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Title:Animirani spopadi : Nasilni prizori kot izrazno sredstvo v animiranem filmu
Authors:ID Fabjančič, Milanka (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
ID Saksida, Kolja (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
ID Kastelic, Dušan (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
ID Ternovec, Matija (Author)
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Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:AU - School of Arts
Abstract:Prikazovanje nasilja v umetnosti ni nov pojav. Že v prazgodovini so naši predhodniki v jamskih slikah prikazovali boje z živalmi. Z razvojem civilizacije pa so se razvijali tudi boji, bitke, vojne ipd. in posledično tudi njihovo prikazovanje. Vzporedno z razvojem človeštva in z razvojem tehnologije nas prikazovanje omenjene tematike spremlja vse do današnjih časov. Zato se tudi vsebina animiranih filmov ni izognila tej tematiki. Pričujoče diplomsko delo predstavlja svet nasilja in spopadov v animaciji. Narejena je primerjava med animacijama vzhodnega in zahodnega sveta ter njunih pristopov do spopadov in uporabe nove tehnologije. Predstavljena je animacija vzhodnega sveta, kjer prevladuje japonska animacija – anime. Na Zahodu pa na trgu prevladuje svetovno znana korporacija Disney in njihovemu načinu podoben stil animacije drugih podjetij. Izpostavljene so razlike med tema dvema stiloma animacije in pa tudi podobnosti. Del naloge se osredotoča na prikazovanje spopadov. Diplomsko delo vsebuje poglobljen vpogled v razvoj in uporabo sodobnih metod, kot sta 3D računalniška animacija ter zajem gibanja (motion tracking), in razloži, kako je njuna prisotnost pomagala pri spreminjanju načinov ustvarjanja spopadov. Zastavljeno je tudi vprašanje, zakaj gledalci uživajo v gledanju takih animacij, kaj je tisto, kar privlači, ter ali so take animacije primerne za otroke. Predstavljene so tudi ugotovitve o pravi »formuli« za spopad, kako pripraviti spopad in kateri so najpomembnejši elementi, ki jih je potrebno upoštevati, da bi spopad pritegnil gledalca. Na koncu je opisana še lastna izkušnja ob izdelovanju praktičnega dela, ki je kratek animiran spopad z naslovom Bitka za gozd. Poglavje nas popelje skozi celoten proces ustvarjanja praktičnega dela: od predprodukcije, v kateri sta bili ustvarjeni zgodba, zgodboris in likovna zasnova, do produkcije, v procesu katere je bila ustvarjena animacija. Celoten postopek se je zaključil s postprodukcijo, v kateri so se dodali efekti in se je animacija sestavila v končno obliko.
Keywords:animacija, spopad, animirani filmi, anime, nasilje, bitke
Place of publishing:Nova Gorica
Year of publishing:2022
PID:20.500.12556/RUNG-7454 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:113642243 New window
Publication date in RUNG:04.07.2022
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Secondary language

Abstract:Showing violence in art is not a new phenomenon. Already in prehistoric times, our predecessors depicted animal fights in cave paintings. With the development of civilization, fights, battles, wars, etc. also developed. Consequently, also their display. In parallel with the development of humanity and the development of technology, this topic is still popular to this day. As a result, the content of the animated cartoons is also familiar with this theme. This thesis presents the world of violence and conflict in cartoon animation. A comparison is made between the animation of the Eastern and Western worlds and their approach to show battles and the use of new technology. The animation of the Eastern world is presented, where Japanese animation predominates - anime. The market of Western part of the world is dominated by the world-famous Disney Corporation and other companies with similar animation style. Therefore, here are highlighted differences between these two styles of animation as well as the similarities. Part of the thesis focuses on depicting these conflicts. An in-depth look at the development and implementation of modern methods such as the 3D digital device and Motion Tracking explains how their presence has helped change the ways in which conflicts are created. The question is also asked why viewers enjoy watching such animations, what attracts them and whether such animations are suitable for children. Findings are also presented on the right »formula« for conflict, how to prepare for creating a battle, and what are the most important elements that need to be kept for making a battle attractive and how to make sure it looks good. At the end the experience of making a practical work WoodFall, which is a short animated battle, is described. The chapter takes you through the whole process of creating practical work. This includes everything from the pre-production in which the story, storyboard and character designs were created, to the production where the actual animation is created. The whole process is completed with a postproduction in which effects are added and the animation is put together to the final form.
Keywords:animation, battle, cartoons, anime, violence, conflict
