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Title:Motivacija zaposlenih in njena povezanost z organizacijsko klimo : diplomsko delo
Authors:ID Kurdumanović, Marija (Author)
ID Dumančić, Tomica (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
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MD5: D3987C649069F4A6D0005E2A0BFB14F7
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:PTF - Faculty of Engineering and Management
Abstract:Motivacija zaposlenih ima ključno vlogo pri povečanju produktivnosti, zadovoljstva pri delu in splošnem uspehu organizacije. Tesno je povezana z organizacijsko klimo, ki se nanaša na delovno okolje, kulturo in prakse znotraj organizacije. Namen diplomskega dela je temeljito raziskati odnos med motivacijo zaposlenih in organizacijsko klimo ter izpostaviti ključne dejavnike in njihov vpliv na uspešnost organizacije. Za razumevanje odnosa med motivacijo zaposlenih in organizacijsko klimo je ključnega pomena vstop v ustrezne teoretične okvire. Eden od takih okvirjev je Maslowa hierarhija potreb, ki nakazuje, da posameznikovo motivacijo poganja izpolnjevanje različnih ravni potreb, vključno s fiziološkimi, varnostnimi, socialnimiter spoštovanje in samoaktualizacija. Z razumevanjem teh potreb lahko organizacije ustvarijo podporno klimo, ki spodbuja motivacijo zaposlenih. Organizacijska klima močno vpliva na motivacijo zaposlenih. Pozitivna klima, ki jo zaznamujejo zaupanje, odprti komunikacijski kanali in jasni cilji, povečuje motivacijo zaposlenih. Nasprotno pa lahko negativna klima, za katero so značilni pomanjkanje podpore, hierarhične strukture in omejene možnosti za rast, močno ovira motivacijo zaposlenih. Bistvenega pomena je, da organizacije prepoznajo te vplive in sprejmejo ukrepe za spodbujanje vzdušja, ki spodbuja motivacijo. V tem delu je bila izvedena raziskava o motivaciji zaposlenih in njeni povezanosti z organizacijsko klimo v podjetju, ki je želelo ostati anonimno. V raziskavi je sodelovalo 20 zaposlenih v raziskovalnem podjetju. Organizacijska kultura tega podjetja je dobra, motivacija pa močno vpliva na organizacijsko klimo.
Keywords:diplomske naloge, motivacija, organizacijska klima, zadovoljstvo zaposlenih, dimenzije organizacijske klime
Place of publishing:Nova Gorica
Place of performance:Nova Gorica
Publisher:M. Kurdumanović
Year of publishing:2024
Year of performance:2024
Number of pages:XI, 43 str.
PID:20.500.12556/RUNG-8667 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:187035139 New window
Publication date in RUNG:28.02.2024
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Secondary language

Title:Employee motivation and its connection to organisational climate
Abstract:Employee motivation plays a vital role in increasing productivity, job satisfaction and the overall success of an organization. It is closely related to organizational climate, which refers to the work environment, culture and practices within the organization. This essay aims to thoroughly explore the relationship between employee motivation and organizational climate, highlighting key factors and their impact on organizational performance. In order to understand the relationship between employee motivation and organizational climate, it is crucial to enter the relevant theoretical frameworks. One such framework is Maslow's hierarchy of needs, which suggests that individuals' motivation is driven by the fulfillment of various levels of needs including physiological, safety, social, esteem, and self-actualization. By understanding these needs, organizations can create a supportive climate that fosters employee motivation. Organizational climate greatly influences employee motivation. A positive climate, characterized by trust, open communication channels and clear goals, tends to increase motivation among employees. Conversely, a negative climate characterized by a lack of support, hierarchical structures, and limited opportunities for growth can significantly hinder employee motivation. It is vital for organizations to recognize these influences and take steps to foster a climate that promotes motivation. In this paper, research was conducted on employee motivation and its connection with the organizational climate in a company that wished to remain anonymous. 20 employees of the company under investigation participated in the research. The organizational culture of that company is good, while motivation greatly affects the organizational climate.
Keywords:motivation, organization, organizational climate, employee satisfaction, dimensions of organizational climate
