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Title:Digitalizacija in analiza pisem Vide Jeraj in Ljudmile Poljanec
Authors:ID Mihurko, Katja (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
ID Vončina, Lara (Author)
Files:.pdf Lara_Voncina.pdf (1,03 MB)
MD5: A01F0ECBA5854E6B59E173D060E351D8
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:FH - Faculty of Humanities
Abstract:V magistrski nalogi sem digitalizirala pisma dveh slovenskih pesnic Vide Jeraj in Ljudmile Polja-nec, ki sta reprezentativni avtorici slovenske moderne. Obe sta delovali predvsem pred prvo sve-tovno vojno. Vida Jeraj je bila prva slovenska lirična pesnica. Ljudmila Poljanec pa velja za prvo slovensko avtorico, ki v svojih pesmih upodablja tematiko lezbične ljubezni. Prvi del magistrske naloge sem začela s predstavitvijo obeh zgoraj omenjenih avtoric in nadaljevala s predstavitvijo njunih dopisovalk in dopisovalcev. Nato sem prepisala in analizirala njuna pisma. Digitalizirana pisma sem vstavila v elektronsko zbirko Pisma. Digitalizirana korespondenca bo omogočila na-tančnejše razumevanje avtoričinih ustvarjanj. V nadaljevanju sem s pomočjo ključnih besed dolo-čila tematike, ki se pojavljajo v njunih pismih in prišla do ugotovitve, da so največkrat prisotne naslednje tematike: Osebno razmerje in prijateljstvo, kultura in umetnost, literarna kritika, literarne revije, ženske revije, pesnjenje, Dunaj, izobraževanje, zdravje in potovanja. Pri Vidi Jeraj pa še starševstvo in podeželsko življenje. S pomočjo v pismih omenjenih oseb sem raziskala njuno soci-alno mrežo in dognala, da sta največkrat sodelovali in prijateljevali z osebami s področja kulturne-ga delovanja. S primerjanjem tematik, ki se pojavljajo v pismih Vide Jeraj in Ivana Cankarja sem prišla do ugotovitve, da se korespondenca avtorja in avtorice razlikuje. Na koncu sem raziskala še, ali se tematike v njunih pismih pojavljajo tudi v njunih pesmih in ugotovila, da se pojavljajo, in sicer najpogosteje: vreme, podeželsko življenje, religija in ljubezen.
Keywords:Digitalizacija, moderna, pisma, pesmi, Ljudmila Poljanec, Vida Jeraj
Place of publishing:Nova Gorica
Year of publishing:2023
PID:20.500.12556/RUNG-7919 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:145928963 New window
Publication date in RUNG:21.03.2023
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Secondary language

Title:Digitalisation and Analysis of Letters by Vida Jeraj and Ljudmila Poljanec
Abstract:In this master’s thesis, I digitalised letters by two Slovenian poets, Vida Jeraj and Ljudmila Pol-janec, who are representative female authors of Slovenian modernism. Both were active especially before the First World War. Vida Jeraj was the first Slovenian female lyrical poet, and Ljudmila Poljanec is considered the first Slovenian female author who portrayed lesbian love in their po-ems. The first part of the master’s thesis presents said authors and continues by presenting their correspondents. I first transcribed and analysed their letters. The letters, once digitalised, were added to the electronic database Pisma. On the basis of the digitalised correspondence, it will be easier to understand the authors’ work. Based on selected keywords, I was able to identify the topics that are discussed in their letters, determining that the most frequently present topics are the following: personal relationship and friendship, culture and art, literary criticism, literary mag-azines, women's magazines, poetry, Vienna, education, health and travelling. In addition, Vida Jeraj also discussed parenthood and life in the countryside. Focusing on the people mentioned in their letters, I was able to study their social network and conclude that, most frequently, they interacted and were friends with people in the field of cultural activities. By comparing the topics discussed in the letters by Vida Jeraj and Ivan Cankar, I concluded that the correspondence of each author differs from one another. In the end, I also studied whether the topics present in their letters also appear in their poems, concluding that they do, with the most frequent topics being the weather, life in the countryside, religion and love.
Keywords:digitalisation, modernism, letters, poems, Ljudmila Poljanec, Vida Jeraj
