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Title:European Film Co-productions with a Focus on Southeastern Europe
Authors:ID Burger, Janez (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
ID Rutar, Jožko (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
ID Matić, Boris (Author)
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Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:AU - School of Arts
Abstract:In this master thesis I shall deal with European film co-productions with an emphasis on the functioning of this form of film production in 6 countries of Southeast Europe. Starting from defining the concept of co-productions and their types, short history, agreements that provide the legal framework for their establishment all the way to sources of funding from European public national and supranational funds, broadcasters and production incentive systems. In other words, in this thesis I explain how this joint production adventure works in Europe, as well as in the surrounding countries where I myself work as a film producer. The starting point of the paper is that the authors and producers hail from countries with low audiovisual capacity, and due to high film production prices and lack of funding sources in these countries, they are almost forced to turn to international co-productions for more ambitious film projects. Through the analysis and production study of Father, I speak about the application of the co-production model in filmmaking and the use of almost all types of available European sources of financial closure, which is a successful example of cooperation between producers and filmmakers and collaborators from several European countries. In the practical part of my master’s thesis, I briefly deal with the making of my short fiction film Thursday.
Keywords:film, production, co-production, southeast Europe, region, agreements, sources of funding, funds, national, supranational, budget
Place of publishing:Nova Gorica
Year of publishing:2022
PID:20.500.12556/RUNG-7569 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:119916547 New window
Publication date in RUNG:01.09.2022
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Secondary language

Title:Europske filmske koprodukcije s naglaskom na Jugoistočnu Europu
Abstract:U ovom radu u okviru njegovog teorijskog dijela bavim se europskim filmskim koprodukcijama s naglaskom na funkcioniranje tog oblika filmske proizvodnje u 6 zemalja Jugoistočne Europe. Počevši od definiranja pojma koprodukcija i njezinih vrsta, kratke povijesti, sporazuma koji su zakonski okviri za njihovo uspostavljanje sve do izvora financiranja iz europskih javnih nacionalnih i nadnacionalnih fondova, televizija i sustava produkcijskih poticaja. Odnosno kroz ovaj rad pojašnjavam kako ta zajednička proizvodna avantura funkcionira u Europi kao i u zemljama u okruženju u kojima i sam djelujem kao filmski producent. Polazišna ideja napisanog je da su autori i producenti zemalja s malim audiovizualnim kapacitetom, a zbog visokih cijena filmske proizvodnje i manjka izvora financiranja u tim zemljama, gotovo primorani za iole ambicioznije filmske projekte u potpunosti se okrenuti međunarodnim koprodukcijama. Kroz analizu i produkcijsku studiju filma Otac govorim o primjeni koprodukcijskog modela u stvaranju filma te korištenju gotovo svih vrsta dostupnih europskih izvora zatvaranja financijske konstrukcije što predstavlja uspješan primjer suradnje između producenata i filmskih autora i suradnika iz više europskih zemalja. U praktičnom dijelu magistarskog rada ukratko se bavim nastankom mog kratkog igranog filma Četvrtak.
Keywords:film, produkcija, koprodukcija, jugoistočna Europa, regija, sporazumi, izvori financiranja, fondovi, nacionalno, nadnacionalno, budget
