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Coordinate structure constraint: a-/a'- movement vs. clitic movement
Franc Marušič, Rok Žaucer, 2017, original scientific article

Abstract: We discuss cases of apparent Coordinate Structure Constraint violations in Slovenian. We show that when two non-finite clauses are coordinated, clitics can front to the second position in the main clause from the first non-finite clause but not from the second, and an accusative argument can scramble to a position in the main clause from the first non-finite clause but not from the second. We argue that the apparent island violations result from post-syntactic movements and are thus not real island violations. Exhibiting typical properties of post-syntactic movements, clitic climbing and scrambling should thus be seen as PF-phenomena.
Keywords: coordinate structure constraint, clitic climbing, scrambling, island violations, non-finite complementation, Slovenian
Published in RUNG: 03.04.2018; Views: 4134; Downloads: 181
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Journal of Slavic Linguistics : glavni urednik revije
other performed works

Keywords: Slavic, linguistics
Published in RUNG: 17.01.2018; Views: 3041; Downloads: 0
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Formal description of Slavic languages 12.5, Nova Gorica, December 7-9, 2017 : book of abstracts
2017, other monographs and other completed works

Published in RUNG: 13.12.2017; Views: 3186; Downloads: 164
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Kaj nam usvajanje nejezikovnih prvin pove o ustroju jezika
Tjaša Popovič, Petra Mišmaš, Rok Žaucer, 2017, published scientific conference contribution abstract

Keywords: usvajanje, pridevniki, koncepti, kognicija, kartografija, skladnja
Published in RUNG: 16.10.2017; Views: 4300; Downloads: 0
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Teorija jezika skozi prizmo usvajanja nejezikovnih prvin – pilotna študija
Tjaša Popović, 2017, undergraduate thesis

Abstract: V središču diplomske naloge je možnost, da bi lahko temelje za univerzalno hierarhijo funkcijskih projekcij, ki jo opazujemo v jeziku, iskali v splošni kogniciji (Žaucer 2015). Če taki temelji obstajajo, lahko pričakujemo, da obstaja tudi povezava med vrstnim redom funkcijskih projekcij, v katerih se v samostalniški zvezi pojavljajo pridevniki, in vrstnim redom usvajanja konceptov, ki jih pridevniki v ustrezni funkcijski projekciji izražajo. Na podlagi preteklih raziskav (Radford 1996) pričakujemo, da bodo otroci koncepte, ki so v hierarhiji postavljeni nižje, usvojili prej in tiste, ki so višje, kasneje. V diplomskem delu so zato predstavljene kartografske raziskave, ki kažejo, da obstaja v samostalniški zvezi univerzalna hierarhija pridevnikov. Sledeč Scottu (2002)preverjamo, ali slovenščina potrjuje univerzalno hierarhijo, ki je bila predlagana predvsem na podlagi angleščine. Pri tem je posebna pozornost posvečena pridevnikom, ki poimenujejo velikost, obliko in barvo. Sklenemo, potrjujoč Scottove (2002) trditve, da si ti sledijo v zaporedju velikost → oblika → barva. V nadaljevanju so predstavljeni rezultati pilotne študije, s pomočjo katere smo pri otrocih preverjali razumevanje konceptov velikosti, oblike in barve. Na podlagi dobljenih rezultatov ne moremo sklepati o vrstnem redu usvajanja konceptov velikosti, oblike in barve, saj se je pokazalo, da so otroci, ki so nalogo razumeli, že usvojili vse tri raziskovane koncepte.
Keywords: Univerzalna hierarhija funkcijskih projekcij, pridevniki, samostalniška zveza, usvajanje jezika, koncepti, velikost, oblika, barva.
Published in RUNG: 25.05.2017; Views: 6191; Downloads: 283
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The Modal Cycle vs. Negation in Slovenian
Franc Marušič, Rok Žaucer, 2016, independent scientific component part or a chapter in a monograph

Abstract: One of the possible ways of expressing possibility in affirmative sentences in Slovenian is with a modal adverb that combines with a finite verb. Under negation, a modal auxiliary must be used instead of the modal adverb. The pattern with a modal adverb that combines with a finite verb is a peculiarity among other Slavic languages as well as European languages more generally (Hansen 2005, Olmen & Auwera, in press). Looking at diachronic data, which reveal an earlier stage without the modal adverb as well as a subsequent stage with cooccurrence of the modal adverb and the modal auxiliary, we propose that the change be analyzed in terms of the linguistic cycle (van Gelderen 2011), with the modal adverb originating as a reinforcer of the modal auxiliary and then grammaticalizing into a modal. The modal-adverb strategy could not generalize to contexts with sentential negation because of the hierarchical order of the relevant functional projections and the characteristics of the negative particle.
Keywords: Modal adverb, modal cycle, linguistic cycle, Slovenian
Published in RUNG: 12.12.2016; Views: 4626; Downloads: 0
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Formal Studies in Slovenian Syntax : In honor of Janez Orešnik
2016, scientific monograph

Abstract: Although in the early days of generative linguistics Slovenian was rarely called on in the development of theoretical models, the attention it gets has subsequently grown, so that by now it has contributed to generative linguistics a fair share of theoretically important data. With 13 chapters that all build on Slovenian data, this book sets a new milestone. The topics discussed in the volume range from Slovenian clitics, which are called on to shed new light on the intriguing Person-Case Constraint and to provide part of the evidence for a new generalization relating the presence of the definite article and Wackernagel clitics, to functional elements such as the future auxiliary and possibility modals, the latter of which are discussed also from the perspective of language change. Even within the relatively well-researched topics like wh-movement, new findings are presented, both in relation to the structure of the left periphery and to the syntax of relative clauses.
Keywords: Slovenian, Slavic syntax, syntax, Theoretical linguistics
Published in RUNG: 12.12.2016; Views: 4624; Downloads: 0
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Introduction with a State of the Art in Generative Slovenian Syntax
Franc Marušič, Rok Žaucer, 2016, independent scientific component part or a chapter in a monograph

Abstract: Although in the early days of generative linguistics Slovenian was rarely called on in the development of theoretical models, the attention it gets has subsequently grown, so that by now it has contributed to generative linguistics a fair share of theoretically important data. Some of the topics where Slovenian data played a prominent role include the feel-like construction, imperative embedding, closest conjunct agreement phenomena, double applicatives, etc. In this Introduction, we outline some of these topics to demonstrate how Slovenian has been brought to bear on issues in generative syntax, and then briefly introduce individual chapters, some of which touch on the above-mentioned topics and some of which address new topics where Slovenian data prove relevant for the study of a particular linguistic phenomenon, such as relativization, modality, and clitics.
Keywords: Generative linguistics, Slovenian, syntax
Published in RUNG: 12.12.2016; Views: 4475; Downloads: 0
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Svojilni pridevniki iz samostalnikov 2. moške sklanjatve
Ana Cukjati, 2016, undergraduate thesis

Abstract: V diplomski nalogi preverjam, katera končnica prevladuje pri svojilnih pridevnikih iz samostalnikov 2. moške sklanjatve v dejanski rabi. Glede na Slovensko slovnico (Toporišič 2000: 196) naj bi to bila končnica -ov-/-ev-, vendar se v rabi pojavlja tudi končnica -in-. V diplomski nalogi raziskujem svojilne pridevnike iz tistih samostalnikov 2. moške sklanjatve, ki jih kot primere podskupin te sklanjatve omenja Plesničarjeva (2012) – zanima me namreč, ali podskupine, ki jih omenja, vplivajo na izbiro končnice svojilnih pridevnikov. Le-te najprej preverjam v korpusu Gigafida, in sicer najprej v vseh korpusnih besedilih, nato pa samo v internetnih besedilih v Gigafidi. Izbiro končnice svojilnih pridevnikov iz samostalnikov 2. moške sklanjatve preverjam tudi s sestavljenim vprašalnikom, na katerega je odgovarjalo 50 ljudi. Korpusni rezultati kažejo, da pri svojilnih pridevnikih iz samostalnikov 2. moške sklanjatve večinoma prevladuje končnica -ov-/-ev-, podobno kažejo tudi rezultati vprašalnika, le da se tu končnica -in- relativno pojavlja večkrat. Rezultati celotne raziskave kažejo, da se končnica -in- večkrat pojavlja na samostalnikih 1. skupine 2. moške sklanjatve, kar posredno dodatno upravičuje postulacijo podskupin, ki jih odkriva Plesničarjeva (2012). Pri pridevnikih iz samostalnikov 1. skupine 2. moške sklanjatve torej prihaja do kar velikega razkoraka med rabo in normo, ki zapoveduje, naj imajo vsi samostalniki moškega spola svojilnopridevniško končnico -ov-/-ev- (Toporišič 2000: 196).
Keywords: 2. moška sklanjatev, svojilni pridevniki, oblikoslovje, korpus, vprašalnik.
Published in RUNG: 30.11.2016; Views: 8033; Downloads: 307
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Does Grammatical Structure Accelerate Number Word Learning? Evidence from Learners of Dual and Non-Dual Dialects of Slovenian
Franc Marušič, Rok Žaucer, Vesna Plesničar, Tina Razboršek, Jessica Sullivan, David Barner, 2016, original scientific article

Abstract: How does linguistic structure affect children’s acquisition of early number word meanings? Previous studies have tested this question by comparing how children learning languages with different grammatical representations of number learn the meanings of labels for small numbers, like 1, 2, and 3. For example, children who acquire a language with singular-plural marking, like English, are faster to learn the word for 1 than children learning a language that lacks the singular-plural distinction, perhaps because the word for 1 is always used in singular contexts, highlighting its meaning. These studies are problematic, however, because reported differences in number word learning may be due to unmeasured cross-cultural differences rather than specific linguistic differences. To address this problem, we investigated number word learning in four groups of children from a single culture who spoke different dialects of the same language that differed chiefly with respect to how they grammatically mark number. We found that learning a dialect which features “dual” morphology (marking of pairs) accelerated children’s acquisition of the number word two relative to learning a “non-dual” dialect of the same language.
Keywords: števila, številke, slovnično število, dvojina, narečja, usvajanje, učenje, slovenščina, angleščina, numbers, grammatical number, dual, dialects, acquisition, learning, Slovenian, English
Published in RUNG: 10.08.2016; Views: 5193; Downloads: 245
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