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Title:A sublexicon approach to the paradigm cell filling problem : lecture at the 5th American International Morphology Meeting, 29. 8. 2021, on-line
Authors:ID Tabachnick, Guy (Author)
Work type:Unknown
Typology:3.15 - Unpublished Conference Contribution
Organization:UNG - University of Nova Gorica
Abstract:How do learners figure out an inflected form of a word when they haven’t seen it before and a language allows for more than one option? In some cases, learners can make generalizations about a word’s phonological form (e.g. English verbs ending in [ɪŋ] like sting often have past tenses with [ʌŋ]). In others, as Ackerman et al. (2009) and Ackerman and Malouf (2013) show, knowing some of a word’s inflected forms often allows one to efficiently solve the Paradigm Cell Filling Problem—that is, predicting an additional form. They argue for a morphological model in which the paradigm is a fundamental unit of structure. I propose a model for how learners may use some forms of a word to predict others outside a paradigm-based formal system. In particular, I extend the sublexicon model (Gouskova et al., 2015; Becker and Gouskova, 2016), used for capturing phonological generalizations, to include dependencies between morphophonological behaviors. This can account for Hungarian possessive allomorphy, in which a noun’s choice of possessive suffix can be substantially, but not entirely, predicted both by its phonological characteristics and its membership in a certain morphological class.
Keywords:lexically specified allomorphy, rules of exponence, Paradigm Cell Filling Problem, sublexicons, morphological learning
Year of publishing:2001
PID:20.500.12556/RUNG-8916-b7db9515-359d-008e-2c7a-eceea04f2890 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:187547907 New window
Publication date in RUNG:04.03.2024
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Record is a part of a monograph

Title:American International Morphology Meeting (AIMM) 5
Place of publishing:Ohio State University
Year of publishing:2021
