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Title:Digital and social ICT in the interpretation of Cultural Heritage: a new paradigm for valorisation?
Authors:ID Russo, Antonio Paolo (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
ID Ciancimino, Guendalina (Author)
Files:.pdf Guendalina_Ciancimino.pdf (2,87 MB)
MD5: 0BDB7A8AAA65DF1F5DC19D87071B9F9F
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:FPŠ - Graduate School
Abstract:Today it is widely acknowledged by international institutions, national and local administrations, and the civic society at large, that the whole of Cultural Heritage (CH), in its tangible and intangible forms, is part of our individual and collective memory, a marker of cultural identity and at the same time a demonstration of social heterogeneity and complexity. This has led to a progressive recognition of the importance of not only protecting, but also valorising CH, through its promotion and the facilitation of its fruition. Benefiting from CH depends on what and how is done to promote it and also to create a competitive advantage for the ‘cultural economy’ which is based on its reproduction. Tourism is an industry which uses CH and to some extent achieves the objective of its valorisation, widening the market for its fruition and the significance of heritage for different ‘publics’, but only to the extent that it is sustainable in its widest sense. This sets a number of challenges regarding how the heritage is offered, explained, and made accessible to visitors. In this sense, the valorisation of CH is at the core of value generation in tourism, and the use of ICTs (Information and Communication Technologies) is the channel through which increasingly cultural resources are experienced in competitive and sustainable way. New ICT tools restructure the relationship between image and word, leading to new ways to imagine and interpret CH, and offer great potential for value creation in tourism whereby perception and visual processing are essential elements of communication and experience. Interpretation, which can be informative, inspirational and entertaining, spurs understanding and appreciation, and ultimately engages visitors in CH. Besides, online social networks have a central place in the shaping of experience of the contemporary visitor and offer potential for a smart marketing approach. This Master thesis aims to demonstrate that managing the flows of information through the new technologies may indeed enhance CH valorisation, and that the introduction of digital devices and virtual technologies should follow a visitor-centred approach. It also intends to acknowledge that the application of ICTs can have a significant return in terms of economic income, stimulating and generating a stronger understanding among cultural and public institutions and organizations. The first section of this work reviews the relationship between CH and its social dimension, presenting CH as a lever to enhance social and economic development; it presents ICT and their relation with cultural tourism, illustrating the ongoing transformation of visitors into active actors in the valorisation of CH. The second section presents two case studies of digital devices applied to CH valorisation in different contexts; the impacts of the two projects in relation to heritage itself, its users and the territory are carefully analised. The research represents a starting point for more work encased in contemporary studies on the management of CH, as well as in the developing area of digital interpretation, towards a more general development of a model of sustainable CH tourism.
Keywords:CH management, cultural tourism, ICT, interpretation, CH experience
Place of publishing:Nova Gorica
Year of publishing:2016
PID:20.500.12556/RUNG-2830-8c6b0607-fefd-4d6d-f192-e18e5db4bc1e New window
COBISS.SI-ID:4694779 New window
Publication date in RUNG:17.03.2017
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Secondary language

Title:Digitalna in socialna IKT pri interpretaciji kulturne dediščine: nova paradigma za valorizacijo?
Abstract:Danes je na splošno priznano, s strani mednarodnih institucij, nacionalnih in lokalnih uprav ter civilne družbe, da je celotna kulturna dediščina (KD) v svojih materialnih in nematerialnih oblikah, del našega individualnega in kolektivnega spomina, označevalec kulturne identitete in hkrati dokaz socialne heterogenosti in kompleksnosti. To je privedlo do postopnega priznavanja pomena ne samo v smislu zaščite, ampak tudi valorizacije KD, preko njene promocije in olajševanja njene polne uresničitve. Koristi od KD so odvisne od tega, kako in kaj je narejeno, da se spodbuja in tudi ustvarja konkurenčna prednost za “kulturno ekonomijo”, ki temelji na njeni reprodukciji. Turizem je industrija, ki uporablja KD in do neke mere dosega cilje njene valorizacije, z razširitvijo trga njenega doživljanja in tudi pomena dediščine za različno “javnost”, vendar le do te mere, da je trajnostna v najširšem pomenu besede. To postavlja številne izzive v zvezi s tem, kako se dediščina ponuja, kako je pojasnjena in dostopna obiskovalcem. V tem smislu, je valorizacija KD v osrčju ustvarjanja vrednot v turizmu, in uporaba IKT (informacijske in komunikacijske tehnologije) je kanal, preko katerega se kulturni viri vedno bolj doživljajo na konkurenčen in trajnostni način. Nova IKT orodja prestrukturirajo razmerje med podobo in besedo, kar vodi do novih načinov predstavljanja in interpretacije KD, in ponujajo velik potencial za ustvarjanje vrednot v turizmu, pri čemer sta zaznavanje in vizualna obdelava bistvena elementa komuniciranja in izkušenj. Interpretacija, ki je lahko informativna, inspirativna ali zabavna, vzbuja razumevanje in spoštovanje, in ne le sodelovanje obiskovalca KD. Poleg tega imajo družbena omrežja osrednje mesto pri oblikovanju izkušnje sodobnega obiskovalca in ponujajo možnosti za pameten marketinški pristop. Cilj magistrskega dela je dokazati, da upravljanje pretoka informacij s pomočjo novih tehnologij lahko dejansko poveča valorizacijo KD, in da bi morala uvedba digitalnih naprav in virtualnih tehnologij slediti obiskovalcem osredotočenem pristopu. Prav tako se želi dokazati, da ima lahko uporaba informacijskih in komunikacijskih tehnologij znaten vpliv na gospodarski dohodek, s spodbujanjem in ustvarjanjem močnejšega razumevanja med kulturnimi in javnimi ustanovami ter organizacijami. Prvi del magistrskega dela predstavlja pregled razmerja med KD in njeno družbeno razsežnostjo in KD kot vzvod za izboljšanje družbenega in gospodarskega razvoja; delo prav tako raziskuje povezavo med IKT in kulturnim turizmom, s prikazovanjem trenutnega preoblikovanja obiskovalcev v aktivne udeležence v valorizaciji KD. V drugem delu sta predstavljena dva študijskia primera digitalnih naprav, ki se uporabljata za valorizacijo KD v različnih kontekstih : opravljena je natančna analiza vpliva obeh projektov na samo dediščino, njenih uporabnikov in teritorija. Raziskava predstavlja izhodišče za širšo raziskavo v sodobnih študijih o upravljanju KD, kot tudi na podorčju razvoja digitalne interpretacije za bolj splošen razvoj modela trajnostnega KD turizma.
Keywords:upravljanje KD, kulturni turizem, informacijske in komunikacijske tehnologije, interpretacija, KD izkušnje
