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Title:Nadzor kakovosti pri izdelavi delilnikov testa : magistrsko delo
Authors:ID Saksida, Primož (Author)
ID Arčon, Iztok (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
Files:.pdf Primoz_Saksida.pdf (3,64 MB)
MD5: 33A918932920B6756CF9336AF3954B12
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:PTF - Faculty of Engineering and Management
Abstract:Magistrsko delo obravnava stroj za deljenje testa iz stališča natančnosti deljenja testa. Shematsko so prikazani ključni elementi delilnega stroja, ki vplivajo na natančnost deljenja testa. Opisana je njihova primarna naloga v stroju. Shematsko je prikazano tudi delovanje samega stroja. Opravljene so bile dimenzijske meritve ključnih elementov na populaciji 15 strojev ter izvedena je bila analiza meritev. Dimenzijske meritve posameznih elementov smo izvedli na 3D koordinatnem merilnem sistemu z mikronsko natančnostjo. Analizirali smo tudi elemente, ki so bili že v uporabi v delilnih strojih, pri katerih so bila ugotovljena odstopanja od pričakovanih zahtev za natančnost delitev testa. Z namenom ugotovitve, kako določen element vpliva na natančnost delitve testa, je bil narejen preizkus delovanja stroja z novim, dimenzijsko dobrim elementom in za primerjavo z dimenzijsko slabim elementom. Kot rezultat teh analiz je sledila nadgradnja kontrolnih postopkov ključnih elementov stroja. V ta namen smo določene kontrolne postopke definirali na novo.
Keywords:kontrola kakovosti, delilniki testa, kontrolni postopki, dimenzijske meritve, strojni elementi, magistrske naloge
Publication status:Published
Publication version:Version of Record
Place of publishing:Nova Gorica
Place of performance:Nova Gorica
Publisher:P. Saksida
Year of publishing:2024
Year of performance:2024
Number of pages:XII, 69 str.
PID:20.500.12556/RUNG-8832 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:195474691 New window
Publication date in RUNG:15.05.2024
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Licensing start date:29.01.2024

Secondary language

Title:Quality control in the production of dough dividers
Abstract:The master's thesis deals with the dough divider machine from the point of view of dividing accuracy. The key elements of the dough divider machine, which affect the accuracy of dividing the dough, are shown schematically. Their primary function in the machine is described and the operation of the machine is presented schematically. Dimensional measurements of the key elements were carried out and analysed on a population of 15 machines. Dimensional measurements of individual elements were performed on a 3D coordinate measuring system with micron precision. We also measured and analyzed the elements that were already in use in dividing machines, where deviations from the expected requirements for the accuracy of dividing the dough were found. In order to find out how individual elements affect the accuracy of dough division, a test of the machine's performance was made with a new, dimensionally good element and, for comparison, with a dimensionally poor element. As a result of the dimensional analysis, the control procedures for the key elements of the machine were upgraded certain control procedures redefined.
Keywords:Quality control, dough divider machine, quality control procedures, dimensional measurements of machine elements.
