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Teaching women writers with NEWW Virtual Research Environment
Katja Mihurko, Narvika Bovcon, Marie Nedregotten Sørbø, Viola Parente-Čapková, Amelia Sanz, Suzan Van Dijk, Aleš Vaupotič, 2018, published scientific conference contribution abstract

Abstract: The underrepresentation of women in cultural historiography has challenged a number of feminist responses in the form of supplementary female canons since the 1970s. The DARIAH Working Group Women Writers in History ( takes this task a step further, and investigates historical sources until 1930 to find out whether female authors were read in the past. The objective of the DARIAH Working Group WWIH is: to carry out research about female authorship in history, the international reception of women’s writing and the connections between women authors. Evidence of readership, translations and commentary is contained in the digital repository NEWW VRE (Virtual Research Environment), which serves as a collaborative research tool for the above mentioned working group.
Keywords: digital humanities, literary history, women writers
Published in RUNG: 15.04.2019; Views: 4513; Downloads: 120
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Osebni glas v literarnih besedilih in pismih Zofke Kveder
Tjaša Bajc, 2019, master's thesis

Abstract: V svoji magistrski nalogi kronološko obravnavam zasebna, javna in odprta pisma ter prvoosebna literarna besedila prve slovenske poklicne pisateljice Zofke Kveder. V pismih in literarnih delih se osredinjam predvsem na prisotnost kategorije osebnega glasu. Z raziskavo, ki temelji na analizi tradicionalnih in modernih pripovednih postopkov, želim ugotoviti, v kolikšni meri je pripovedujoči jaz prisoten v besedilu in na kakšen način se skozi prvoosebno pripovedovalko razkriva tudi pisateljica sama. Hkrati posegam tudi na področje feministične literarne vede, saj izpostavljam upodabljanje ženskih likov in reprezentacije ženskosti, ki se razkrivajo kot psihogram nove ženske.
Keywords: osebni glas, pisma, prvoosebna pripovedovalka, naratologija, pripovedni postopki, Zofka Kveder
Published in RUNG: 20.02.2019; Views: 5250; Downloads: 165
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Reception of foreign women writers in the Slovenian literary system of the long 19th century
2017, scientific monograph

Abstract: The first chapter illustrates the extent of the perception of foreign women writers in the Slovenian ethnic territory. Many names and works of women writers were found in Slovenian periodicals and libraries. In addition to identifying intertextual connections, Tanja Badalič argues that interesting dynamics of literary perception were also a characteristic of Slovenian literature of that time. The second chapter is dedicated to research into the influence of the controversial writer Laura Marholm and the principal Slovenian modernist Zofka Kveder. Katja Mihurko Poniž concludes that the reception of Laura Marholm was as ambivalent as her book, which became evident in the analysis of the reception of another writer, Zofka Kveder herself. The third chapter illustrates the possibilities of visualisation of information from the virtual research environment VRE Women Writers. In their contribution, Aleš Vaupotič and Narvika Bovcon explain how students at the Faculty of Computer and Information Science, University of Ljubljana, designed different visualisations and thereby reflect the relation between a literary scholar, a graphic designer and a computer engineer. With the approach of distant reading we discovered many forgotten names; but a complete picture also required close reading, which revealed specifics of the reception that would have otherwise remained unclear.
Published in RUNG: 15.01.2019; Views: 3549; Downloads: 41
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Cankar in ženske
Katja Mihurko, Marija Stanonik, Ignacija J. Fridl, Meta Kušar, radio or television event

Keywords: Ivan Cankar, ženski liki
Published in RUNG: 08.01.2019; Views: 3860; Downloads: 0
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Narvika Bovcon, Gregor Kerševan, Matej Kočevar, Katja Mihurko, complete scientific database of research data

Abstract: Zbirka podatkov in fotografij Aleksandrinke je nastala v okviru projekta programske sheme “Projektno delo z negospodarskim in neprofitnim sektorjem – Študentski inovativni projekti za družbeno korist 2016–2018”. V interdisciplinarnem projektu so študenti in študentke ustvarili_e spletno stran s podatkovno zbirko o aleksandrinkah, vanjo so vpisali_e podatke o aleksandrinkah, ki jih je pridobilo Društvo za ohranjanje kulturne dediščine aleksandrink. Fotografirali_e so predmete, ki so pripadali aleksandrinkam, in digitalizirali_e del zbirke fotografij, ki jih hrani Društvo za ohranjanje kulturne dediščine aleksandrink.
Keywords: aleksandrinke
Published in RUNG: 08.01.2019; Views: 3855; Downloads: 0

Cankarjeva pisma Zofki Kveder
Katja Mihurko, radio or television event

Keywords: Ivan Cankar, Zofka Kveder, pisma
Published in RUNG: 21.12.2018; Views: 4514; Downloads: 0
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