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Exhaustification and contextual restriction
Tue Trinh, 2019, original scientific article

Keywords: implicatures, alternatives, exhaustification, salience, atomicity
Published in RUNG: 10.01.2025; Views: 342; Downloads: 5
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Logicality and the abstraction approach to natural language : lecture at Umass Amherst, Massachusetts, 6. 12. 2024
Tue Trinh, 2024, invited lecture at foreign university

Keywords: logicality, grammar, Wittgenstein, Husserl
Published in RUNG: 10.01.2025; Views: 310; Downloads: 0
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Speech acts in grammar : arguments from meta-questions
Tue Trinh, Danny Fox, Itai Bassi, 2024, unpublished conference contribution

Keywords: speech acts, questions, performatives
Published in RUNG: 10.01.2025; Views: 319; Downloads: 2
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Diễn ngôn gián tiếp tự do: Một dẫn luận ngắn : lecture at the Viện Văn học, 11. 12. 2023
Tue Trinh, 2023, invited lecture at foreign university

Keywords: free indirect discourse, literature, speech acts
Published in RUNG: 10.01.2025; Views: 271; Downloads: 0
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A binding-theoretic account of a typological divide : lecture at UNG, Jezik & Linguistics Colloquia talk, 12. 10. 2023
Tue Trinh, 2023, invited lecture at foreign university

Keywords: binding theory, speech acts, pronouns
Published in RUNG: 10.01.2025; Views: 281; Downloads: 2
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Alternatives of exceptives : lecture at the 16th Conference on Syntax, Phonology and Language Analysis (SinFonIJA 16), Brno, 23. 9. 2023
Tue Trinh, 2023, unpublished conference contribution

Keywords: exceptives, alternatives, exhaustification
Published in RUNG: 10.01.2025; Views: 332; Downloads: 2
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The adaptation of MAIN to Vietnamese
Tue Trinh, Giang Pham, Ben Phạm, Linh Pham, 2020, independent scientific component part or a chapter in a monograph

Abstract: This paper describes the revision of the Vietnamese version of the Multilingual Assessment Instrument for Narratives (LITMUS-MAIN). We first introduce the Vietnamese language and Vietnamese-speaking populations after which we describe the translation and adaptation process of the Vietnamese MAIN and present results from monolingual and bilingual children.
Keywords: MAIN, Vietnamese, monolingual, bilingual
Published in RUNG: 10.01.2025; Views: 272; Downloads: 4
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Biotechnological recycling and recovery of metals from secondary raw materials through biogenic synthesis of nanoparticles
Svetlin Toshev, Alexandre Loukanov, Saim Emin, Seilichiro Nakabayashi, 2021, original scientific article

Abstract: The waste electrical and electronic equipment (WEEE) is an important secondary source for renewable extraction of valuable metals and raw materials. The mineral biotechnologies are promising alternative to the current industrial chemical technologies for waste treatment, which are often accompanied with negative environmental impact. Here we report a systematic biotechnological strategy for recycling, recovering and extraction of metals from WEEE as biogenic formed nanoparticles. The process is based on two general steps – bioleaching (through autotrophic/heterotrophic bacteria), and extraction from the effluent as biosynthesised nanoscale materials. The obtained analytical data revealed that copper was bioleached in the form of nanoparticles, the efficiency being more than 90 %, which was the highest achieved value in comparison with the other metals. The recovered content of gold was less than 50 %, but the efforts for improvement of microbial leaching efficiency of Au are still in progress. The reported eco–friendly biotechnological approach enables proper implementation of new resource recovery–oriented recycling strategies with reduced risk of negative impact on nature.
Keywords: biotechnological recycling, secondary raw materials, nanoparticles
Published in RUNG: 10.01.2025; Views: 307; Downloads: 4
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Bipartite exhaustification : evidence from Vietnamese
Tue Trinh, 2020, published scientific conference contribution

Abstract: This short note presents an empirical puzzle: the Vietnamese counterpart of any has two morphological variants, only one of which, namely the more complex one, is acceptable under an existential modal. The note then discusses a theory of any whose explanation of the acceptability of any under existential modals requires exhaustification. The Vietnamese fact is then shown to follow from the theory under the assumption that exhaustification has a bipartite syntax. The note ends with some open questions for further research.
Keywords: NPI, exhaustification, Vietnamese
Published in RUNG: 10.01.2025; Views: 392; Downloads: 4
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