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Osnove senzorike : predavanje na usposabljanju Izobraževanje o osnovah senzorike, mikrovinifikacije in kemijskih lastnosti vin, Vipava, Center za raziskave vina, 10. maj 2024
Marko Lesica, 2024, other performed works

Abstract: Strokovno usposabljanje partnerjev pilotnega projekta EIP DRES - Testiranje uporabe drenovih jagod pri proizvodnji sadnih vin in partnerjev pilotnega projekta EIP PA-HAS - Pilotna alkoholna pijača z uporabo haskap jagod. Usposabljanje je s področja osnov senzorične analize alkoholnih pijač
Keywords: cider, senzorična analiza, poskusne fermentacije, drenove jagode, haskap jagode
Published in RUNG: 09.08.2024; Views: 624; Downloads: 0
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Osnove kletarjenja s poudarkom na sadnih vinih : predavanje na usposabljanju Izobraževanje o osnovah kletarjenja s poudarkom na pridelavi sadnih vin, Vipava, Center za raziskave vina, 29. marec 2024
Marko Lesica, 2024, other performed works

Abstract: Strokovno usposabljanje partnerjev pilotnega projekta EIP DRES - Testiranje uporabe drenovih jagod pri proizvodnji sadnih vin in partnerjev pilotnega projekta EIP PA-HAS - Pilotna alkoholna pijača z uporabo haskap jagod. Usposabljanje je s področja osnov kletarjenja, s poudarkom na pridelavi sadnih vin.
Keywords: interaktivno učno gradivo, pridelava vina, posamezne faze pridelave, sveže belo vino
Published in RUNG: 08.08.2024; Views: 601; Downloads: 0
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Origins of fine structure in DNA melting curves
Arevik V. Asatryan, Albert S. Benight, Artem Badasyan, 2024, original scientific article

Abstract: With the help of the one-dimensional random Potts-like model, we study the origins of fine structures observed on differential melting profiles of double-stranded DNA. We theoretically assess the effects of sequence arrangement on DNA melting curves through the comparison of results for random, correlated, and block sequences. Our results re-confirm the smearing out of the fine structure with the increase in chain length for all types of sequence arrangements and suggest that the fine structure is a finite-size effect. We have found that the fine structures on melting curves of chains comprised of blocks with correlations in sequence are more persistent, probably because of increased sequence disorder the blocks introduce. Many natural DNAs show a well-expressed fine structure of melting profiles. Our results for block sequences may suggest the existence of such sequence motifs in natural DNA sequences.
Keywords: disordered systems, DNA melting, Potts model
Published in RUNG: 08.08.2024; Views: 714; Downloads: 3
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The polyelectrolyte with a disorder over short-range interactions
Yevgeni S. Mamasakhlisov, Artem Badasyan, V. Stepanyan, 2024, published scientific conference contribution abstract

Keywords: polyelectrolytes, short-range interactions
Published in RUNG: 08.08.2024; Views: 629; Downloads: 0

Promoting the use of open educational resources to improve teaching and learning of science subjects in secondary schools in Tanzania : master's thesis
Lucian Vumilia Ngeze, 2024, master's thesis

Abstract: A number of challenges have hindered the integration of Open Educational Resources (OERs) in schools from developing countries. The rate of adoption of OERs in teaching and learning in schools in Tanzania is low. This research focused on capacity of secondary school science teachers on creating and adapting open educational resources to improve the teaching and learning of science subjects. The research used a Design-based Research methodology to achieve research objectives. Results show that challenges such as lack of ICT devices, poor Internet connection, network accessibility issues, unstable power supply and large class sizes hindered the integration of OER in the teaching of science subjects. As teachers created OERs, they stated factors such as levels of the learners, developing engaging content, simple and self-explanatory content, alignment with learning objectives and relevancy of OER as initial considerations they considered when creating OERs. It was important to investigate the change in teachers’ attitude towards the use of OER in teaching science subjects OER creation ability, OER in teaching, teaching improvements, increased teaching resources, and application of skills. It was concluded that regular teacher professional development programmes must be set to support school teachers in using OERs to improve teaching and learning and in creating OER for teaching. Engaging with relevant government bodies is encouraged to ensure that more teachers are involved in such developed online courses.
Keywords: Open Educational Resources, OER in Teaching and Learning, Online Courses, Design Based Research
Published in RUNG: 02.08.2024; Views: 875; Downloads: 16
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Kongresnik John Blatnik v boju za državljanske pravice v ZDA
Milan Mrđenović, Matjaž Klemenčič, 2024, original scientific article

Abstract: Avtorja v prispevku obravnavata delovanje Johna Blatnika, ameriškega kongresnika slovenskega porekla v predstavniškem domu, med letoma 1963 in 1964, ko so sprejemali temeljni zakonski predlog o državljanskih pravicah, ki je odpravil formalno diskriminacijo temnopoltih Američanov. V prispevku je povzeta korespondenca med Blatnikom in volivci 8. kongresnega okraja v Minnesoti, kjer je živelo veliko slovenskih Američanov. Avtorja na kratko povzameta tudi zgodovino rasne diskriminacije v ZDA.
Keywords: zakon o državljanskih pravicah, predstavniški dom, peticija za odpoklic, odbor za poslovnik, obstrukcija
Published in RUNG: 01.08.2024; Views: 791; Downloads: 6
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Understanding the in-situ transformation of ▫$Cu_xO$▫ interlayers to increase the water splitting efficiency in NiO/n-Si photoanodes
Chao Feng, Zhi Liu, Huanxin Ju, Andraž Mavrič, Matjaž Valant, Jie Fu, Beibei Zhang, Yanbo Li, 2024, original scientific article

Abstract: The buried interface tens of nanometers beneath the solid-liquid junction is crucial for photocarrier extraction, influencing the overall efficiency of photoelectrochemical devices. Precise characterization of the interfacial properties is essential for device optimization but remains challenging. Here, we directly probe the in situ transformation of a CuxO interlayer at the NiO/n-Si interface by hard X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy. It is found that Cu(I) in the CuxO interlayer gradually transforms to Cu(II) with air exposure, forming an energetically more favorable interface and improving photoanode’s efficiency. Based on this finding, a reactive e-beam evaporation process is developed for the direct deposition of a CuO interlayer, achieving a half-cell solar-to-hydrogen efficiency of 4.56% for the optimized NiO/CuO/n-Si heterojunction photoanode. Our results highlight the importance of precision characterization of interfacial properties with advanced hard X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy in guiding the design of efficient solar water-splitting devices.
Keywords: photo anode, energy harvesting, nickel oxide, interface
Published in RUNG: 01.08.2024; Views: 852; Downloads: 8
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Another look at *numeral N-lAr : lecture at the Boğaziçi University, Department of Linguistics, Istanbul, Turkey, June 11th 2024
Elena Guerzoni, 2024, invited lecture at foreign university

Abstract: In this talk I will present work in progress that I am conducting in collaboration with Furkan Dikmen and Penka Stateva. In this study, we develop a novel account for the ban of Turkish -lAr with numerals. This view builds on the pragmatic theories of the interpretation of the plural as an anti-singularity inference (see Sauerland 2003, Spector 2007, and Sauerland 2008) and presents the following advantages over Martí (2020)’s and Scontras (2022)’s previous accounts: it preserves the “at least” interpretation of Turkish numerals and at the same time it predicts the lack of plurality inferences in DE contexts, first reported in Sağ 2019. Research funded by the ARIS project J6-3130- PI Prof. Artur Stefanov, University of Nova Gorica, Slovenia References Martí, L. 2020. Numerals and the theory of number. Semantics and Pragmatics 13. Sağ, Y. 2019. The Semantics of Number Marking: Reference to Kinds, Counting, and Optional Classifiers. Rutgers University Doctoral Dissertation. Sauerland, U. 2003. A new semantics for number. In Young, R. and Zhou, Y. (eds.) Proceedings of Semantics and Linguistic Theory (SALT) 13. Sauerland, U. 2008. Implicated presuppositions. In Steube, A. (ed.), The Discourse Potential of Underspecified Structures, Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter, 581-600. Scontras, G. 2022 On the semantics of number morphology, Linguistics and Philosophy 45.5. Spector, B. 2007. Aspects of the pragmatics of plural morphology: On higher-order implicatures. In Stateva, P. and Sauerland, U. (eds.) Presupposition and Implicature in Compositional Semantics.
Keywords: Turkish, Number Marking
Published in RUNG: 31.07.2024; Views: 716; Downloads: 3
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