to Octoober 10, 2017. The third group of data presents the results of chemical and microbiological analysis in both springs and sinking streams during the flood wave in the period from September 7, 2017 to October 3, 2017. The fourth set of data, collected from all four locations, gathered the results which were obtained during the preparation of the master's thesis, to perform detailed sampling and chemical analysis during the flood wave for the period between May 10, 2019 and May 15, 2019. Comparison of different data sets for the four sampling points (Malenščica, Unica, Rak and Pivka) enables a better understanding of the relationships between different parts of the recharge area and of changing their proportions when recharging both springs under different hydrological conditions. Based on the determination of the time delays between the peaks (maximums) or troughs (minimums) of the electrical conductivity curves, we also estimated the apparent groundwater flow rates between sinking streams and springs. Based on the comparison of changes in physical, chemical and microbiological parameters for different precipitation and hydrological conditions of springs and water flows in their recharge area, we could infer about the characteristics of groundwater flow in the studied karst aquifer.
Keywords:Natural traces, karst, Planinsko polje, water source, physical and chemical parameters, microbiological parameters.
